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What the fuck is wrong with you man?!". " how could you be so insensitive and stupid?". Ray

addresses Williams .

"You just lost a decent girl over some cheap hoe just because you couldn't keep your shit in one

place. "How the hell am I even friends with you?". "How could you do this to Claire?". " I thought

you loved her!". "I'm talking to you!".

"Answer me!". He bellows.

" I dunno man!". " I honestly dunno"!.

" I love Claire so much!". "Like..... Damn it!". " I honestly dunno what came over me. I dunno what

went wrong". " she came to Claire's office and seduced me. I was too weak that I fell for her stupid


" That's a good step in the right direction". Rays says to Williams.

"What's that supposed to mean bro?". Williams asks

"You acknowledging what you did wrong and admitting it, shows that you're repentant". He replies.

" what I'm I supposed to do now?"

"You shouldn't be asking me that you sonofabitch". "But I'll give you a few tips". " I think you should

go meet her, explain everything to her and apologize".

" but she said she's done with me and our relationship is over".

"Don't be stupid man! " she said all those things to you out of anger". " I believe if you grovel and

apologize , she'll take you back".

"I'm scared"! " what if she hates me now?" " what if she gets out of control and does something

nasty?"! " you saw what happened here!". He says indicating what she did to him minutes ago

before leaving. " what if she......

"Enough!" Ray stops him from going over a list full of what ifs. " you've gotta man up!", " okay?". " go see

her!". " talk to her, beg her!". Yunno you were in the wrong. So you need to grovel at her feet". " just

go!" " buy her flowers, chocolates or any of those things yunno she loves that'll melt her heart and

make her smile". " just do it and don't be a chicken for chris'sake!".


Claire is sitting on her sofa with a cushion in between her thighs. She's dressed in an oversized

pyjamas holding an half emty bucket of ice cream in her hands where she spoons layers after

layers of chocolate ice cream into her almost empty mouth.

She's sitting in front of her TV watching a show on netflick and chill when she sees a couple giving

each other the lovey dovey eyes , she drops her spoon and sobs loudly as she realizes that she

can't have that. Her heart breaks all over again when she remembers what happened. " that

motherfucking bastard!". "How could he do this to me?!" " Damn you Williams! For making me go

through this!". "I thought you felt the same way I did!". She sobs unto her pyjamas sleeves. " I've

been a fool all these while!".

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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