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C22 Friends

When she was kissing him all over, they started to make-out together, Tom stopped kissing her when he was feeling that there is not something right.

"What's wrong?" Kyra asks.

"It's just that... there is something is not right and you shouldn't do this to me, come on... you said you will going to request something simple that I need to come here also I don't like about what you're doing to me..." Tom frankly answered and she sighs disappointedly.

"Damn, I know you suppose you didn't complain anything, but I'm so kind for you Tom. I won't tell to Svenja that you're complaining about my second request and my second is you know to do this with you, come on now... we can do this, and please... let me do this..."

"I'm not trying to complain Kyra; Svenja didn't say I can't even say my own opinion so... I wanted to tell you, you're kind from inside and I don't even understand then... why you didn't even do something like tell to Svenja that we aren't supposed to be facing my consequences like this and that was so ridiculous...."

"Sorry for that, if you feel really bad about It, sorry... she told me to do that before I became one of her group since I love the moments when I was tripping Marinna, she tell me I can do whatever I want and now I should say I'm sometimes really kind and so charming but a bad girl too...."

"Kyra, I don't like to do this but right now I don't care if I will get expelled in the school and tell to Svenja I didn't even do this because I can't even take it anymore!..."

"Sorry but you have to do this or else you know you can still have these consequences if you don't do this to me..."

Tom tries to open the door but he didn't expect that Patrik was there, Patrick push him to go back in the room and close the door.

"Okay I know you wanted still to do this with me, I have to choice and I can't believe Patrik was outside right now, he was like the bodyguard of yours all the time..." Tom gets angry and Kyra laughs.

"He was our bodyguard in our group, sorry but he always loyal to me and to my friends either, now I think you need to do this, you will pay even more a difficult consequences like going to make you embarrassed and post something public in blog even better that I'm going to do it early morning..."

"But please, I'm not your type and I can't even do this... but I need to do other request that I can follow instead than this..."

"I can answer that it's a big NO, you should follow my request or else I will do something worse that you will get shamed of when you didn't even do this, like exposing Pia and Katja into something or else that I can expelled them in our school, I think that's better..."

"Please don't do something stupid. I think I don't have a choice but to do this...."

She smiles sarcastically. "That's right Tom, I'm glad you listen to me, if you did I promise they are still staying in this school and no embarrassments for them tomorrow... I mean no throwing slushy to them..."

Kyra was lying in the bed, but Tom had no choice and he comes in the bed to make out with her, at night Pia and Katja was cleaning the toilet bowl by using toothbrush and it was requested by Svenja and Nicola, they are just lying on the sofa.

"This is just irritating about their stupid request and now I hated it to do this but this is the most irritating ever! They are making the most stupid request than ever..." Pia feels bothered while cleaning and Katja sighs.

"Oh yes, I know right... the worst part we are cleaning the toilet bowl here, it's disgusting but the most disgusting that I tried to look to Nicola's super and so intimidating dirty nails but failing miserably..."

"I know you hated it, besides... I hated the most when you did for the stupid lame dance but don't worry I didn't want to blame you at all for this... and I can't believe we are doing this to clean the toilet bowl because I told you not to do your own dance moves but now... I am not complaining it anymore because we are already cleaning the toilet bowl...."

Nicola came and knocks to the door. "Oh hey, I'm calling on Katja! I have something request for you!"

Katja was going back in the living room, and she saw that her hands were very dirty.

"Eww... go wash your hands and that's very dirty.. And wash your hands first..." Nicola requested after she feels disgusted seeing it.

"Ugh... fine..." Katja said while annoyed

She goes back in the bathroom and while she was washing her hands and she remembers again about what she did to Nicola.

When she removes her shoes and her socks and they both saw that she her fingernails is dirty and her feet smells very bad.

Suddenly Nicola snapped her finger while waited for Katja to come, Katja realize she was daydreaming and turn the faucet off, she comes back in the living room and her hands was finally clean.

"Sorry, I almost daydreaming about something and you know... I get daydreaming when the time I am so tired, but what do you want now?" Katja asks and moans in annoyance.

"I wanted you to do something for me, this time... I wanted to do a massage while I'm lying here in the sofa, that's my request after that you are also going to do a foot massage to Svenja, she suggested that too..."

She reacts and Nicola got shocked. "Say what?!!..."

"Why do you always need to react on that, and you see that you don't need ever to complain about that and it's just that I hated it, and please just do the massage on my back first..."

Nicola removed her shirt while Katja started to massage in her, but Dean came in the house and he saw that Katja was massaging her back.

"Um... what is Katja doing here?" Dean asks and gets curious.

"She was just doing her massage to my friend and glad she did her job, don't mind about her..." Svenja smiled to him sarcastically and he becomes disappointed.

"Are you did punishing them again?"

"No I'm not punishing them, don't need to react about what you see, we are having fun here..."

"You know that wasn't called fun to me! While we received a consequences because of the stupid competition and that's why I hated it, that wasn't cool to me! I know Dean was so dumb to know that he suddenly in love with the meanest girl in Bochum and that's you Svenja!" Pia yelled while cleaning.

"Oh hold on Dean, there's something that I need to do..."

Svenja suddenly locks the bathroom and Pia tried to knock and she can't open the door.

"You are so mean, don't be like that..." Dean said worriedly.

"Sorry Dean, the simple rule for this consequences that she shouldn't complain, mostly related to me or else that I can make this consequences to be very difficult and you think now you understand about me and how I lead in my friendship group you know..." Svenja said

"I understand the whole point like your powerful in school; I don't understand the part that you need to lock Pia inside the bathroom, that's what I don't understand about it..."

"Oh well, I don't know, maybe I can't answer it right now..."

"Just tell me why are you doing this to her? To be mean..."

She suddenly kissed him and he was been shocked when it was all of the sudden happened, Dean was shocked that he didn't expect he was been going to get kiss that fast.

"Oh I didn't even expect you did that as fast, but I was almost getting gone speechless and I think that... I even forgot about what I am trying to tell you about earlier..." Dean said

"Yeah probably you can tell me later on; I think we should together sit now in the sofa..."

They both together sit in the sofa, and while Katja was massaging Nicola and also Anja sit near from Nicola.

"I think it was good that Katja was massaging you well, huh..." Anja seems impressed and Nicola smiles.

"Of course she does, about this request and I feel so great..."

"Oh well I think that you are all satisfied with the good massage that I give to you, maybe that you are now satisfied now..." Katja said

" Oh well I am satisfied, and now that maybe Anja was so thirsty at all and please just make her a lemonade please, and don't forget it that taste terrible, and we will punish you as hard as we can..."

"Okay fine, your highness!"

As Katja sarcastically bow to them, she feels like she was a maid. She was going in the kitchen to make lemonade for Anja, but Vivian open the door in the bathroom and she saw Pia was there.

"What are you doing in there?" Vivian asks curiously and Pia sighs harshly. "Well, Svenja locked me in the bathroom, because I want to tell Dean what is right..."

"Oh I think that does sound good, sorry about that... I wanted t request something and I think I wanted a snacks and Haribo, can you even buy that for me?"

Her eyes widen "Wait what?! I am supposed to go in the convenient store?"

"Oh come on, there is nothing wrong at my request and you can do that so far, also buy a drink for Eichelmann, because I forgot to buy the drink she wants to tell me..."

"Okay fine, what drink does she wants?"

"Just a box of Lipton tea..."

She reacts. "Say what now? Does your friend just taking a diet or what??..."

"Well I don't know, obviously I only knows she always jogging and taking gym, that's why I am totally jealous at her, I also want a sexy body like she does..."

"Ugh...fine, I will go to buy Haribo, Box of Lipton and what chips?"

"Um... Doritos, because I love it..."

"Okay sure..."

Pia was going outside to buy in the convenient store, when Vivian was looking around and she was finding something that is important to her, her key for her motorcycle until she was shocked when Patrik just arrived.

"Patrik? What are you doing here??..." Vivian asks

"Well nothing, just to meet Eichel, I'm done following Kyra's request so far, being a bodyguard role, while she completely enjoying it, I want to say she was really completely enjoy it with Tom..." Patrik explains to her.

"Oh I could say I was been surprise that she was doing something in there, but thanks you did told me that and at least I know that she was really enjoying it every moment, and that was good..."

"I'm also here if I will go to check if Pia and Katja are doing well to follow your every request..."

"Don't worry Patrik, we are all fine here, maybe you want to meet Eichelmann for a short moment and I think you have to talk to her now..."

"Yeah I love to talk to her so far, I want to see her just for a moment..."

Patrik suddenly sits in the sofa when he saw that Eichelmann was sitting there, she smiled when she saw him finally arrived.

"So, are you expecting for a celebration??..." Eichelmann asks and Patrik smiles with his confident smile.

"Oh I came here just to see you and I don't have to worry because Pia and Katja are doing your request anyway, also it was just good to see you here..." Patrick answered with his confident smile.

"Me too, I'm glad that you're finally here..."

"I'm just happy that you are here, my job was done, I know Tom can't resist to do Kyra's request or else Kyra can posted a blog about their past, I know how tough she is that she can do that..."

"If she was going to do that, then Kyra get expelled too..."

"No she won't, she was though and she can't easily expelled by that, she can do a lot of things now, we are like having this powerful group...at first who started that Kyra and Svenja are used to be best friends..."

"I know Patrik, you are right...maybe I don't need to worry about it, I think she can even do that, anyway maybe you can stay here a bit..."

"Actually I'm planning to stay here a bit..."

He was supposedly going to kiss her but she refuses too and he feels confuse.

"What's the problem now? Don't tell me that your still thinking if I'm serious or not." Patrik wondered and Eichelmann shook her head.

"I think we shouldn't do this all over again...I don't know if you really want me or you want to flirt around."

"Hey, you can try to be with me now...I know how much you're in love with me."

"But I really want to do this if I'm sure or if you're serious about me."

"This time I am, the important thing to me was you, I can't live without you."

Then they kissed together, meanwhile when Pia was buying in the convenient store and she saw that Xenia was also buying there and she was buying whisky.

"You are too young to drink like that, are you even desperate or what??..." Pia asked worriedly and Xenia giggled to her.

"Oh come on, I'm buying that for my sister... she told me I have to buy more, or else my sister would scold me, anyway I'm finally almost to be ready for the practice and I can't even drink that, I'm on the practice..."

"I think you are right about that, I see you are really concentrating to your practice also good luck for your performance and also I need to go..."


Pia leave in the store, finally Mascha finished buying all the food that she bought.

"I know I can enjoy the whole sleepover with Sam, also with you plus Rena..." Mascha said happily, with her confident smile.

"It was a great day that we are going to be ready for the practice; but at the same time...a little nervous..." Xenia said

"Oh I see, finally you did finally buy a drink for your sister, maybe Veronika was still too sad about to her crush! Uii!!..."

Xenia shouldered her. "Mascha, please stop teasing her!"

"I'm not teasing, I want to share you a little update from them, I think they can't be together but I don't know the reason, since you see Veronika really doesn't like telling stories like that, also she loves to be alone today..."


"Because she was too sad for Mateo..."

"Oh, don't tell me this is another problem for Veronika..."

Mascha laughs for a second and coughs. "This is the first time that Veronika turns out to be heartbroken, I never see her like that before."

"I thought she wasn't been in love at all."

"Well it is, Edita told me that, since she did photo shooting a while ago with all new junior gymnasts..."

"Ah okay..."

"Oh I think we buy anything that we need also your sister need, we should go at your house now, because maybe your sister was waiting for us..."


They are both going to her place but Mascha notices that Veronika wasn't there and she got curious.

"Maybe Veronika was really heartbroken I can tell you, you see that she really doesn't want to stay here." Mascha said and Xenia shouldered her.

"I'm sure maybe she already went to the bar to make herself drunk again. ugh...probably we have to wait for her then."

They sit together in the sofa and stayed in the living room, Then Katja comes back to give the lemonade to Anja but bothered when seeing that Dean was flirting Svenja.

"Eww...seriously Dean." Katja sarcastically rolled her eyes and Dean notices her.

"Katja, are you not tired now?"

"What do you expect I'm superwoman now? Of course I'm so tired for today, you're so lucky that you can only do was flirting and dating, what a nice life."

"But it doesn't mean I'm not concern to you, why don't you rest here for 5 minutes and later on you can do whatever you want."

"I don't think so, Dean." Svenja said and Katja moans.

"Oh don't tell me you have another bunch of stupid request, I'm not being overdramatic here but I'm really so tired at all, can you give me 5 minutes now!"

"I can give you maybe 2 minutes and you are my camera girl here, I want some new photos and take a picture on me with Dean, I want fresh memories with him though."

She gives the camera to Katja, but then Katja has no choice but to take a picture of them both, a minute later she give the camera back to her.

"I wish you're happy that you have this so called 'Fresh memories' with Dean." Katja sarcastically smiles at Svenja, but she seems impressed.

"Umm...okay now I can give you 2 minutes, so afterwards you have to make a short video for me and the rest, so I can post to my blog then afterwards you can leave."

Katja breathe with a relief. "Oh goodness, thank you Svenja."

At midnight, Tom was going to get out of the bed quickly to get his clothes and thought that Kyra was already sleeping, so he finally leave the room quietly.

But then he was shocked when Kyra shows up to him while wearing a towel robe.

"Oh, didn't you enjoy this moment now? Because I did and I never did this request to my whole life with you, this is the first time that you make me happy at all." Kyra said and seductively smiles at him.

Tom moans. "Glad I make you happy because this is what you always wanted, that you treat me like a slave and force me into this. So glad you can ruined my life and make it miserable!"

"Why? You're a guy and it's impossible that you can make yourself miserable...your free whatever you like, a girl can't say that the same...because they get judge easily unlike you, if you make mistake then a few months later people will be fine with you, like it's freaking normal."

"Don't tell me you want your own request now, I feel like your punishing me."

She can feel his frustration so she slowly comes closer to him and she was going to caress his chest but he refuses too.

"I don't think I don't like it anymore, now that it's midnight, I want to leave now."

Tom was going to wear his pants and shirt again quickly but it seems Kyra was a bit disappointed to it and she thinks an idea.

"Why don't you instead relax here?" Kyra suggested and Tom shook his head.

"No, I'm not going to stay here any longer and don't make any request that I didn't like this time."

"Or else what?"

"Or else, I'm planning to move into another school which you will never see me and I will do anything not to see you again and the rest of your friends."

She sighs. "Come on Tom, you should calm a bit now."

"No, I can't and no more request!"

He walks out angrily and she only giggled when she see it.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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