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C21 Jealousy

Lin Hong's life was already very pitiful. Therefore, before any concrete evidence could be found, Li Su no longer wanted to blame her.

"I have remembered what the mayor told me."

With this indifferent look, Yan Zijun immediately understood her intentions, "I know General Li is kind, but he doesn't have any intentions. If he had been prejudiced from the start, it would have been impossible for him to find out what's wrong."

Li Su clasped her fists and said her farewells, "Castellan Yan, please do not blame me for messing with you today. I will take my leave now."

On the way back to the station, Li Su was filled with doubts, so much so that when Zhu Yayan called out to her, she took a long time to recover, "Yayan."

Zhu Yiyan looked around to make sure that there was no one else around, then he said, "Just now, Lin Hong was making a ruckus and wanted to leave. I tried to persuade her to leave, but she only quieted down after a long time.

Li Su nodded. At this moment within the Yang Bian Pass, Zhu Yiyan was the only one who knew about her background, so naturally, he would be the only one …

He became the person Li Su trusted the most.

Zhu Yiyan saw that Li Su was preoccupied with many matters, and guessed that the person who stayed in the City Lord's Mansion just now must have been discussing some big secret.

However, if this matter was related to the extermination of the bandits, then Li Su should be worried, not troubled.

"It's been a long time since I've had a sword fight with you." Zhu Yiyan suddenly said.

Because she was a girl, Li Su's father didn't want her to learn how to dance with swords and make guns, but Li Yang felt that if a woman learned these skills, she could not only strengthen her body, but also protect her own life if necessary. Since Li Su had always been interested in this, she secretly asked Zhu Yiyan to teach her some skills.

Li Su had lost a lot of her sword skills, plus she was unable to concentrate on this matter, so Zhu Yiyan quickly knocked him out of his sword.

"If this was a battlefield, you would have died long ago."

"You don't know how to let me have it, either."

Zhu Yiyan tapped Li Su's head with the hilt of his sword, "Where is the room?" On the stone table in the courtyard was the wine that Li Su had prepared for him. He drank a few sips before wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "Speak."


"After you came back from the City Lord's Mansion, you looked like your soul has left your body."

Li Su was silent for a moment before she relayed what Yan Zijun had said to her.

After Zhu Yiyan finished listening carefully, he said, "I also think you're being overly emotional this time."

Li Su wanted to retort, but the words were stuck in her throat, she could only retort in a low voice: "I don't have it, I just feel that a woman is pitiful enough."

"I don't think she's that simple." As he was speaking, Zhu Yiyan raised his sword and stabbed towards Li Su. Fortunately, Li Su was not completely distracted, and turned her body around the round table, avoiding the sword, "There are many female heroes in the world, and it was you who brought her into the world first. She was a weak woman, which is why I felt pity for her."

"But she won't …" Li Su picked up her sword to block Zhu Yiyan's attack, "Are you saying that Lin Hong knows martial arts?"

"Although it's not too high, there are some."

Li Su's sword found a loophole, and attacked Zhu Yiyan from the side, and because the opponent had failed to estimate, Li Su's sword was pressed against his neck.

"I thought you'd regressed."

Li Su sheathed her sword and cupped her fists as she said, "Master, I will never forget your teachings."

Following Zhu Yiyan to learn the early stages of the sword, he had already told him that the principle of 'no harm to a weapon'. Unless the opponent completely gave up resisting, he absolutely could not lower his guard and avoid losing his life.

"Yiyan, is your attitude the same as Yan Zijun?"

"Castellan Yan is a capable man, there's no need for him to frame someone."

While the two of them were talking, the supervisor of the relay station was helplessly holding the aggressive Ning Wanfeng in his arms.

Although Li Su rarely had the chance to meet Ning Wanfeng, she always appeared to be a lady from a noble family, gentle and charming.

"Miss Ning …"

Before they could finish their greetings, Ning Wanfeng said, "Where's Lin Hong?!"

Li Su didn't dare to provoke such an unfriendly person, "Hong'er went to sleep."

"Hmph," Ning Wanfeng rolled her eyes at Li Su, "Which room should I sleep in? I'll go find her myself!"

Li Su couldn't stop Ning Wanfeng at all, but if she just let things go, she had a feeling that something big was going to happen.

"Miss Ning has something to say to me."

Ning Wanfeng looked piteously at Li Su, "General Li, I was wrong about you."

However, this simple sentence made Li Su at a loss. She did not do anything, so how could she make Ning Wanfeng, who always showed great understanding, say something like that?

"I'll explain the matter between you and Zi-jun brother later."

Li Su almost forgot about this. In the City Lord's Mansion, Yan Zijun had purposely shown his younger sister, Yan Zi, that we were on the same level.

I didn't expect such a quick person to come knocking.

Ning Wanfeng's anger was unstoppable. Seeing that the others didn't bring her to find Lin Hong, she headed straight for the chamber. Her plan was to find Lin Hong even if she had to dig the inn three feet deep.

On the other hand, Li Su tried to persuade Lin Hong, but she did not stop him. Therefore, Ning Wan Feng quickly found Lin Hong's room. She slammed the door with all her might, "Lin Hong, Lin Hong, get out here!"

The room's door was not locked, so after Ning Wanfeng exerted her strength, it creaked and was opened.

There was a white ribbon on the beam, and Lin Hong's face was hanging there without any trace of blood.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhu Yiyan strode forward and embraced Lin Hong's swinging feet.

His breathing was weak, but luckily, he found out in time and didn't die completely.

Li Su had someone send for a doctor. Ning Wanfeng mocked, "This move is very skillful."

Li Su glanced at Ning Wanfeng and thought to herself, "I've only met her two or three times, and she already thought she was acting like she was my real body. I didn't expect a big change to happen today."

Zhu Yiyan often said, "One cannot judge a book by its cover, and not by its cover." Only now did she feel that it made a lot of sense.

Ning Wanfeng saw that Li Su would often look at her. Normally, she would pretend to be a girl and act shy. However, Yan Zi came to her crying and told her the secret between her son, her brother, and General Li.

Her original intention to win him over had changed. Since it had changed, she didn't need to pretend to be a lady in front of her.

No matter who it was, no one could steal her brother from her.

"It doesn't matter if you're a general or if brother Zi Jun really likes you." Ning Wanfeng rolled her eyes. She threatened in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "I won't let brother Zijun go. The future mistress of Bian Yang City can only be me, Ning Wanfeng."

For some reason, for a moment, Li Su wanted to laugh. She pursed her lips, but soon felt that she had lost her identity, so she pretended to be calm and coughed twice.

"Miss Ning, you misunderstand."


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