A Sisters' Tale/C4 The Older Sister
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A Sisters' Tale/C4 The Older Sister
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C4 The Older Sister

The next morning...

Appearing to be in somewhat of a daze; sixteen-year-old Patty Williams is languidly shuffling through the textbooks in her locker, as her two best friends … Kelly Liu and Samantha O'Hara … come up behind her. Kelly informs her...

“Hey, Pats; Sam and I were thinking … since it's only the first day of school … before things really get started; and, we become too busy with schoolwork … we should all go out for pizza after school. So … wanna come?”

“Can't...” Patty pulls out a couple of textbooks from her locker; and, shuts the door. “Katie's coming home today.”

“Ah; that's right … I totally forgot about that.”

Patty's displaying a stoical visage; so, it's difficult for Kelly and Samantha to read her mood. And, after a brief, uneasy lull; Kelly takes the initiative to pick up the conversation by asking...

“How long was she in the hospital, anyway?”

“It's been a little over two years.”

Not realizing that it had been that long; a stunned Samantha interjects...

“No way; Katie's been in the hospital for over two years … how sick is she?” She sheepishly inquires, “She isn't like dying; or, anything like that … is she?”

Kelly's immediately taken aback … then; quickly incited … and; sharply turns to, and rolls her eyes at Samantha...



Samantha instantly takes note of the demonstratively disapproving expression etched upon Kelly's face. She slowly turns back to Patty; and, meekly utters...

“Sorry, Pats … I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean to upset you.”

Seeing how sincerely apologetic Samantha's expression is; Patty smiles, and reassuringly rests her hand upon Samantha's shoulder...

“It's okay … don't worry about it, Sam. You didn't upset me, at all.”

Patty glances over at Kelly; and, shoots her over a smile, as well … then, removes her hand from Samantha's shoulder; and, goes on to explain...

“It wasn't that kind of hospital. It was one that works with kids with developmental disorders.”

A baffled expression quickly emerges upon Samantha's countenance...

“Developmental disorders?”

“Yeah … Katie's severely autistic.”

By the baffled expression still lingering on her face; Patty can tell that Samantha's still a bit bewildered. So; she further explains...

“With autism; a person's either desensitized or overly-sensitive to outer stimuli … or, in Katie's case; both … so; it's difficult for them to interact with people.”

Samantha slowly nods; while conveying an expression that she sort of understands what Patty means. So; Patty finishes up by informing them...

“Katie's condition has always been extreme; which is why my parents decided to send her to the hospital in the first place. She spends most of the time looking like she's stuck in her own world … totally unaware of her surroundings.”

With the undertone of their conversation becoming a bit too serious, in her opinion; Kelly wants to see if she could somehow lighten the mood a little. Luckily … as it so happens at the moment … Kelly is afforded that opportunity; and, she immediately shares her recent observation with Patty and Samantha, while chortling...

“Talk about being unaware of their surroundings.”

She points out Janitor Mumbai … a Kenyan immigrant in his early-thirties, who still speaks with a noticeable African dialect; despite having resided in the U.S. for a little over a decade … who's listening to his outdated Walkman radio; while dancing animatedly about as he sweeps the floor … occasionally twirling his broom around like a quarterstaff; while grunting out a “ha” or “ho” during each swing and thrust movement.

The girls walk to take a closer look … standing off to the side behind him … and amusingly watch Janitor Mumbai's moves.

Janitor Mumbai finally realizes he's being watched when he catches them out of the corner of his eye during one of his spins. He immediately pulls his headphones down around his neck, and bows...

“Ladies.” Then he stands upright. “How are you doing today?”

Patty smiles; as she replies, “We're good. How are you doing, Mr. Mumbai?”

He exudes a huge, amicable smile...

“Me? … I'm doing wonderful, Miss Patty. Thank you very much for asking.”

“You're welcome.” Then; after a brief pause. “So; just out of curiosity … if you don't mind me asking … what were you doing there? … It kinda of looked like you were fighting off something.”

“Ahh … I was.” He deftly swings his broom under his arms and around his shoulders a few times. “I'm fighting off the dirt and grime that plagues these hallways of our fair school.”

The girls exchange brief glances to one another while tittering. Then, Patty smiles at Janitor Mumbai...

“Well, I guess we should get going then; and, let you back to it. … I'm sure it isn't an easy task.”

Janitor Mumbai gives Patty another huge, amicable smile...

“No … that it isn't. But, I don't mind. I live to serve the kingdom. … Now; if you ladies will excuse me...”

Janitor Mumbai places the headphones back over his ears...

“It's back to the battle.” He bows. “Good day, ladies.”

Janitor Mumbai returns to 'battling' the filth; while the girls watch as he works his way down the hallway … and, once he's out of site; they look at each other and giggle. Then, they head off to class.

A few moments later...

The classroom's filled to its allowed capacity of students; and, with the exception of three male football players, the rest of the classroom is occupied by females … a majority of which have selected the course not so much for the subject itself … unlike Patty; who is genuinely interested in the course … but; because of the teacher.

Patty, Kelly, and Samantha are sitting next to each other towards the front of the classroom; as Kelly skims over the semester's syllabus, that was placed on every desk. She's about halfway through the list of recommended books to read for the class, when she looks up to Patty...

“Sure you don't want to come with us to the pizza parlor later … by the looks of the reading list; today may be the last time we have any free time to go out.”

Hearing that; Samantha immediately looks at her syllabus to skim over the reading list. A slightly vexed-looking expression suddenly emerges upon her countenance; as she excitedly quips...

“Whoa; there's a lot of books listed here! … I hope Mr. Wilcox isn't expecting us to read all of them.”

Patty hears one of her classmates chime in from behind them...

“God; I hope not … I hate reading.”

This unsolicited, unabashed admission instantly confounds Patty. She looks back at her classmate; while conveying a quizzical expression etched upon her countenance...

“Alexandra … this is called Literature Appreciation. If you don't like reading; why in the world would you sign up for it?”

As it so happens, at this moment; Mr. Wilcox … an athletically muscular, beau-hunk; clean shaven, with a short-cropped haircut; dressed in fashionable, business casual attire, and sporting stylish, wire-framed glasses … enters the classroom. In a nutshell … he appears to be a hybrid-model derived off of the covers of a Muscle and Fitness and GQ magazines...

“Good morning, everyone.”

As he starts emptying the contents of his briefcase onto his desk; Alexandra whispers aloud to the neighboring girls … particularly addressing Patty...

“Uh...duh … look at him. Mr. Wilcox is so hot!”

And; this is the real reason why most of his Literature Appreciation classes are filled to capacity every semester … usually teaming with pubescent, hormonal-driven, teenage girls.

Most of the girls in earshot of Alexandra's frivolous assessment of Mr. Wilcox coquettishly swoon in agreement … while Patty merely delivers a quick eye-roll; accompanied with a terse, 'whatever'-like huff.

Mr. Wilcox glances up and does a perfunctory scan of the room; when his attention suddenly becomes focused on the 'small encampment of the three lone wolves', huddled in the back of the classroom...

“I see we have a small delegation of a few members of our school's football team taking my class this semester. … I'm always glad to see young athletes taking an interest in academic courses; and, not just sports. Welcome; gentlemen.”

The 'leader of the pack' delivers a blatantly clear, blasé response...

“Coach's making us take this class. Says if we don't; we can't play this season.”

Mr. Wilcox slowly shakes his head...

“Oh, Mr. Jones … though I appreciate your frank honesty … I have to admit; I find it to be most disappointing.”

Mr. Wilcox steps out from behind his desk, and leans against the front of it. He then begins to emphatically address the class...

“Come on now, people; where's your enthusiasm? Think about it … books offer us the opportunity to travel to far off, exotic lands and places from the comfort of our own homes. … To go on incredible journeys. … To live vicariously through the lives of their characters. … To have great adventures.”

Patty remains attentively watching Mr. Wilcox … all the while displaying a look of deep interest and total agreement throughout his entire 'campaign' … as he concludes...

“And; isn't that what makes life so wonderful … and, worth living for? … Trust me, everyone; there's nothing in the world like being able to have a great adventure.”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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