Bat at love/C1 Chapter1
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Bat at love/C1 Chapter1
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C1 Chapter1

is the story of a girl who tries to make her way in the world of love but keeps stumbling.

Hello my name is Rachel Madiba

I have always dreamed of being independent and rich. My destiny has not been the same as mine. I'm in my last year of high school and I've just come out of the first year of high school where we have to take an official exam called probationary exam. Luckily for me I passed it otherwise I would have had to stay in the first year of high school. I have a cool best friend named Grace who is my neighbor. Yeah I don't know if you've noticed it too but friendship is like linked to proximity. It works a bit like a blue-tooth; the closer you are the more you get along, the further away you get, the more you don't get along and then everything goes wrong. Anyway, that's my opinion. I have a great little brother named Josh and great parents. I have a pretty normal life as others might think, but I wish I was born somewhere else, with lots of money, shoes, clothes, friends, in short, to be able to afford my youthful whims. don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like my life or my parents, but I often have a tendency to imagine what my life would be like if I wasn't in this family!

I have to say that I have never been lucky in love or had the courage to have my heart broken because as we often say, love is evil. One could say that fate is trying to postpone a possible love life for me: I can explain myself, of course, I come from a Christian family and I am a good student, but I would like to be in a couple sometimes, like any other girl of my age I think. But my environment doesn't seem to make things easier; indeed I have never fallen in love and all the boys who are around me don't interest me much. I am quite demanding I would say. Either they are too short, too black, "stupid", pretentious, ugly, fat, in short I always have something to reproach them. They are simply uninteresting.

It's been months since I graduated from my probationary course in literature and I'm fresh out of the vacations.

Today is the first day of school and it's been a long time since I've seen my friends, teachers and "enemies". I hope this year will be the right one for me❤️.

Wish me good luck??

Chapter 1

First day of school

(I wake up with a lot of enthusiasm because school is for me a kind of escape and a favorite pastime. I get ready as my dad taught me so well, I shower, comb my hair and straighten up. I put my backpack away and go down to the living room).

-Rachel: hello mom hello dad (I give them a kiss.)

-Dad: Hi honey, ready for your year?

Rachel: uh huh yeah you could say I'm so excited to meet uh...( I think of Mickaël the president of the school co-op who I've been talking to a lot on Instagram this vacation and I shake my head) I can't wait to meet new people mom.

(Josh descent is an eighth grader and he's pretty awesome as a little brother, he's always covering up my mistakes and giving me advice. He's kind of like my big brother little brother and we get along great).

-josh: Hi sis

-Rachel: Good morning bro how did you spend your night

- josh: it was nice. hello dad hello mom he also gives them a kiss.

(Just as we start to eat breakfast the neighbor on the left turns on his electric chainsaw, it seems he always does it on purpose to keep us from having such a good time).

-Rachel: Kisses mom

-josh: Kisses mom to everyone.

Dad accompanies us to the school, the road is rather calm (I think of Mickaël's reaction if we meet today and I am anxious. Then, my brother goes to his class and I to mine.

It is then that I see ohhhhh thanks ?☺️?)

-grace: yes hihihi. (I can't breathe anymore because Grace is hugging me so tightly and so am I).

-grace: helloooo

-rachel: hello hello hello

-grace: woo woo wooo?? but wait what did you do with your hair? oh my god?

-Rachel: what? no way! Don't tell me it's ugly?

-Grace But no, on the contrary it's quite nazz ???? but no I'm kidding.

-Rachel: Ugh (It's official, I'm starting to stress out. What's wrong with my hair? ) I just colored my hair in black since in the origin they are red and opted for a ponytail in rastas a little behind and two braids by front as a strike to the eye

-Rachel: why didn't I see you this morning where were you?

-Grace: wow that's a long story but I'll tell you about it

So madi what are your plans for the year?

-rachel: uh huh?I uhh I don't have any (but actually I have several)

-Grace: umm I'm sure you're lying but it doesn't matter because I'm going to find out all of them anyway (she's telling the truth we can't hide anything from her)

( It should be said that we are quite stylish and "beautiful")

After our greetings, we opted for the third bench at the left end of the classroom. And there were a lot of people there, some faces we already knew and some that were new. For the first day of school, there were not really many people for a class of 30 benches, there were about 18 students.

After a few minutes around 8:10 a.m., a lady entered the class she was about 40 years old and was neutral I could not read her emotions because lately I watch a series of experts in psychology that thanks to gestures and facial features read the thoughts of others.Lady: hello dear students I am Mrs. fich history and geography teacher and also English. Weird huh but that's how it is.

I think I'll hold you until the end of this school year so we'd better get along with each other. If not...

I'm not anyone's friend our relationship is strictly academic I don't like to repeat myself I don't like rebellious and lazy students and I like hardworking ones. I don't get 15 Minutes after me anymore. In good hearing hello!

(Hum this lady??)

Madame fich: introduce yourself now in your turn. We'll start at the left end of the room, at the first bench.

(Everyone has introduced themselves and it's cool anyway, it allows us to get to know each other better.

By the way, Mrs. Fich is not as strict as the first impression she wanted to give us and she expresses herself very well in French, it's great, she's a funny woman, I really liked her class, she made a joke to a boy who was leaving the room in bad boy mode and she has a great way of giving her class or at least introducing her class.

Now we are in the cafeteria. And it is then that we see a beautiful brunette and cute dressed in clothes that are out of the ordinary with long hair she even seems lost and it is then that she approaches us

-the lady : Hellooo

-grace: Hello

-rachel hello

-I'm Hannah summer Melingui I'm new

-rachel: oh Hanna I'm Rachel madiba how do you feel in this environment?

-grace: and I am grace kenfack

- hanna: it must be said that for the moment everything is fine please can you show me the establishment?

-grace: and which room do you do?

-hanna: senior year

-grace: that's good for us too, but why are you only coming now I mean I didn't see you in the morning

-hannah: I woke up late that's why. She said, lowering her eyes in shame.

-Me: ?? hahaha well Hannah I love you already

How can you sleep so much that you forget your first day of school? Hahaha It's hilarious?

We walked her around the school and now we're about to go home because the first day of school the teachers obviously don't like her! I don't know why but hey!

The day went pretty well overall except that I didn't see Mickaël :). And here I go back with grace and not Hannah because she is on the opposite side of our direction

Me: see you later

Grace: hi Rachel

this is the story of a girl who tries to make her way in the world of love but keeps stumbling.

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