Beautiful Sorrows/C6 Amnesty of the Immortal
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Beautiful Sorrows/C6 Amnesty of the Immortal
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C6 Amnesty of the Immortal

Way and Theo stood quietly in the middle of the room. The shadows, concealed by the impending nightfall casted elongated over the ruff floorboards. From the crack under another door shone a warm orange glow, outlining two silhouettes standing guard. From behind them, three figures appeared from the shadows, poised to pounce. Way shouted for them to stop, and all froze in place. They slowly began to lower their hands and move closer towards them, each wearing a mischievous expression on their face. One of the figures stepped forward and said with a hearty laugh that broke through the tension like sunlight breaking through storm clouds on a spring morning,

"We're sorry for scaring you two! We didn't think you'd be here so soon." He was a man with skin so dark it seemed almost like night itself. His features were sharp, making him look stern and powerful yet his eyes twinkled merrily when he smiled which enhanced the sense of warmth that emanated from him wherever he went.

"Hi, I'm Buzadu Stout." He extended his hand to Theo. "I'm Way's oldest friend." He said smiling. Theo cautiously shook his outreached hand.

“This is my brother Pi Stout." He said gesturing to a young man with skin so white it had the brightness of sunlight reflecting off snow that has just fallen. It was peppered with golden freckles giving it warmth.

“Welcome to Ravensky,” Pi said with a labored accent extending his hand to Theo.

She shook it right away. His skin felt ridiculously soft and smooth. Buzadu gave Theo a warm smile as shock set on her face.

"This is Lyaanna." Lyaanna stepped forward gracefully and inclined her head towards both Way and Theo in a courteous manner. Lyaanna was a tall woman with long blonde ringlets cascading down her shoulders. She had eyes like sapphires that seemed to sparkle with mirth and wisdom beyond her years. She wore a bodysuit formed in a uniform.

"Your uniform is amazing." Theo exclaimed.

"Thank you so much." Her voice was gentle, but strong. The uniform is black with pale blue accents. Her form fitting top has a sleeveless jacket that covers the upper torso and shoulder, the sleeves of which are form fitted and protrude from her shoulder and the end of her jacket, exposing part of her shoulders. The jacket itself stopped just below her breasts where it met a fitted body suit, the bottom of it is fitted and falls to the middle of her calves followed by a pair of blue, white and black boots that go just under the knees.

It was only then that Theo noticed that they all wore a different version of the same uniform. Buzadu's uniform is black, formfitting and adorned with gold trim that is inscribed with runes that glow with golden light.

"They’re the guard, protecting Ravensky." Way said softly to Theo. She nodded silently.

"The material is a fine weave of black and gold. The black representing the night that beckons travelers and brings travelers rest in the dark. The gold represents the sun that rises at the break of a new day." Pi explained as he pointed at his own uniform.

"Well that's enough for now. We have an appointment to make." Way said.

Buzadu nodded silently.

Theo let out sighs of relief.

"Well then get to it." Pi said smiling slyly.

All four of them stepped to the edge of a massive crevasse, which plunged away into a deep black. The floor of the cavern ground broke apart like a giant jagged jaw and revealed a massive pit in the ground looking like it had no end.

Theo’s breath quickened as she approached the deep, shadowy chasm. "You have to be kidding me." She was overwhelmed by a pungent mix of decay and dirt that filled her nostrils and reminded Theo of her recurring nightmare, the one where she was trying to climb out of a deep pit just like this one. Fear and doubt surged through her, as if it were almost instinctual to avoid going down the hole, yet something inside kept drawing her in but fear kept her rooted in place.

A door crashed open behind her and a gust of wind shoved Theo towards the catacomb. She frantically grasped for something, anything, to hold on to, but it was too late. The weight of her backpack propelled her forward. Lyaanna's vise-like grip clamped down like a shackle around her upper arm, easily restrained her delicate frame as she stumbled forward. Her mouth gaped in terror, yet the fear prevented any sound from coming out. Her heart felt like it would burst and all thoughts inside her head were extinguished in one fell swoop, replaced only by a deep dread of falling into the infinite abyss she had been so desperately trying to escape.

"Pull her up!" Way shouted with urgency.

Way looked down at Theo hanging inside the catacomb.

Theo's eyes were closed but a stern voice demanded, "No, Theo, open your eyes. You need to stay conscious." Her eyelids fluttered open and she peered at them for a moment. Suddenly a brilliant light shimmered from her eyes and in an instance the darkness of the catacomb started to swirl with vibrant purple light. The four of them gasped in stunned surprise and before they could react, Theo had leapt onto the ledge next to them. As the light faded back into Theo, only her eyes still glowed with captivating purple sparks.

"Wow." Pi exclaimed looking at the others in shock. “That was different.”

The four of them stared in awe at the mysterious light that had shone from Theo's eyes. No one spoke for a moment as they took in the implications of what had just happened. Then Way cleared his throat and began to speak, "That was strange... whatever it was it seems to have some kind of power."

Buzadu nodded, "It could be a sign of something more sinister..." He trailed off looking into the abyss.

Pi glanced around nervously, before adding, "Or it could simply be something magical or even divine."

"We should investigate more," Lyaanna suggested with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Way stared quizzically at the lights, scratching his head with one hand and rubbing an imaginary beard with the other. "What on earth could this be?" he mused.

"I'm not sure," Buzadu replied with a furrowed brow.

Theo remained silent throughout their discussion, unsure if she should share her own thoughts on the matter. She knew that she had felt an immense power within her when that light shone forth but didn't know where it came from.

"Maybe it's a sign from the stars!" Pi exclaimed, his voice rising in excitement.

The small group shared ideas and theories about what the mysterious light could possibly be and why it was there. Everyone eagerly discussed possibilities until finally an agreement was reached.

“We need to get moving. The Council is the only ones that could have the right answers.” Buzadu said looking at the open double doors behind them as the wind swept in circles around them.

"Try not to stumble, Theodora," Way said playfully, squeezing her arm with a mischievous grin. "We're almost there."

“Well, almost where exactly?” Theo asked sarcastically, her heart pounding as she realized that all the nightmares she'd been dreading were coming true. "This must be my destiny, right?" She rolled her eyes. "To confront my deepest fears in real life."

“Face your fears head-on!" Way declared jovially. "Now, hang on for dear life!”

Without warning, Way leaped into the abyss with Theo still clinging to him. Her panicked scream echoed through the murky darkness as they plummeted downwards. Just as the terror threatened to consume her entirely, Way Onyx grabbed hold of a hidden ledge, catching them both at the last moment.

The incredulous look on Theo's face was priceless, her body shaking from the shock. "Have you lost your mind?" Theo sneered.

”Trust me," Way Onyx said, his twinkling golden brown eyes imploring her. "You won't even get a paper cut."

“I’m doubled over with laughter,” Theo said in an emotionless monotone. “Are the others joining us? Heaven forbid they miss out on such a thrilling journey.” Theo couldn't help but mock.

"No. They have a job to do. So do we." Way whispered.

He dragged them both down into a dank, murky underground passage filled with frigid water. Theo cursed every muscle in her body for hurting as they waded through the freezing liquid, she wracked with icy shivers. She tried desperately to avert her gaze from her mangled leg and its current state. She had no energy to ask questions or to think of consequences; all she wanted was to get this stupid journey over with, wherever it may lead.

"Stay close, and keep moving" Way Onyx murmured, guiding her through the dark tunnel. "We're nearly there."

As they pressed on, Theo tried to steady her breathing, her heart still pounding wildly in her chest. She couldn't help but wonder what other secrets awaited her in Ravensky, and whether she would ever be able to face them without fear.

The tunnel opened up into a vast cavern, and Theo's breath caught in her throat. She blinked several times, unable to comprehend the sight before her. The ceiling of the cave seemed to stretch up endlessly, and it was adorned with what appeared to be an intricate map of the cosmos. Swirling galaxies shimmered in shades of indigo and silver, while constellations connected by glowing threads formed fantastical shapes that danced in the darkness above them.

"Is this... real?" Theo whispered, her voice barely audible. Way Onyx smiled softly, his eyes flitting over the celestial display as if he were seeing it for the first time.

"Real enough," he replied cryptically. "This is Ravensky."

The wonder in Theo's eyes was mirrored by a flicker of pride in Way Onyx's expression, though he said nothing more on the subject. They made their way through the cavern, the walls pulsating with an ethereal luminescence that cast eerie shadows across the uneven floor.

As they walked, a figure emerged from the shadows, his face twisted in anger. He was a tall man, with a bristling beard and wild hair that looked as if it had been singed at the tips. His eyes blazed like embers as he approached Way Onyx, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Waynescott!" the man spat, venom dripping from each syllable. "What have you brought here?"

"Quiet, Caelum," Way replied, his voice low and steady. "She has a right to be here."

Caelum snarled, his gaze shifting to Theo, who shrank back instinctively. "And why is that? What does she know of our ways, our struggles? She's an outsider!"

"Enough!" Way snapped, stepping between Theo and Caelum. "Her presence here is not for you to question."

Theo surveyed the scene, her mind already jumping to wild conclusions. She looked at Way, his face contorted in a ridiculous expression of determination, and couldn't help but wonder why he had dragged her all the way to Ravensky if this was how it was going to turn out.

"Fine," Caelum grumbled, backing away with a scowl. "But don't expect me to welcome her with open arms."

Way nodded tersely before turning back to Theo, his expression softening as he guided her away from the staring man.

He snickered and said, "Don't worry now. Not everyone here is as stuck in their ways as Caelum. I'm sure you'll find some kindred spirits in Ravensky – yep, you mark my words!"

As Theo inhaled, she felt the world shrink around her. Everywhere she went there were countless tyrants and despots who cared only to oppress those weaker than them. Her foray into this beautiful yet unknown place was one of apprehension. She had come in search of answers, but all that lay before her was an array of enigmas; it seemed her mission was just beginning. With a heavy heart, Theo shuffled on after Way.

A group of curious children emerged from the shadows, their eyes wide and full of wonder as they stared at Theo. They whispered to one another and giggled, pointing at her with tiny fingers.

"Your hair looks like a squirrel's tail!" One little girl exclaimed, her face breaking into a grin. Her raven-black curls cascaded down her back, in stark contrast to Theo's wavy brown locks.

"Is it true you've never seen the stars before?" a young boy asked, his brow furrowed in disbelief. He was small for his age, his clothes hanging off his frame, but his eyes shone with intelligence beyond his years.

"Enough," Way chided the children gently, but they paid him no heed, continuing to pelt Theo with questions and observations that only heightened her confusion.

Theo tried to keep up with the barrage of inquiries, her heart pounding in her chest. What had she gotten herself into? These children seemed so different from those she knew back home – their mannerisms, their speech, even their appearances were unfamiliar and overwhelming.

"Please," she stammered, holding her hands up in a plea for some semblance of order. "I need a moment to think."

The children quieted, their gazes now fixed on her with an intensity that made her skin prickle. She scanned the cavernous space for a reflective surface, desperate to see her own reflection and remind herself of who she was – Theodora Finley, not just some stranger in a strange land.

Her eyes landed on a large water fountain in the center of the chamber, its surface smooth and undisturbed. As she approached, the ethereal sounds of dripping water echoed around her, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere. She knelt by the edge of the pool, her gaze fixing on her own reflection. But what she saw next caught her completely off guard.

The surface shimmered, the ripples distorting her image. And as it settled once more, she found herself staring not at her own face, but at a group of people on the other side – uniformed individuals watching her with unreadable expressions. They seemed to be studying her, their eyes flicking over every detail of her appearance.

"Who are they?" Theo whispered, her voice barely audible as she glanced up at Way.

"They are our custodians," he replied cryptically, his expression solemn. "And they've been waiting for you."

Theo's heart raced, a mixture of fear and curiosity spreading through her body like wildfire. In this strange underground world, nothing was as it seemed – and she couldn't shake the feeling that something much bigger than her own destiny was unfolding before her very eyes.

"Let’s go this way, there's more to see." Way said holding out his hand. Theo took it as he led her into the vast expansion of the underground world.

Theo's eyes widened as she stepped into the heart of the underground marketplace, unable to comprehend the sheer scale and variety of it all. Booths and makeshift stalls were crammed together, filling every available inch of the cavernous space. The air was thick with the scents of strange spices, mingling with the earthy odor of damp soil and the tang of metal.

"Welcome to Ravensky Market," said Way, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and trepidation.

Theo couldn't help but gape at the bizarre items on display – glowing orbs suspended in midair, intricate mechanical contraptions whirring and clicking away, and creatures she could only describe as fantastical, their fur or scales shimmering in shades she had never seen before.

"Is this... real?" she whispered, her voice quavering. "Or am I dreaming?"

"Every bit as real as you and me," Way replied, casting a reassuring glance her way. "These are the wonders of our world, hidden away from the prying eyes of those above."

As Theo moved through the market, she felt the weight of countless curious gazes upon her. Whispers followed her like a shadow, and she couldn't shake the feeling that everyone there knew something she didn't. It gnawed at her insides, fueling her growing sense of unease.

"Who are all these people?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Survivors, outcasts, dreamers..." Way trailed off, his eyes scanning the bustling crowd. "And some who simply wish to be left alone."

Before Theo could ask any more questions, a large man stepped forward, his towering frame commanding attention. His face was weathered and scarred, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see straight through her. His voice boomed through the cavern as he addressed her.

"Ah, Theodora Finley, we've been expecting you," he said, his tone authoritative yet oddly warm. "I am Silas, the leader of Ravensky."

Theo hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She was still reeling from the strangeness of it all, desperately trying to make sense of this new reality she found herself in.

"Um... hi," she stammered, cringing inwardly at her own awkwardness. "So, you know who I am?"

"Indeed, we do," Silas replied, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Your arrival has been foretold, and we have much to discuss. But first, allow me to show you around our humble abode."

As Theo followed Silas through the labyrinthine market, her mind raced with questions and doubts. Why was everyone so interested in her? What was her role in all of this? And most importantly – could she trust these people?

"Wait," she said suddenly, her voice firm. "Before we go any further, I need some answers. What is this place, really? And why have you been waiting for me?"

Silas regarded her thoughtfully for a moment before responding. "Very well, Theodora. You deserve the truth." He paused, his eyes boring into hers. "But are you prepared for what that may entail?"

Theo clenched her fists, feeling the weight of all the eyes in the underground market on her. She straightened her shoulders and raised her chin, trying to muster the courage she knew she needed. "I don't care if I'm not prepared," she declared. "I need answers. Now."

A murmur rippled through the crowd, and the faces surrounding her shifted from curiosity to concern. Theo could see the uncertainty in their expressions, but she refused to back down.

"Very well," Silas said, nodding solemnly. "Ravensky is a hidden refuge for those who possess knowledge and skills that are... unique. We have been waiting for you because you are the Chosen One – prophesized to restore balance and bring about a new era of peace."

Theo's heart skipped a beat, and her stomach churned with a mixture of fear and disbelief. "Me? The Chosen One?" she thought, her mind racing. "That can't be right." But as she looked into the eyes of the people around her, she could see the hope they held onto so desperately.

"Listen, I don't know anything about being a 'Chosen One,'" Theo said, frustration seeping into her voice. "And if this is some sort of mistake, I'll just leave and go back to my old life."

The crowd gasped collectively, their eyes widening in panic. A few children began to cry, and several adults exchanged worried glances. It was clear that the mere suggestion of her leaving was enough to send them spiraling into despair.

"Please, Theodora," Silas implored, his voice cracking under the pressure. "You must understand – we need you. More than you could possibly know."

Theo hesitated, torn between her desire for answers and her instinct to flee from the responsibility being thrust upon her. As she stood in the center of the bustling marketplace, a strange sensation began to creep up her spine – a feeling that something was watching her, waiting for her decision.

"Fine," she said finally, giving in to the weight of the stares pressing down on her. "But I need proof. Show me something that proves I'm the Chosen One, or I walk away."

Silas nodded and gestured for her to follow him. They weaved through the market, the noise and chaos fading behind them as they approached a heavy iron door guarded by two stern-faced sentries. Silas whispered something to the guards, who nodded and allowed them to pass.

As the door creaked open, Theo felt a surge of cold air wash over her, sending shivers down her spine. The room beyond was dimly lit by flickering candles, casting eerie shadows along the walls. In the center stood a pedestal, upon which rested an ancient-looking book, its pages worn and yellowed with age.

"Here is the prophecy," Silas said softly, his voice barely audible above the sound of Theo's pounding heart. "Within these pages lies the truth you seek."

Tentatively, Theo reached out a shaking hand to turn the page, her breath catching as she caught sight of the first line. It read:

"The prophecy of ages has unfurled to deliver a warning - on the edge of twilight, as the sky bled red, a beacon of light will appear and vanquish all those who linger in the shadows. The hour of reckoning is upon us, and the destinies of all men shall be decided by the one who rises from the depths of darkness: The Chosen One."

"The Chosen One has awoken." Silas roared.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to rumble, the tremors growing stronger by the second. The candles flickered wildly, casting a sinister glow across the room. And just as Theo looked up at Silas, fear etched on her face, the wall behind the pedestal cracked wide open, revealing a gaping abyss that threatened to swallow them whole.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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