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C22 Vexation

If Luo Qian and Luo Yan were in the same room, Loong Lin would still be worried about Luo Yan. Although she had the attitude of admitting her wrongs, remembering what she did in the past, this person could do anything.

Just to be safe. He then took Luo Qian to open a luxurious bed room in the hotel. Accompanied by a soft gaze from the front desk, Loong Lin walked into the hotel room with Luo Qian in his arms.

The next morning, the sun outside the window made Luo Qian feel warm all over her body. It was the dazzling sunlight that made her eyes turn red. She rubbed open her sleepy eyes and saw herself lying on the bed in the hotel.

She looked around. The hotel's unique decorations allowed her to determine that this was not an ordinary hotel. Even though Luo Qian's knowledge of that area was still hazy, her mind involuntarily connected this place to the other emotional hotels she had seen on the streets.

What! Elegant Hotel! At this moment, she saw that there was another person sleeping soundly on the bed beside her. Although it was covered by a blanket, the hotel's temperature only covered half of Loong Lin's body.

Luo Qian was both embarrassed and annoyed, but she felt a little bit sweet inside. Although she liked Loong Lin, Loong Lin didn't tell her that he had done it so suddenly … There was still a little bit of reluctance in his heart.

She ran to Loong Lin's side and wanted to slap him awake, but before she could raise her hand, she saw his face on the side. He looked like a newborn baby, peaceful and innocent, and she couldn't bear to wake him up.

Luo Qian could only angrily walk back to her bed and curl up her legs, lost in thought. However, a happy smile would occasionally surface on her face. Sometimes she would twitch her lips, as if she had thought of something that displeased her.

Luo Qian had to go down again, close her eyes, and try not to think about what might happen in the future.

The leaves of the wutong tree outside the window were being stirred up by the wind, producing 'sha sha' sounds of laughter. It seemed that all the summers would not be short of noisy knowledge and generous sunshine, making you restless and restless.

The hotel that Loong Lin chose had a very good location. The restaurants, baths, and other service industries all surrounded the hotel. However, the busy streets were not as noisy as they should have been. In the room, the two of them quietly enjoyed a short period of peace and serenity.

The phone in the hotel suite near the exit rang and Luo Qian heard it, but she was too embarrassed to answer it because she didn't know how to face the man she spent the night with.

"Who is it that's so annoying?" Loong Lin originally wanted to sleep until 12 o'clock this morning and then go have lunch with Luo Qian, but he was woken up by Luo Qian now. He felt very upset.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hello, I'm a waitress at the Divine State Seven Stars Hotel. Your breakfast is ready. Please open the door and let me take it to you."

"Alright." It turned out to be the breakfast supply of the hotel. Although he knew that the breakfast made by this hotel was very special, it still couldn't make up for Loong Lin's unhappiness.

Loong Lin went back to bed and quickly put on his clothes. He didn't forget to look at himself in the mirror; he didn't want Luo Qian to see him getting up early and looking messy.

"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb you. Please allow me to serve you today's breakfast."

After saying that, the waiter pushed the dining car in, skillfully arranging the dishes neatly on the table. Two servings of Australian 30% steak, two cups of milk squeezed out from the cows on the farm, a few slices of bread, and a fruit salad that belonged to the hotel. Loong Lin suddenly had an appetite when he saw this, and couldn't help but sneakily drink a mouthful of fresh milk.

"Sir, please enjoy your meal," the waiter politely greeted, quietly pushing the dining car out of the suite.

"Wake up, Luo Qian."

"The sun is setting on my ass."

"Come have breakfast quickly, Luo Qian!"

He felt that Luo Qian would be happy to see such a sumptuous and nutritious breakfast, but now that he couldn't wake the lazy pig lying on the bed after a few sentences, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He looked at Luo Qian's bed and discovered that she was secretly glancing at him.

"You little girl, are you still pretending to sleep with me? See how I'll wake you up." Loong Lin thought.

"If you don't get up, I'll get into your bed." Loong Lin said shamelessly.

"This bastard, he already did what he had to do last night, and now he's here again." "Just play with me." Luo Qian thought with dissatisfaction in her heart.

At this moment, Loong Lin had already walked to Luo Qian's bedside. He felt that something was wrong.

"Yi, this girl is already awake. Why isn't she awake yet?" Besides, I had reached her bedside. Could it be... Does she really want me to get into her bed? "

Loong Lin quickly shook his head. That's impossible, Luo Qian is the school's beauty, and her family is so rich. How could she like a poor kid like me?

Taking a step back, even if Luo Qian really took a fancy to me, she isn't this kind of casual girl.

Loong Lin was confused and felt a bit confused.

Loong Lin of the Special Forces, when faced with a situation where he was calm, smart, and able to move, even if he was trapped in a life threatening situation, he would still be able to think of a way to get out of this predicament in time. But now, he really couldn't figure out what Luo Qian was thinking.

This could be a woman, always a mystery to men.

Loong Lin saw that there were no clothes on Luo Qian's bed, so he determined that she had already put on her clothes. At this moment, he had practiced muscle training thousands of times to help her, so he quickly lifted Luo Qian's quilt.

With Loong Lin's physique, it only took him half a second to lift the blanket that was less than two meters long. However, Luo Qian was faster than that. Perhaps it only took her 0.01 seconds to cover herself and sit up.

Loong Lin was shocked by Luo Qian's series of actions. He felt that all his years of training were wasted. Now, he couldn't even compare to a little girl. He stared at Luo Qian with his eyes wide open.

Luo Qian's eyes were bigger than Loong Lin's. Originally, Luo Qian's eyes were much bigger than the average girl's, but now, her eyes were like apricots as they stared straight at Loong Lin.

The two of them stared at each other without saying a word.

Loong Lin was scared senseless. He held his breath. He didn't know how long it had been, but it felt very long. Every second felt like it was hard to bear. It was like a clock was pounding his heart.

"Sit down!"

Loong Lin sat on the ground. He didn't know why his body was so obedient.

"You shameless bastard, you actually did such a despicable thing while I was sleeping."

"From your usual behavior, I had thought that you were a righteous gentleman. However, I never expected that you would still take advantage of me."

"Despicable, vulgar."

Luo Qian's barrage of curses made Loong Lin dizzy. He was confused and didn't know what had happened.

I just told her to get up, that's all, and she was already awake. Loong Lin thought in his heart.

But it wasn't over yet. Luo Qian picked up the pillow behind her and threw it at Loong Lin.

Loong Lin had trained before, so he wouldn't even blink if he was punched, let alone this soft pillow. To him, it was like Luo Qian was scratching him.

Seeing this, Luo Qian raised her pillow and hit Loong Lin's lower body. Although Loong Lin was extremely resistant to blows, he still couldn't bear it.

"Aiyo, my sister! What are you doing? I've offended you! Why did you only pick such a place to fight?"

Luo Qian became even more excited after hearing that. She wanted to vent Loong Lin's dissatisfaction with not greeting her in advance.

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