Back in school book 2/C1 Year 2010-part 1
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Back in school book 2/C1 Year 2010-part 1
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C1 Year 2010-part 1

Katja screams that makes Pia irritated because of her loud voice, because they had a good grades and suddenly hugs her.

"Oh my gosh! I told you I'm really good at least in Geography, they are so interesting than math or Spanish, right?!"

"Katja, I understand your happiness but could you not scream like that. you sounded like a child who won a candy in the arcade." Pia said.

"I'm sorry but i can't believe that i will have good grades and definitely we should celebrate this, we can say that we should invite Tom and then Dean so he can moved on."

Pia scratches her head and feels bothered in Katja's idea. "Seriously by inviting Dean, you should just let him bond with Marinna, maybe he still heart broken or something. let him decide, Katja."

"I prefer that we should have a party the four of us, so that would be better...they are the decent ones that we have for now, right."

Katja suddenly smiles widely when she finally think an idea. "Oh i think an idea, instead of this plain party, we should go to get relax ourselves after all, I was thinking that would be good."

Svenja then looked to her grades that she feels pissed off that she didn't passed again.

"I can't go to repeat back in 9th grade, but come on!" Svenja feels pissed of while holding her paper.

"There's no way that Aunt Juleika will lecture you again, but this is just completely stupid and I don't want that my mom will caught me not studying...and this is not going to be good..." Nicola was tense after seeing her grade to their final exam.

Kyra suddenly comes up with her mind and poke Svenja's both shoulder. "We shouldn't worry about that, your dad is the solution here."

Eichel looks very disappointed and stares both of them. "Why it's always the solution like this, we should do better than this."

Svenja sighs and pulls her shoulder in a light way. "I thought we're friends or not Eichel, we're not going to argue about this."

Eichel couldn't say anything but to stick to the plan, while the rest of their friends were very excited to their plan.

"Alright, I'm super excited!" Anja said.

They are all going to Director's office, which Svenja's father was there, her dad didn't expect that they are all coming.

Her dad reacts disappointedly. "Don't even tell me that you're here to request something so you always had excuse."

"Mr. Reinhard, if I let myself explain tha---" Nicola was cut off by Svenja and continued "Please you have to do your job than scolding me right, so personally I mean it."

"Please, I'm begging you...I don't want my parents to be angry..." Svenja hush Nicola from begging to her dad. "Could you stop begging with him, alright! who's the boss here, I am!"

Mr. Reinhard feels bothered that Svenja's group of friends are around him and it turns out that he become uncomfortable.

"Could you please leave now. This is the agreement, I have no faults if you haven't done your activities correctly.

Kyra sits in the table near him shows the camera. "If you won't give the decent grades that we wanted now then this will be exposed, your honeymoon affair, cool right?"

The man sweats as he saw the video and realize that he got caught secretly, Svenja smiles meanly to his dad and places all the photo's of his dad with another woman in seductive.

"I don't care if we can upload this anywhere over in school and especially this photos will also be seen in internet and I will make sure about that."

From what she said, Reinhard got stressed and couldn't even calm himself down.

"Svenja, how many times that you keep doing things so you can do all you want. Please stop this and think about Julia."

Svenja reacted in disbelief. "What Julia has something to do with this? This is all about my grade here and my friends, if you don't do it now...I will show the videos right here, right now."

She attempted to open her upload the video to her blog to let him expose but eventually stops her.

"Please stop, i will do what you wanted...i know that this might be to ruined my image and this school, please don't you dare to share it with your friends or everyone."

Kyra laughs sarcastically. "Good, I want some proper grades too...yes, what I'm saying man!"

He had no choice but to do what Svenja requested for not letting him exposed in a scandal video. All of them become happy after their plan was success except for Eichel, who feels that she needs to be used to it as she was part of their group.

"Guys, we should have a party now at my house, at my house..." Kyra was explains but Eichel stops her.

"We are always doing that and I can't believe that we have to record him secretly..."

"Could you even stop complaining? Now we can get our award."

"Okay this time we should have party to Kyra's place, you know that I don't want to stay at my mansion for now. A lot of drinks and invite some boys."

"Yeah!!!" all of them praise it except Eichel who still couldn't believe to their plan to do it but she has no choice that it already happen.

An hour later, all of beer are in the table which Nicola finally had a relieve and get one beer.

"My goodness, I'm so glad that without taking an exam I can have a good grades..." Nicola feels relaxed and immediately drink her beer.

Kyra sarcastically smiled in disbelief and expecting that Tom would come. "It's better if Tom was were here, not these sexy boys...they are so hot, but still he's still number one in my life."

They got stole their attention when Svenja dances with the sexy boys around her and cheer her for daring to do the sexy dance in front of sexy boys.

"Come on Svennie, you have some little taste with some other boys around there, Tom is better!" Kyra join in with them to dance and the boys then entertain them.

"Than watching your boring movie, this is even better that you have to look their best view the way they can."

Patrik came but Kyra looks disappointed as of he came late for their celebration.

"You missed the moment and now looked we're celebrating because our grades have been saved, thanks to Svenja!" Kyra pointed to Svenja obvious to him and Patrik sighs.

"Do you really obviously think I forget that, of course I would never forget that...which means Svenja will have a great reward for that, this time she gonna love it." He immediately give the paper bag to Svenja that he was holding.

When she opened it she looks, she looks very little impress but at the same time sceptical when looking to the color.

"It looks so nice I like it but it doesn't to be all black in general."

Eichel sighs "If I were you then I would just were it then it will be okay for walking and jogging i general, especially it's branded."

Svenja suddenly stared to her, after she commented but just accepted his gift and Patrik laughs to Eichel.

"Next time, if you're jealous about it then I'm gonna buy you a new one!" He tried to be giving compliment to Eichel even that wasn't work but Kyra pull and wanted to whisper something.

"Maybe giving him bikini would make her feel even better."

Suddenly both of them laugh loudly as of Eichel was annoyed to hear their laughs, so she seats in the tables and ignores them.

In a quiet small garden which Christian was sitting there, he feels nervous on how to make a move Xenia on more than dating with her.

I always thank you for being there for me, you always prove it to me, I always, always mind myself that I'm the luckiest woman in the world.

As Xenia's voice suddenly comes to his mind that makes him happy but at the same time he doesn't have confidence on how to tell it to her but he already wanted to.

He slowly stands up and he tries to do his practice so he clears his throat before he begin.

"Xenia, I wanted you to know that I'm always been...the luckiest man on earth." He suddenly groans and thinks that he made a mistake from his practice and try again.

"I wanted you know I'm happy and we're happy."

He feels that he couldn't still feel what he's going to say to Xenia and he sits down again in the bench.

Svenja take a sip from a last beer that she's drinking and Nicola assist her to stand up, because she started to losses her balance while keep partying.

"You should not drinking too much, after all I am asking you if it's okay I should ask Julian to come here, I need him here...and anyway we don't have any beer left, that's all we got. Kyra told me." From what Nicola said, Svenja was shocked and immediately look turn around the table that all of the bottles are empty.

"Are you even serious now? You should take more then, I hate it!"

"It's better for you to take a rest and to have a well sleep while I am going to prepare this place and I don't your to be messy, Kyra."

Kyra tries to shows to her gestures that Nicola doesn't need to but suddenly fall asleep in the long sofa and Eichel has a relief that finally Kyra fall asleep.

Then Eichel decided to clean the table starting to remove the empty bottles but Svenja comes to stop her.

"Why are you doing that? You should praise this grade of ours, you could see us immediately just like that, like a magic."

"But that's not a good idea, you're like abusing it..."

She reacted in disbelief "Abusing it? like what he did to me, huh."

"Also you should be thankful that it helps especially for Kyra and Nicola for having a super bad grades, without her...they can be stuck there forever."

Eichel sighs and she doesn't want to want to make any fight anymore so she leave and sits next to Nicola, then she was trying to call Julian but no one respond to the call.

"Ugh...i should call Julian earlier, right?" Nicola asks while trying to wait for Julian to respond to call and Eichel nodded.

"I know and it's better if we shouldn't do that alright...i still feel guilt for him."

Nicola sighs and nodded to her quickly. "Right, but think it's for your own's to think that way than being in trouble."

Eichel think backs from the way how it it happens that their grades become good and it all started in this flashback.

Svenja secretly recording her camera while seeing her dad in the window having affair in the windows, Kyra silently giggled which Eichel feel bothered watching doing their plan successfully and finally recording it. The woman was going to look at the window and then all suddenly hide to the other side.

"Should we think this is a bad idea now?" Eichel asks quietly and all of them hush her as they really don't want them to get caught in the middle in the plan.

"We can leave now, quick now." Svenja pointed her hand gesture left and pulled Eichel quickly as of they were already finished and run into the van with their friends.

"Finally the sexy clip is finished!" Kyra giggled with Patrik.

Svenja finally starts the engine and quickly leaves and the rest of her friends are woo-hooing as their plan become successful.

Kyra seats next to driver seat next to Svenja to her back Nicola sits there and Patrik seats next to her with Eichel.

"Damn that was like intense, I don't know what else to say but my goodness...I thought I was having a heart attack." Nicola had a relief after a task they done and take off her sunglasses.

"Yeah baby, this is such a good paparazzi man!" Kyra dances to her and hit Patrik's head by her own trip.

Svenja feels relaxed until she heard her phone was ringing that she quick look into it, she saw it was Julia and decline it.

"But you should answer it, it must be important." Eichel said while feeling bothered and Svenja was focusing on driving and doesn't want to talk about it.

"Why she should be then? Julia has nothing to say and she was always like nagging about the lecture, i hate when she do that if I were you." Kyra snorts that made her irritated more and Nicola nodded and agrees with Kyra.

"'s just that Kyra mean by that was Julia was sometimes acting like a teacher like, soon maybe she can act like your personal tutor or soon could be your teacher's pet."

Eichel tries to controls herself but not to get pull Kyra to her irritation. "Alright but still now we disrespect Mr. Reinhard now and I don't want to do that to Julia now for sake, can we just do the other things right by telling hear what Julia wants to say."

"Hey I don't care about if we disrespect him for sake or what...we're the boss here, we are under control here, we are the main priority here, not them! Don't even think that baby Julia ever again man!"

Svenja was started to get angry but Nicola tries to stops Kyra by calming her in her back but stops her while Patrik was trying calming Eichel.

"Instead of talking about that, we should talk about the progress that we are doing now, what should we do then, huh?!" Nicola feels pressured that she couldn't calmed them both but couldn't do it.

"Kyra, you also have to know that without Julia she can be great for her!"

Svenja stops the car when she was in rage between Eichel and Kyra.

"Could you not even talk about her please! I don't want want you to ruin my day or you mention about her until you say so!" Svenja was angered by their car and start their drive again back.

"Eichel..." Eichel was shocked as Nicola calls her and realize she's back into her reality. "Okay so you're now wanted to imagine how Patrik was hot or something."

"No? I'm just thinking how Svenja can make this rules into the next level." Eichel said while observing that Svenja was kissing with sexy boys in the table. Patrik is bored so he push the boy him to the table and immediately kissed Svenja.

He kiss her again like a bit size of a cookie on her neck which she push her that made him stops and she giggled.

"Why rushing yourself too much Patrik, bored much?" Svenja said with her flirty voice.

"I want some excitement than drinking, I don't want to get drunk instantly...also do you, right? It will be waste of time." He was attempted to pull her but she refuses again and wanted her to have a favor.

"No Patrik, I wouldn't dare to be rush like that...first do a strip tease, like what my dad did."

Patrik suddenly laughs and he couldn't believe that Svenja wanted to do a daring striptease.

"Well you wanted me to sexy dance, like in pole sexy..." He was supposed to dance but she pointed her cloth.

"If you take that off then I would be entertain, do you want that."

Nicola reacts . "Oh come on, I don't want Julian to be angry with me...he would imagine that I'm betraying by looking Patrik entertaining us."

Svenja laughs by her reaction that she seen Nicola seems overacting.

"Well, luckily Kyra is absent so you are voting for Patrik for entertaining is by wearing an underwear right and Anja too...who's making a date right now."

Eichel and Nicola breathes withs a relief to hear a good news for them.

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