Beautiful Cook

Beautiful Cook

She died fighting for her country, and when she woke up, she was humiliated in public.
On the day of the wedding, he had paid respects to the rooster. How many people could meet him?
She had become the laughingstock of the Southern Kingdom. Everyone despised her, but she remained calm and collected.
"Prince, can you give me a piece of paper?"
If marriage was disgraceful, then he would sacrifice his blood to her!
Courtyard battles, house fights, stepping on scum men, exterminating the white lotus!
While chatting and laughing, she was adept at it.
The world was in chaos. A group of outstanding talents rose up, and she had all kinds of calculations. She fought for the favor, and she was like the wind and water that surged up!
In this life, she would no longer be a sacrifice to the chaotic world. She would turn the world upside down!
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