The Consortium's Heir/C3 Love to be a Gigolo
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The Consortium's Heir/C3 Love to be a Gigolo
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C3 Love to be a Gigolo

“Miss, you’re too outrageous!”

Mia stared angrily at Margaret.

“Mia, it’s okay. Don’t mind her.”

Anson did not want to embarrass Margaret, so he stopped Mia.

Margaret go even angrier when she saw how high and mighty Anson was.

How dare he look down on me? He is just a nobody, a poor man!

“Who the hell do you think you are to ignore me? Does this woman know you pick up garbage for a living? Where do you get the nerve to show off in front of me? You want to impress her, right? No fucking way! I’ll expose your true face today!”

“That’s enough of you! Meg!”

Anson did not expect Margaret to be so ruthless to him. Were the understanding and kind Margaret he used to love fake?

“Girl, listen to me. This man is not only hypocritical and deceitful but also full of sweet talk. He has fooled many girls with that honest-looking face of his! I was once one of the girls he fooled. Fortunately, I found out the truth earlier and dumped him. Oh, one more thing. He even started stealing other people's things.”

“Stop slandering me, or you'll regret it.”

At first, Anson wanted to buy Margaret a new iPhone as a parting gift because he truly loved her and felt sorry for not being able to provide her with a good life.

There was no need for that now.

Margaret shot a cold glance at Anson and cursed inwardly.

Like I’m gonna fear you! You poor loser!

“I sincerely advise you, Miss, to stay away from this kind of man. You don’t want to get into trouble because of him, do you?”

Mia could sense that Anson still had some feelings for Margaret, so she adjusted her attitude and tried her best to suppress her anger and talk to her in a calm voice.

“Miss Burton, you must have some misunderstanding about Anson.”

“Mia, stop. This kind of woman is not worthy of talking to you. The only thing that matters to her is money. She is rotten to the rock. Talking to her is an insult to you.”

“You’re nothing better than me! You stupid asshole!”

Margaret was furious, wishing she could rush forward and tear his mouth.

Anson smiled indifferently as he held Mia in his arms.

“No matter how hard you try to sow discord between us, my Mia will always love me. No matter how poor I am, it won't diminish Mia's slightest love for me. I love being Mia’s gigolo! What can you do to me?"

The way to deal with the shameless is to be even more shameless.

“You piece of shit! You’re a shame to mankind! You're not a man at all!”

"Shouldn't you know better than anyone whether or not I'm a real man?" Anson gave a smirk and deliberately looked up and down at Margaret's body.

When Brook Collins heard this, he was unhappy. Didn't Margaret say that she was a virgin? He didn’t spend all this money and time to be with a non-virgin!

“You damn bitch lied to me! No hell I’m gonna fuck a used good!” Brook gave a hard slap across Margaret's face and left without any hesitation.

Margaret was stunned and stood motionless in place with a blank expression on her face.

However, Anson's heart suddenly ached. This was the woman that he had once wanted to take care of for the rest of his life, but just now, some asshole beat her!

Anson thought he felt nothing for Margaret anymore. But the truth was, he still cared, just a little.

“Hey! Aren’t you gonna chase after him? You may lose him, you know.” Anson wanted to give Margaret one last chance to see what she would choose.

Margaret came back to her senses and went after Brook.

Anson stared at Margaret's leaving back for a few seconds, looking lost.

“Master Edwards! Master Edwards! Are you alright?” Mia called his name several times before he snapped out of it.

“Why didn't you let me explain? I see that you quite like Miss Burton. If she knows your true identity, I believe she’ll come back to you.”

“You saw wrong. I didn’t like her!”

The look on Anson's face changed dramatically. “Thank you for your help back then. I’ll drink a toast to you!"

Mia raised her wine glass and looked into Anson's eyes, she gave a sweet smile. “Anything for you! Master Edwards! Cheers!”

After learning some basic situation of the family from Mia, Anson left.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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