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The moment she entered the room, the man threw her on the bed, then quickly took off his clothes and pressed them on her.

"En, no …"

Feeling the weight on her body, Su Luo wanted to push him away in a daze, but the kiss that followed made her moan uncontrollably.

The heat in her body caused her to twist uneasily, and she just happened to bump into him somewhere.

"Ugh …" The man sucked in a breath of cold air.

Quickly taking off her clothes, Su Luo's perfect figure was exposed to his eyes.

The man entered her like a wolf.

"Un, it hurts …" "

Su Luo felt as if she was being torn apart, and the pain made her tear up.

Looking at the blood that came out from his body, the man was stunned. She was actually still a virgin.

However, very good!

He liked clean women. Suddenly, he was in a good mood, so he stuck it out.

"Get out... You go out. "Su Luo pushed the man on her body. He really hurts."

"Be good, don't move. It'll only take a while." The man gently caressed her face as he wiped away his previous fury, slowing down his pace in her body.

However, that place was too tight. He really couldn't help but want her. However, when he saw her uncomfortable appearance, a trace of unwillingness flashed through his heart.

Therefore, he had no choice but to slow down. Gradually, he seemed to be able to sense the wetness coming from her.

The man laughed evilly and immediately increased his speed, moving in and out of her body, getting stronger and stronger each time.

Su Luo felt like she was in heaven. It didn't hurt anymore, but she wanted more. She could only let the man move up and down on her …

It was not over until midnight.

Su Luo didn't know how many times she had fainted and how many times he had entered her body.

She only knew that men never seemed to be enough. It was as if they never left her body, just continuously rushing forward.

This kind of wild pleasure pushed her into the clouds again and again.

An hour passed.

The man's speed was still as fast as a cheetah, but his speed was still increasing. She couldn't help but grab onto his shoulder …

Two hours later, the sky was just starting to brighten.

The man charged to the deepest part of his body and released his heat. He lowered his head in satisfaction at the sight of the young girl who had long fainted. Then, he fell into a deep sleep …

… ….

In the morning, when the sunlight shone in, Su Luo opened her eyes.

The first thing he saw was white furniture, white curtains …

An unfamiliar room!

Where is this place?

Su Luo was so frightened that she immediately sat up.

He was covered in kisses, clothes that were strewn all over the place, and …

Su Luo turned her head and saw someone lying beside her … Male... Man …


Su Luo's brain went blank for a moment as she stared at him with wide eyes.

She remembered that she had fallen out of love yesterday and had found her best friend to drink. After that, she had said that she wanted to find a place to break the relationship and had then randomly found a man to do so.

In her blurry memories, she had shamelessly barged into his embrace and even asked him how much it was … Then, she even slept him down …

Oh my god!

Su Luo covered her face with her hands. She was too embarrassed to meet anyone this time. She had a one-night stand with an unfamiliar man and was even so proactive.

The chastity that he had guarded for more than 20 years disappeared just like that?

Su Luo wanted to cry but had no tears. She stood up to get dressed, but just as she moved, waves of pain came from somewhere below her.

She cursed in a low voice. Thinking of last night's insanity, her face turned even redder.

Thinking that it would be more awkward for him to wake up, he quickly put on his clothes and left.

Before she left, Su Luo kept her respect for his profession and opened her purse, preparing to leave some money before leaving.

But there was only about a hundred dollars in cash.

Disgraceful! He had yet to bring cash when he went out to find a duck!

Su Luo despised herself once again.

He placed a hundred pieces on the table and quickly left …

In the afternoon, the man slowly woke up.

Recalling the madness he had experienced last night and the reckless behavior of that little girl, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up.

Reaching out, he prepared to pull her into his arms again.



The man sat up abruptly.

Where was he?

The clothes were gone.

There was only one hundred dollars on the table!

The man's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at it for a few seconds.

Then he picked up the money and angrily tore it into pieces.

Damn woman, she really treated him like a duck!

It was actually only a hundred!

He was only worth a hundred yuan!

Damn it, damn it!

The man's heart was greatly humiliated!

"Woman, you better not let me find you!" With a furious roar, the sound of something falling onto the floor came from within the room …

Then, a man picked up the phone: "Ji Yan, help me find someone …" "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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