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C25 Two Lions

As the date for her brother to enter Yang Yuan Pass approached, Li Su became more and more anxious. In order to prevent the matter of changing her identity from getting exposed, she had to lie about her illness for the past few days and leave military matters to Zhu Yiyan.

Yan Zijun came to visit her a few times, but Zhu Yiyan always used the general's illness as a reason to infect him, and made him return empty-handed.

In the middle of the night, Yan Zijun arrived at Li Su's door again, "General Li?"

Li Su jumped up from her bed. Yan Zijun said from outside, "I heard that you've been sick recently?"

Originally, the best way to avoid answering was to stay silent. However, when Li Su heard Yan Zijun's voice, she could not help but reply: "It's fine."

"Vice General Zhu didn't let me see you. He said that the doctor said it was contagious. Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine."

"That's good." Yan Zijun paused for a moment before continuing, "I see that you don't like sweet pastries, and coincidentally, there's a salty one in the product room. Can you have some?" Perhaps it was because he felt that the last sentence was a little strange, but Yan Zijun changed his explanation, "If you're sick, your appetite shouldn't be good, or do you want something to eat?"

If she said those words to Li Su, then she had nothing to worry about. However, she was currently known as her older brother, Li Yang.

At the moment, Li Yang was on his way to the Sun Pass. If he found out …

As she thought of this, Li Su felt a chill down her spine. If her brother knew that Yan Zijun was having an affair with her, she probably wouldn't be able to live past tomorrow.

Li Su swallowed her saliva, "Castellan Yan, you've troubled yourself."

"I won't disturb General Li's rest."

After waiting outside for a long time, there was no sound. Only then did Li Su stick her head out of the room. The basket containing the pastries was just outside the room. She picked it up and carried it into the room.

It was rare for Yan Zijun to remember that she didn't like sweet pastries. They were clearly salty pastries, yet Li Su could taste the taste of honey.

"General Li."

Once again, Zhu Yiyan pulled Li Su down from the cloud. She hurriedly put the pastries back into the basket, then hid them under the bed.

Li Su had a strange expression on her face. However, it was not the time to pursue the matter. "The horse carriage is outside the city. Prepare to let us leave."

As Zhu Yiyan spoke, he stuffed a set of clothes inside Li Su's clothes. He originally wanted to give some instructions, but the other party thought he was being long-winded, so he just carried the clothes in his arms and closed the door.

In order to avoid detection by others, Li Su and the others chose to depart from the backyard of the relay station in the evening. Zhu Yiyan had already prepared a horse carriage.

He would wait for Li Yang's return and return to his position.

However, Li Su and the others did not notice that Ning Wan Feng's maidservant happened to see them sneakily leaving the inn. Her eyes darted around and she immediately went back to inform her mistress.

Ning Wanfeng also felt that General Li's departure through the back door was very strange, but there was always something odd about everything. There had to be something more to it.

At the beginning, Ning Wanfeng wanted to please General Li so that he could be the Hong Ye between him and Yan Zijun.

She sincerely did not expect Yan Zi to actually tell her in tears one day that her brother was involved with General Li.

Ning Wanfeng was not as sad as Yan Zi. To her, it was fortunate that General Li was a man. Even if the two had feelings for each other, Yan Zijun still needed to return to the righteous path and marry and have children.

The only name that could be given to the City Lord's Lady of Bian Yang Pass was Ning Wanfeng!

As for the rest, she could turn a blind eye.

"Let's go and see what this general is up to."

After following Ning Wanfeng for so many years, the maidservant knew that she would make such a decision in the end. Thus, when she came back to report, she had someone follow her from the shadows.

"Well done."

The servant girl who had received the praise of her young mistress was obviously very happy. She smiled and said, "It's all thanks to young lady's daily teaching."

Li Su's carriage drove out of Bian Yang Pass and stopped in the middle of a relatively hidden forest.

After an unknown amount of time, another carriage arrived. The two carriages stopped face to face.

"You're too slow." Li Su climbed out of the carriage. She pouted her lips to vent her displeasure, "It will be bad if people find out later on."

At the moment, Ning Wanfeng was standing on tiptoes in the dark and stretched her head. She could see people but not hear them, so she appeared to be extremely anxious.

"General Li wouldn't be a spy, right?"

Just as the maid finished speaking, another man alighted from the other horse carriage.

Ning Wanfeng wiped her eyes with her hand. "Did I see it wrong?"

The maidservant was shocked as well. She shook her head. "Young Miss, this …"

Not far away, there were two men standing in front of a carriage. One was General Li, who had been sent by the emperor to assist Yan Zijun in the extermination of the Yan Clan, while the other was someone who looked exactly like General Li.

Could there be an identical person in this world?

Ning Wanfeng had read some martial arts books and said that there was a disguise technique in this world that could imitate a person's skin and turn them into a completely different person.

As she thought of this, Ning Wanfeng immediately turned and hurried into the city. She had to let Yan Zijun know that there was a high possibility that General Li from the Yang Pass was a fake.

Li Su and Li Yang rode together in a carriage back to the station. On the way back, Li Su gave a rough description of what she had done at Bian Yangquan.

Li Yang sighed, "You've always loved to cause trouble since you were young."

Li Su stuck out her tongue. "I couldn't do anything about it that day, and my brother still came in the end." Li Su took her brother's arm and leaned her head against it.

"This time, when you go back to the capital …" Before Li Yang could finish his sentence, the carriage stopped without any warning. Li Yang frowned, "Yi Yan, what's wrong?"

Zhu Yiyan, who was sitting outside, looked at the group of people who had stopped the horse carriage, "General, it's Castellan Yan."

Li Yang glanced at Li Su, "Castellan Yan, why did you stop my carriage?"

Ning Wanfeng asked, "General Li, why are you leaving the city and returning to it?"

Li Yang lifted the curtain, and first he looked at all the people holding the carriage, then he smiled and said, "From what you're saying, I don't even have the freedom to go there?"

Ning Wanfeng confidently said, "The Bian Yang Pass is in its prime. I also heard that there is a technique in the martial arts world that can change the appearance of others."

After pondering for a moment, Li Yang couldn't help but let out a "puchi" laugh. "Are you suspecting that I'm a person that can change my appearance?" Without waiting for a reply, Li Yang opened the carriage's curtain, "Sister, they probably saw you."

It was the first time Li Su appeared in front of everyone with her identity. She could not help but feel nervous.

At that time, two generals with the same appearance appeared in front of everyone, causing everyone to feel fear.

Li Yang said generously, "This is my sister, Li Su. My father ordered her to come here and give me the family heirloom secret recipe." Li Yang shifted his gaze to Ning Wanfeng, "I'm afraid the Lady may have seen your sister before, which is why she used this technique. However, it's only a rumor, and cannot be trusted completely."


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