Beautiful Sorrows/C12 Living Expectations
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Beautiful Sorrows/C12 Living Expectations
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C12 Living Expectations

“Zandra, I know you can hear me" she bellowed, her words echoing through the hollow walls and marble floors. "Stop playing games; don't be shy. Show yourself!”

Theo's heart pounded as she stood defiantly in the moonlit darkness, ready to face her arch enemy and unlock the secrets that had been concealed for too long. In the distance, a figure emerged from the shadows—a silhouette that sent shivers down her spine.

Zandra stepped forward with an enigmatic smile on her lips. Her eyes glinted with a darkness that seemed to mirror the desolate landscape the white marble castle stood upon.

"You've come," Zandra said, her voice a haunting melody that carried a hint of twisted nostalgia.

“Behold Theodora, my sweetest of adversaries." She spoke, her smoothness standing in contrast to the ruin around them. "Here in this dismal corner of the world lays a new destiny awaiting us both, one that will define the fate of this entire realm. Your courage is admirable. Know that your role in this scheme of destiny will be pivotal. Prepare yourself for your own demise.”

Theo's resolve only grew stronger as she faced the darkness within the enemy before her. With each encounter, she learned more about herself, her strength, and the mysterious past that bound her to Zandra. The journey had revealed challenges beyond her imagination, but it had also unlocked a power within her—the power to confront her past, reclaim her destiny, and forge a new path for herself and Ravensky.

Theo's quest had only just begun, and the lunar desert held many secrets yet to be uncovered. She was prepared to face every peril, embrace every truth, and wield her newfound magic with the strength of a true heroine.

Theo quickly spun around as the minions swarmed her, their desperate attempts to seize her magic sword and take her down coming in waves. With lightning fast reflexes, Theo leapt over their bodies, narrowly avoiding each of their advance strikes. Exuding a powerful surge of energy, she retaliated with a brilliant shield that knocked them back like rag dolls and left them stunned and motionless.

With a ferocious growl, Theo leapt forward and thrust her sword towards Zandra with a flurry of mighty swings, every blow plunging deeper into her enemy's body like an unstoppable force. An agonizing scream pierced the air as Zandra doubled over in pain, her face contorted in agony. But it was too late—the minions had already recovered from their stunned state and were assembled together for another attack on Theo. In a desperate attempt to save herself, she conjured a brilliant sun-like explosion of light that engulfed them all in its power, even forcing Zandra back in shock.

Theo's eyes darted between the remaining minions as they regrouped and advanced on her once more. With little time to spare and feeling the effects of her magical exhaustion, Theo gathered what strength she had left and channeled all that she had learned on her quest thus far. She held up her sword in a defying stance and exclaimed a powerful incantation. Instantly, a bright light emanated from Theo's blade and spread outward until it illuminated the entire castle—a signal for help.

Theo prayed that her call would be heard by Elysium that has since her entry into the castle have been eerily quiet. Indeed, with their help, Theo felt that anything was possible.

Every hair on Theo's body rose to attention as a crackling portal opened in the center of the room. Through it stepped Crawford, Way Onyx and The Guard of Ravensky. With lightning speed they raced to Theo's side, surrounding her in a protective wall of strength. Zandra aimed a devastating spell at them, but Crawford countered with such a powerful force that shook the walls. Theo moved forward fearlessly and without hesitation, ready for battle. Way Onyx and The Guard of Ravensky stood tall, bearing their weapons and shields as they held back the hordes of minions who surrounded them.

The odds were like a wall, impenetrable and insurmountable to any normal eye. But Theo stood tall against them— her courage only fired up further when she saw her comrades at her side. "About time you showed up," she quipped with a smug grin towards Crawford. "Apologues for missing out on the family reunion," He muttered while grimly assessing the weariness in her eyes and the bruises that shadowed her face. In spite of their predicament, both managed to curl the sides of their lips upward for a brief second.

With renewed strength, Crawford hoisted his staff high and Theo gripped her sword tighter than ever before. With unshakable courage the two charged forward stepping into the looming shadow of Zandra.

Zandra cackled maniacally as the group shifted uneasily. "You thought you could defeat me so easily?" she spat contemptuously, her gaze scanning over each of them in turn. "Well think again! I have been keeping a very special guest here at my castle." She paused, letting the suspense linger before continuing with gusto. "Your beloved father, Theo!"

It seemed as if time itself froze for a few seconds. Theo felt her throat grow tight and her heart tighten with emotion. She almost broke down but held herself together, realizing that there was still an obstacle to overcome.

In a show of strength, Zandra momentarily revealed a figure hidden in the shadows of one of the hallways—Phillip, Theo's father! He looked gaunt and his clothes hung loosely from his body. His eyes blinked tiredly as he adjusted to the light, but they widened when he saw Theo. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips before turning into an encouraging nod.

In that moment, Theo felt a spark of strength course through her body and suddenly all her doubts melted away. She took a deep breath, steadied herself and gently grinned knowingly at her father before turning her gaze to Zandra with newfound assurance.

Zandra's words of warning carried an icy chill, and Theo felt the weight of them like a slap across her face. "You can use your power to defeat us," she said, as if daring Theo to take her on. "But I will make you a deal—if you and your allies leave here and never speak or tell anyone about the way to the White Castle, I swear upon my own life that I won't hurt your father." Theo searched Zandra's eyes for any hint of deception as the offer hung in the air. Despite her desire for a fight, she knew this was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Zandra's triumphant smirk vanished as her icy finger twitched, sending a shock of pain through Phillip's body. Theo's muscles strained and sweat beaded on her forehead as she gritted her teeth and fought against every impulse to drive her sword through Zandra's heart. Her gaze was heavy with contempt, yet Theo knew that if she wanted her father to survive this battle, then she must put her rage aside and agree to Zandra's demands.

“Fine,” Theo drawled mockingly as she reluctantly released her grip on the blade. “But why should I believe you?” She added sarcastically.

"I guess you don't really have a choice but to trust." Zandra said stroking Phillips cracked cheek.

With a dramatic huff, Theo vainly attempted to swallow the fearful lump in her throat. She looked briefly at her helpless father before turning away with an exaggerated determination.

“May he know that this will not be a farewell for long. Not all the time or power in the universe can stop me from coming back.” She gravely thought walking on.

Crawford took a deep breath before questioning Theodora, "Are you certain this is the only choice, for one man's life compared to every soul in Ravensky? Would it not be wise to consider other options?" An icy look of defiance from Theodora met him as she answered without any hesitation, "Not if that one is my, one and only living parent."

Crawford nodded grimly, gesturing for Way to keep his objections silent while the Guard of Ravensky began their march towards the edge of the castle walls. Theo kept a firm grip on her sword handle, eager to take revenge on the monster who had taken everything from her.

Libre Baskerville
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