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C23 Lower Sheath

Lin Hong was more haggard than ever. Li Su knew that her heart was still brooding over the events of that day. She wanted to comfort her, but she had already said everything she wanted to say.

"My lord," although Li Su had already adopted Lin Hong as her adopted sister, she was still unable to change her words. Li Su didn't like to force others, so she let her do as she pleased. "I made a small plate of pastries."

The delicate pastries were placed on a small porcelain plate and placed in her mouth by Li Su. She didn't like the taste of the pastries, but they were too unusual for her. They melted as they entered her mouth, though they were sweet and not tiresome.

With regards to Lin Hong's skill, Li Su was very surprised, "Hong'er's cooking skills, I'm afraid you can even enter the palace."

"Hong'er has a bold idea."

"How is it?"

Perhaps it was due to Li Su's encouragement, Lin Hong felt a sense of relief. Then, she said, "I want to open a small shop."

Lin Hong stealthily glanced at Li Su. Seeing that she was not expressing her disappointment, she knew that she shouldn't have any unrealistic fantasies. Li Su should have been grateful if she could keep her …

"How much silver do you want?" Li Su suddenly said.

Lin Hong's sadness was gone, but she was scared silly by this sudden question, "Ah?"

"Do you need my help with the shop or anything?"

Lin Hong nodded, but quickly shook her head, "I … …" "I …"

"You don't have to feel burdened. I've long thought of letting you find something that you can earn a living for, so that if you want to stay after the great success of this bandit expedition, I can relax a little."

Lin Hong understood the meaning behind Li Su's words and asked, "Sir, are you leaving the Yang Bian Pass?"

"Why don't we talk about your idea of opening a shop?"

Lin Hong was understanding enough not to bring up this matter, "I cooked some dishes for you two to try for me, how about it?"

Li Su looked at Zhu Yiyan, who also looked at her, and the two of them said at the same time, "Heat a pot of wine."

Li Su originally did not want to drink, but perhaps the atmosphere was too harmonious, causing her to unconsciously drink a few cups with Zhu Yiyan.

"Little sister's cooking skills are bound to be very good," after drinking a few cups of yellow soup, she felt that she had drifted off a little, holding the cup with her tongue and said, "Little sister, big brother has to give you a toast. No matter how much it costs, big brother will give it to you, you just have to do it!"

Lin Hong touched Li Su's glass to her lips. Before she could put the cup to her lips, she suddenly leaned forward and almost fell to the side.

"Sir, you're drunk."

"Hong'er, I feel like you have two people!"

Lin Hong smiled. She stood up and bent down to pick up a small scroll from beside Li Su, "Sir, this scroll fell out."

Li Su quickly took the scroll and placed it in her bosom, "This is a big matter."

"A big matter?"

Li Su shook her head, "The map." Li Su pressed a finger to her lips, "Let me tell you, this is a big matter. Three days later, it will be …"

Zhu Yiyan covered Li Su's mouth, "General Li is drunk, I'll send her back to her room."

Zhu Yiyan dragged Li Su back into the room and casually threw her on the bed. This guy clearly didn't know how to drink.

"I'll teach you a lesson tomorrow!" Zhu Yiyan sighed and left the room. Although Li Su was drunk from alcohol, he had just gotten drunk.

Just as Zhu Yiyan left, Lin Hong brought hot water into Li Su's room.

She whispered, "Sir, sir?"

The person on the bed didn't move at all. Lin Hong then shouted, "Let me wash your face."

Lin Hong lit a candle and moved the chair in front of the bed. Finally, she placed the basin of warm water on top of it.

Lin Hong held a hot towel in her hands and carefully wiped Li Su's face. After washing her face twice, she stretched out her hand to go to Li Su's belt.

At that moment, Li Su suddenly grabbed Lin Hong's arm and mumbled something. Then, she turned around and leaned on Lin Hong.

"Lord?" At that moment, she noticed that beside Li Su was a scroll that she had dropped while drinking. She frowned.

After a long while, Lin Hong finally picked up the scroll. She looked through it once under the light of the candle and rolled it up again before putting it back. Soon after, she took the water basin and left Li Su's room.

Li Su had a headache from drinking too much the day before. She rubbed her head with her fingers and said, "You shouldn't be greedy."

Lin Hong seemed to have calculated the time as she carried a hot water towel into the room, "Sir, Castellan Yan has been here twice, but he was still drunk and left."

Li Su washed her face, and Lin Hong brought out the plain porridge as if she was performing a magic trick, "Sir, you should not have any appetite, so I just cooked the plain porridge in the kitchen."

Li Su thought in her heart. If there was a man in this world who married Lin Hong, that would be a blessing that he had accumulated for several lifetimes!

After everything was ready, Lin Hong stuffed a bag of candied fruits on Li Su's waist, "I was afraid that the lord would have a dry mouth, so I made candied fruits last night."

At that moment, Li Su was filled with regret over why she was a girl. If it was a man who kept Lin Hong by his side, that would be perfect.

The candied fruit was very delicious. After tasting one, Li Su could not stop until she arrived at the City Lord's Mansion. She initially wanted to leave a few fruits for Yan Zijun to try, but she decided against it and decided to hide them all.

However, Yan Zijun had a very sensitive nose, "General Li is very sweet."

Li Su frowned and unwillingly shared Lin Hong's culinary skills, "I heard that Castellan Yan has yet to get married. Lin Hong is in the kitchen, I think …"

Before she could finish her words, Yan Zijun's "I think it's better to leave it to General Li" stopped her from speaking further.

"To be honest," the candied fruit tasted good, but Yan Zijun didn't like sweet things. He looked at Li Su's greedy look and wanted to tease her, so he intentionally placed the rest of the candied fruit in his mouth, "I caught the spy."

Li Su's mind was originally on the candied fruits, but when she heard the news from Yan Zijun, she was stunned for a moment before she exclaimed in surprise, "Really?"

"But there's one more person."

Li Su was silent for a moment. After a long while, she asked, "How do we arrange it?"

Yan Zijun leaned close to Li Su's ear and whispered something. Finally, he squinted his eyes and smiled, "General Li, you shouldn't be too protective of us."

"I know what to do." I know what to do. Li Su had a serious look on her face. Even though she had already guessed 80% of the truth, 20% still held onto some hope.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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