Archive No. 89/C6 accidental death
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Archive No. 89/C6 accidental death
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C6 accidental death

"Because —" I broke off. Did I have to tell him that the person who killed Chen Nuo was wearing a pair of high heels?

That Sun Tang would surely call me a lunatic. But I took the dream seriously, which surprised me.

"Because of what?" Sun Tang asked.

"Nothing." I bitterly smiled. "Send me to the office."

"Going to work?" Sun Tang said in shock: "I really can't tell, but you took the initiative to work overtime. But what's so good about your physical evidence warehouse working overtime? "

"Sigh, you don't need to worry about that." I laughed.

"You're not going to stick your nose into this again, are you?" Sun Tang asked.

"I'm just curious." I smiled. "But don't tell anyone about this."

Sun Tang laughed: "Don't worry, I'm too lazy to meddle."

After Sun Tang left me at the city police station, he drove away. I recalled the details in my dream and was still thinking of searching for Bai Qing. I don't really watch TV shows, so I don't know who Bai Qing is. However, no matter who she is, the police files would be able to find out all the details.

When I opened the door of physical evidence warehouse's office and entered, I found that What is it?] was actually in his office.

"Lao He? Why are you here? " I asked.

"Didn't you come as well?" What is it?] laughed: "I don't have anything to do at home, so I'm here to play Landlord."

"It's hard to come by a holiday, aren't you staying at home with your wife and children?" I asked.

"If I don't have a wife or children, who should I accompany?" The What is it?] laughed.

"No?" I asked in surprise.

"What's so strange about not having a wife." The What is it?] laughed, he then reached for the lighter on the table and lit up his cigarette.

I glanced at his hand and saw a slanted knife scar on the back of What is it?]'s hand. I couldn't help but be taken aback.

He originally thought that What is it?] was just a relative, and that some leader's relative had sent him some money. However, looking at the scar on his hand, it seemed that this man also had a story. He also wore long sleeves in the summer, which I hadn't noticed before.

"Why are you here?" What is it?] asked.

I thought for a bit, then suddenly remembered that the What is it?] was talking about all sorts of weird and mysterious things, so I asked: "Lao He, do you think there are any ghosts in this world?"

"Ghost? It's hard to say, but there are a lot of things in this world that don't make sense. " The What is it?] said.

"The fact that you could see the red marks on my leg means that you know something." I muttered to myself, "Lao He, is there anywhere in this world called Archive Number 89?"

"Archive 89?" What is it?]'s finger paused, he raised his head and glanced at me: "You've seen it before?"

"I've seen it in my dreams." I bitterly smiled. "Even though I knew that it was a dream, that dream was so realistic that I couldn't help but believe that the place really existed."

"In the folklore, there is indeed such a place." The What is it?] said, "Archive 89, proficiency in Yin and Yang is a measure of life and death. People who were fated to enter this place would search for information and information that they wanted to know about. But according to the importance of the information, you have to make a deal with Number 89, sign a contract, and contribute a portion of what you have. "

When I heard this, my heart immediately went cold. Could it be true?

"You didn't go to this place, did you? "That's not a good thing." The What is it?] said: "Anyway, that place will not be in the business of making a loss."

"Nor." I laughed, and felt chills down my spine even more, so I quickly turned on the computer to look up Bai Qing's information. After searching for a while, I finally found the photo of Bai Qing wearing those high heels.

Not just one, but a series. Looks like Bai Qing really likes these high heels, and she knows Bai Qing and she is her assistant, so it was all too coincidental.

Thinking about it here, I felt that Bai Qing was suspicious, but how do I investigate?

He couldn't possibly investigate a celebrity just by relying on a dream.

After thinking for a while, he still couldn't think of any good methods, so he stayed in the city's police station until evening.

When the lanterns were lit, What is it?] stretched his body and said: "Little Tang, since you're not going home, how about we go eat together? I ask you. I have nothing to do at home anyway. "

"Sure." I shook my dizzy head. "I'm tired too. Let's have a drink together."

After saying that, we locked the door and went out. The What is it?] brought me to the subway and arrived at a barbeque stall in the Red Bridge District.

It was late summer, still hot, and the barbecue stand was doing well. After searching for a long time, we finally found two seats, but we still had to fight with three men.

"It's best to eat barbecue and drink beer in the middle of summer." Lao He laughed, and glanced at the people at his table.

I also took a casual look at the three guys at the table. The three of them were not that old, and their clothes made them look like gangsters. Their hair was dyed in a mess, but their expressions were a bit dispirited.

It wasn't surprising that a lot of people liked to hang out all night long. But it didn't take me long to realize that these three people were a little strange. Because they didn't say a word to each other. Seeing the three of them dressed like the same person, they all looked quite unconventional. They should be familiar with each other, but when they sat at the table in a daze, it was as if they were frozen in place.

"Lao He, these three people are a little strange." I whispered into the What is it?]'s ear.

What is it?] looked at the three of them and laughed: "Yes, a little, but who cares about them, let's eat."

At that moment, a police car suddenly stopped at the side of the road. The lights flashed red.

Many people thought it was the Town Security, and they all looked towards the police car. But I found out it was a 110. As the window rolled down, a patrolman stuck his head out and shouted at our barbecue booth, "Boss, come and take twenty kebabs of mutton skewers. You've starved to death and still haven't eaten."

The young patrolman tossed a fifty-dollar bill to the boss.

The stall owner laughed, "Great, I've been waiting for you. I thought it was the Town Security, so I jumped a little."

There were many barbecue stalls on this road, so the police cars couldn't stop in front of the stalls. They wanted to drive forward to find a place to stop.

A red light flashed. The red light flashed on the faces of the three delinquent-like young men. Suddenly, a change appeared on their faces.

The three of them actually stood up and rushed to the police car to catch the red light.

One of them had climbed into the headlights and was tearing down the red light.

The two policemen in the car could no longer sit still. They immediately opened the door and shouted, "What's going on, are you drunk?! "Get down here!"

However, the three of them acted as if they couldn't hear anything and continued to remove the lights.

"Hey, I can see anything after living for so long." The two policemen rolled up their sleeves and went up to pull the three people down.

However, after they were pulled down, the three of them seemed to have gone insane as they lay on the ground twitching.

The two policemen panicked a little and quickly made an emergency call. What is it?] and I were not in the mood to eat, so we went up to help.

I saw the three of them roll their eyes, froth at the mouth, and tremble all over, with the same symptoms, as if they were indeed suffering from epilepsy.

What is it?] stepped forward and opened the eyes of the three of them. He could not help but frown: "If your pupils are all gone, you won't be able to live anymore."

"What?" I was surprised. Although the three of them were not in high spirits earlier, they were still alive. At the very least, they could climb up to the roof of a police car.

Sure enough, after What is it?] finished speaking, the three of them all swallowed their breaths.

This frightened everyone who was eating barbeque nearby. They no longer had the mood to eat and drink. The bold onlookers dispersed one by one.

The two policemen were also stunned.

If someone died, the ordinary patrolmen would not care. Thus, I called Criminal Police to inform her.

Just as the scene regained its previous calm, a group of people suddenly rushed over from afar.

The fat guy in the lead shouted, "What's going on? Who hurt my brother?"

This fatty was born with a loud voice, with a roar, What is it?] and I raised our heads and looked at them.

A fat man with multicolored hair walked out of the crowd in large strides.

This fatty was in his thirties. He was tall and stocky, and although he was fat, he wasn't ugly. His eyes were big and had a high nose bridge, and he had a lively look in them.

I glanced at his white T-shirt and the dragon tattoo on his arm and frowned. A dream on a white T-shirt. What a jumbled style.

"You came late, they were all taken to the hospital." The What is it?] said.

"Oh, isn't this Officer He?" That fatty walked forward and patted What is it?]'s shoulder: "I was nearby just now, and heard that something had happened to my brother, so I came to take a look."

"I'm afraid your brother is in trouble this time." The What is it?] sighed.

"What?" The fat man frowned, "These past two months have been devilish, more than a dozen deaths."

"More than ten people died?" Upon hearing this, I couldn't help but ask.

The fatty turned his head and looked at me, then asked the What is it?], "This is?"

"My colleague, Little Tang. We were just about to have a meal together when we got into this. " The What is it?] said.

Fatty shook my hand: "Good day Officer Tang, my name is Qian Dabao, you can call me Da Bao."

Or, the entire stock.

Hearing that many people had died, What is it?] became curious, and dragged Qian Dabao to the side to ask. Qian Dabao said that since two months ago, his underlings had experienced an unfathomable death. It was a rather strange death, and when people saw red things, they became very excited, like fighting a bull. After two of them saw a red light, they directly rushed to the crossroads, only to be crushed to death by a truck that didn't have enough time to stop on the other side.

There were also those who saw the red banner hanging on the construction site at night and directly climbed up to pull the banner with their bare hands. As a result, they fell and died.

What's more, there was actually someone chasing after a young man who was holding a red rose. In the end, that young man just so happened to be a practitioner. He didn't know the situation and thought that the person chasing after him was a robber.

In short, they died in all sorts of strange ways. However, the only thing that was similar to them was that they all went crazy the moment they saw something red. After struggling for a while, they all died.

After listening to this, I felt that this fat guy was bullshitting. What kind of logic was this?

However, the scene of the three of them pulling the police light was still fresh in my mind, causing me to hesitate and feel skeptical.

At this time, Qian Dabao scolded: "God damn it, the dozen or so dead brothers are all with me. After a few years of doing business, he had finally managed to have a few days of peace. Sigh, this is too strange! "

"With so many accidents at once, it's unlikely." The What is it?] said.

"No, I also feel that something is not right, but what can the police do? The police have been searching for a long time and come to my place every two or three days, but they still haven't found anything." The reason for that was because the previous few people had all died accidentally. Although the police say their deaths may have something to do with red, people aren't bull-fighters. How can they go crazy when they see red? Those people were of normal mental and physical health when they were alive. It was said that they didn't have any signs of being poisoned. There was no reason for them to die, nor was there any evidence to prove that their deaths were related to red. " Qian Dabao said: "Although I say cooperating with the police is a citizen's duty, but we proper merchants cannot afford to go through so much trouble. In the past few days, I have had fewer customers."

What is it?] smiled and did not speak.

Qian Dabao smiled mischievously as he moved closer to What is it?], "I say, Uncle He, you were so brave back then, and now you're stepping down to the second string? "Why don't you check out what's going on this time? I'll give you as much money as you want!"

When I heard that, I was stunned: Lao He was brave?

What is it?] shook his hands and said, "No way, I'll kill him now." With that, he suddenly turned to me, pointed at me, and smiled. "Big Treasure, this young man is one of the best seedlings in our police force. He's my nephew. If you want to investigate this, I'll ask him to help. But you can't hide anything from him. "

Qian Dabao looked at me and laughed: "Alright, then let Brother Tang help me!" After saying that, the fatty actually gave me a name card. He said that it was too late today and that I would contact him tomorrow morning. After saying this, he followed the few people he brought over to the hospital to visit the brothers who had suddenly died.

Only after the fatty left did I ask What is it?] what was this Qian Dabao doing?

"A hooligan starting up his family, big brother Jianghu." The What is it?] said: "In the early years of my life, I did some business that was on the same side of the law. You know, the first pot of gold for these people to start their businesses is not clean. It's a good thing that this kid is loyal and isn't a heartless person. Now that he's rich, he has switched to doing proper business. "

"What serious business?" I asked.

"Hey, open a shower center, KTV or something. He owns several bathing centers in the Tianjin Peace District. " What is it?] replied, "When I was still out in the field, this guy's subordinates had always been guilty of hurting people. I have seen them a few times."

"So it turns out that you, Lao He, weren't part of the logistics in the past." Surprised, I remembered the scar on his hand.

The What is it?] laughed: "I am old, but ambitious. I am in my late years as a martyr and I have a strong ambition. It is a pity that I can't do it anymore, I will have to rely on you youngsters."

"Just rely on me." I sighed. "Look at me being transferred to the physical evidence warehouse!"

What is it?] stared at me for a while and laughed: "Isn't this an opportunity? I feel that what Qian Dabao said just now was not something simple. If you can find out and report it to the police, maybe you can get it back. "

"Me? After I change my class, I don't have the authority to check this anymore, right? " "No," I said.

What is it?] laughed: "The rules are dead, but you are alive! However, this matter cannot be investigated publicly, so you have to do it privately. I dare say that even if the Municipal Bureau were to take part in the investigation, it would only result in an accidental death. "

"Why? With so many people dying in such an unimaginable manner, why is the city government so sure that there's an accident? " I asked, puzzled.

"Let me ask you, will you be hit by a car just because you saw a red light?" What is it?] asked.

"Of course not, I'm not stupid." I replied.

"Right, Qian Dabao's subordinates are not stupid, but does red light have anything to do with being hit by a car on the surface? Even if you do an autopsy, you might not be able to find out the real reason. Because modern science can only prove to be an accident. " The What is it?] said, and suddenly lowered his voice: "And I suggest that you investigate the 'special' cause."

"What did you say?" My eyes widened in surprise.

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