The Consortium's Heir/C7 The Campus Belle Again
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The Consortium's Heir/C7 The Campus Belle Again
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C7 The Campus Belle Again

"Mr. Edwards, your classmates are waiting outside."

"Let them in," said Anson casually.

The manager looked a little hesitant.

"They refuse to come in until you pay the taxi fare.”

Anson was stunned for a few seconds, then stood up from the chair and followed the manager out.

The second Anson was out, he met countless angry eyes. He gave a cold chuckle and slowly walked over.

“Why are you guys standing at the gate? Come on inside.”

“Take out your wallet and pay for the car! It’s freezing out here!” yelled Otto at Anson.

“Aren’t you rich now? Can’t you afford this little money?” Myles put in.

“Anson, just pay the money and we can all enjoy the food. A few hundred bucks mean nothing to you.” persuaded Kieran.

Anson looked coldly at the bunch of greedy people, not saying a word.

“What the hell? Jeremy? Why is he buying? Are you fooling me?”

Athena angrily questioned Jeremy when she realized he wasn’t the one treating.

“Don’t get angry yet. That brat said he would treat us here for dinner. I figured you would enjoy the show of his lie being busted.”

“Okay, then. It better be a good show.” Athena believed Jeremy's words for now.

“Beg to differ, Kieran. It’s my money. I can spend it however I want. And I don’t feel like spending it on you.”

What Anson said made Kieran feel insulted. That jerk dares to disobey him!

The two sides were deadlocked.

Anson's attitude was very clear, he wouldn’t pay for them. The meaning of his classmates was also very clear, this money must be paid by Anson.

“Are you always this stingy with your friends? We were wrong about you!” questioned Jeremy righteously.

“Friends?” Anson laughed coldly. This gotta be the funniest thing he ever heard.

“So, why don’t you pay for the car fare? Don't you always show off how rich you are? Come on, show us your generosity.” retorted Anson.

All eyes turned to Jeremy with expectation.

That bastard actually drags him into the mire! No fucking way he would pay!

“Is this how you treat your friends?”

Anson returned Jeremy with the same words he said.

“He’ll pay.”

Athena gave Jeremy a push. She no longer could stand Anson being so arrogant.

Anson recognized her as the woman who slandered him for stealing a phone and got him to lose his job.

“I’m not a miser like you. Here, swipe my card.”

What Athena did make Jeremy have no choice but to pay the money. If he refused, he would only end up being despised by everyone.

Jeremy’s hand shook violently as he took out the wallet and he swore to himself that he would make Anson pay the price later.

“All right, the fare has been paid. Let’s go inside and eat!”

Jeremy couldn't wait to rip Anson off.

“Is she in our class?”

Anson stopped Athena from entering with a reached hand.

“No, she is from the art department,” Brianna said.

“She comes with me. Do you have a problem?” asked Jeremy angrily.

Athena, being stared at by Anson, actually felt a little afraid. Because his gaze was too sharp.

“My problem is that she can’t go in.”

“You are being outrageous, Anson. She is my date.”

“So what? She is not my classmate, nor is she my roommate’s girlfriend. Besides, I did not invite her."

Athena was so embarrassed that her face was boiling red. She cast Jeremy an angry stare.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You fucking idiot!” Otto was the first to curse.

"I don’t like her. It’s that simple.”

He no longer feared any of them now that he had returned to the family. With his current power and wealth, crushing them is as easy as crushing an ant.

“Stop acting like an asshole. This won’t end well for you.”

Kieran also took off his hypocritical facade and revealed his true colors.

Anson looked silently at the so-called good roommates in front of him. On the surface, they call him brothers, but behind his back, they are always thinking about ways to plot against him.

Anson knew how they truly thought of him. He just pretended not to know.

“Fuck you! You piece of shit! I have had enough of you!” Myles waved his fists, ready to pounce at Anson.

Kieran and Otto also rolled up their sleeves and prepared to gang up on Anson.

“Violence is not allowed! I’m calling the police!” The manager stood beside Anson, behind them were a dozen sturdy security guards.

Jeremy stopped Myles and the others and said to Anson. “We don’t want to fight with you, Anson. You let Athena in and I’ll split the fees with you. Deal?”

Anson chuckled. “Deal.”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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