A Night With A Mysterious Man/C7 Miaobao School of Education
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A Night With A Mysterious Man/C7 Miaobao School of Education
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C7 Miaobao School of Education

Su Luo was not in a hurry to find a job. With her title as a genius designer, it was likely that the top players in the domestic industry would all rush to invite her to work.

So after playing around for a week, I'm going to take him to the kindergarten to report.

In the morning, Su Luo was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen, "Zebao, wake up."

"No, Mommy hates it." Hearing the sound, Mengbao laid on the bed and did not move to protest.

"There's your favorite eel sandwich and a large glass of milk today. "Seeing her son's lazy bed, Su Luo did not forget to tempt him with delicacies.

Previously, she didn't touch the Yang Spring Water with her ten fingers. Ever since she had Mengbao, her culinary skills had also become excellent. She often made some very plain fruits and vegetables into very delicious dishes.

However, these few days, he had been playing too crazily and too tired. The temptation of food had no effect at all.

"No, I want to sleep." Mengbao turned over and went back to sleep.

"Darling, didn't you say you were going to school today? "If you don't wake up soon, you'll be late." Su Luo walked in helplessly.

"Mommy, hug." Mengbao stretched out his hand towards Su Luo as he acted like a spoiled child. It was obvious that he was still in a daze and looked especially cute.

"Ok, Wu Tie be good, Mommy will carry him," Su Luo hugged him on her lap, kissing him as she took out a small suit for Mengbao to wear.

Mengbao's expression was cute as he let Mommy kiss him.

After quickly packing up, he brought his son to eat breakfast.

A glass of milk, an egg, and a sandwich.

Only after Mengbao finished his breakfast did Su Luo lead her son out with satisfaction.

Just as Qin Sang was about to leave, she hastily left after saying her farewells.

He had visited several schools before and finally chose to go to an international private kindergarten. Although it was a bit far, the educational environment and resources were the best there.

Thankfully, although the tuition fees were very expensive, there were still savings in the past few years.

When his son was overseas, he had already attended the small and middle classes, so it wasn't difficult for him to attend school.

Furthermore, Mengbao's adaptability is extremely strong, so he is not afraid of living. I believe that in less than a day, he will become one with all the teachers and children.

Looking at the mother and son, the teachers were all sighing with emotion. After so long since the start of school, this was the first time they had seen such a cute and handsome child.

After begging the teacher, Su Luo squatted down to rub her son's little head and patiently said, "Zebao be good, Mummy is going to find a job today. You have to listen to the teacher too, okay? "After school, Mommy will come to pick you up."

"Mommy, don't worry. Zebao will be very obedient. Mommy, come on!" Mengbao looked at Su Luo with a look that said "don't worry about me."

Seeing her son being so sensible, Su Luo smiled in gratification.

But now, she had to hurry to apply for a job. The company she contacted previously agreed that it would be a 9 o'clock interview. Thinking of this, Su Luo immediately got into a car and drove towards Xinrui Corporation.

Xinrui Corporation!

He was a rising star in fashion design. In just a few years, he had grown from an obscure small company to a current international tycoon. However, it was said that it was because he had a large company running behind him that he was able to reach where he was today.

I've also heard that to be able to apply for this company requires not only ingenious design ideas, but also a well-known influence.

Su Luo had come back from abroad. Her professionalism and experience were incomparable to those in other countries.

The company was also introduced by friends.

Therefore, when the HR department learned that such a design genius was going to be interviewed, they immediately notified the vice president of the group, as well as the design director.

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