
Chapter 71 - Chapter 71 - Premeditated

He went from an ally to an enemy!

This was not good for the Western Ling State!

"Do you think I didn't think of that?" Zhong Lixian sneered: Inform the people stationed at the riverbank to make Wei Yuanwei come ashore, and then disguise him as a villager who lives in a village next to the riverbank!

When he was making his plans, he had already considered the possible future changes. As long as there was a problem with the ring, he would immediately use a method to remedy it!

He had even calculated the time when Wei Yuanwei would board the fishing boat!

The fishing boat that Wei Yuanwei was riding should be reaching the riverbank soon.

There was an ancient farm by the riverbank.

This farm relied on raising cows to survive. Even if Yun Xie ordered his dogs to chase after the smell, the smell on Wei Yuanwei's body would be covered by cow dung.

Moreover, he had already arranged for a few people who had a similar scent as Wei Yuanwei to come out of the Duke Palaces together. After that, they would split up at the crossroads and head towards different places.

If Yun Xie chased after it with his dog, it would only increase the workload for him.

Inside the palace, Yun Xie's profound gaze was filled with the light of Yin Sting!

Two hours had passed, and he had gone from the two hundred men he had sent to the last two thousand.

But even Wei Yuanwei's shadow could not be found.

According to the last time he had seen Wei Yuanwei, he had brought a servant girl. She did not ride a horse, did not hire a carriage, and did not know how to use lightness techniques.

He had people search from house to house, but they didn't find anything.

In the end, the military camp sent out more dogs to hunt them down. When the dozen or so dogs had chased them to the crossroads, they each ran off in four different directions.

If Wei Yuanwei had only secretly escaped with her servant, perhaps he would not be this angry.

However, this was clearly something that Wei Yuanwei had planned for a long time, and there were even people who helped Wei Yuanwei escape.

Heh, he had actually underestimated Wei Yuanwei's ability!

felt that this was a kind of ridicule as he watched the fragrance of the imploring child, Guan Yin!

He thought Wei Yuanwei wanted to give him a child, but she used this as an excuse to go out and meet the person who helped him escape!

Wei Yuanwei, hello, you are really great!

It was no wonder that she had smelled a fragrance that he had never smelled before. He didn't pay much attention to it as most women smoked spices.

But who would have known that this was what Wei Yuanwei had prepared for her before escaping!

Even he still did not know who the person who helped Wei Yuanwei escape was!

Yun Xie smiled sinisterly, like a poppy Xun Lan's demonic smile blossomed on his lips.

Wei Yuanwei, you won't be able to escape from this king's grasp!

"Send Red Guards out!"

The Red Guards was a secret guard the Duke had trained for many years to find clues about the enemy. This secret guard had trained for many years, so his nose was far sharper than a normal human being's.

This Red Guards was used by the Prince for military purposes to track, follow and discover the traces of the enemy.

Few people knew of their existence!

But this time, the prince had actually dispatched these guards to search for the wangfei?

And it was even under the condition of Prince of Western Ling State!

Once they leave, there is a high chance that the Prince of Western Ling State will find out!

"Yes sir!" Even though Xuan Li wanted to say something, he swallowed it back in the end.

The prince was not an illogical person. He had his reasons for doing so, so it was naturally not his turn to interrupt!

"Miss, did the Prince find out?" When the fishing boat reached the riverbank, it stopped. Seeing the two men in black standing on the shore, Yin Sheng asked worriedly.

"We can't go any further. Evil King has already discovered us!" The man in black opened the curtain of the fishing boat as he spoke.

Wei Yuanwei's heart thumped, she never thought that Yun Xie would discover it so quickly. In order to let him discover it a bit later, she practically did not bring anything with her!

His usual clothes, hairpins and shoes were all neatly placed on the spot.

Even if someone found out that there was no one in the room, they wouldn't think too much about it just by looking at the furnishings and assuming that she had gone elsewhere.

After all, it was Yun Xie's wedding night, and no matter where it was, it was bustling with noise and excitement.

But she never thought that even under such a situation, Yun Xie still noticed her and quickly determined that she had escaped.

Maybe Yun Xie understood her even more than she did!

"Then where are we going now?" Wei Yuanwei's cold eyes shone brightly in the pitch-black air, like a wise lion, maintaining a clear mind at all times.

"Niu Gou Village, the Crown Prince said to temporarily hide there. The villagers there have already raised cattle for a living, and the cow dung can also cover your smell!" The shadow spoke calmly, as if everything was under the control of the crown prince.

When he arrived at Niu Gou Village, the sky was still dark. However, a white belly was faintly visible in the horizon. The sky would probably brighten completely in no time.

Originally, Wei Yuanwei would be able to leave the capital city before nightfall. However, now that she had stopped, he didn't know when she would be able to set off again.

They could only hide here and avoid Yun Xie's pursuit.

Wei Yuanwei and Yin Sheng changed into the old clothes that others were wearing to cover up the smell on their bodies.

"Rest assured, the Crown Prince has made up his mind. The village chief will take you to a house later. You can pretend that you are the daughter of that house!" After the black clothed man finished speaking, a middle-aged man dressed in a long robe walked in.

His sleepy eyes were half closed and the seams of his eyes were still locked together. He had not opened them yet!

It was as if he still hadn't woken up from his sleep.

The black clothed man spoke a few words with the village chief, the village chief nodded his head, and walked in front of Wei Yuanwei and Yin Sheng. After looking around, he said to the black clothed man: "Don't worry, I am the village chief, everyone in the village will listen to me, if anyone asks, as long as no one comes in, no one dares to say they do!"

With that said, he brought Wei Yuanwei and Yin Sheng to a household!

Wei Yuanwei did not know what kind of prestige the village chief had, so she only spoke a few words to the family and they brought Wei Yuanwei in.

"What about my maidservants?" Wei Yuanwei saw that this family only had two rooms, one for parents and one for a daughter. The bed could only fit one person.

"To another family!" The village chief spoke in his native tongue.

"No, I want to be with my young mistress!" Yin Sheng firmly opposed.

"Yin Sheng, you should follow the village chief. It's better to separate them!"

If Yun Xie really found her, then he wouldn't need to implicate her!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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