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C23 Funny

Loong Lin got beaten up by Luo Qian from one room to the other. Not long later, Luo Qian ran out of energy and sat on the bed while gasping for breath.

"You've stopped." Loong Lin still didn't know why Luo Qian acted so magnanimously the moment she woke up.

Suddenly, a thought popped into Loong Lin's mind. He seemed to have understood why Luo Qian would treat her like this the moment she got up.

While Luo Qian sat down to rest, Loong Lin quickly explained.

"Yesterday evening, I went to your sister's place to pick you up. I saw that you were too tired, so I took you to the hotel to rest. I didn't do anything last night."

"Who would believe you?"

"What I said is true. Otherwise, why would there be two beds in this room?"

Luo Qian thought about it carefully. It seemed like that was the case. If Loong Lin really gave her something, why did he have to open a room with two beds?

Luo Qian blushed when she thought of this, feeling both embarrassed and ashamed.

However, Luo Qian's face was red and extremely cute. Loong Lin thought as he saw the secondary scene.

Luo Qian felt guilty for her rudeness just now, but she was also a little annoyed by Loong Lin's lack of understanding. She was extremely disappointed and didn't know what to do, so she just lowered her head and sat there in a daze.

"It's okay. How could I do that to you, idiot?"

"Ugh …" "Sorry, the moment I got up I saw us in the same room. I thought you did something against me last night."

"How could I do that kind of thing to you? It's just that you were very tired yesterday and I couldn't bring you to my house, so I brought you here to rest." Did you rest well last night? "

"Yes, it's been a long time since I've had such a comfortable sleep. But my head still hurts a little right now."

Loong Lin wanted to tell her about yesterday's thrilling scene, but she was afraid of ruining their friendship, and she was also afraid of hurting Luo Qian's heart. Therefore, she decided to seal yesterday's matter in her memories forever.

"Where did I go yesterday? How come I don't remember anything at all?"

"Yesterday, Luo Qian invited you to a party, but you drank too much, Luo Yan's school suddenly had urgent business with her, so she called me to pick you up. At that time, you were very drunk, and you were covered with alcohol."

"I asked the cleaning lady to change your clothes, so you don't have to worry about what I saw."

"Hmm …" Luo Qian felt happy for Loong Lin's concern.

"Thank you."

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

This is what I should do, Loong Lin didn't know why he said that.

Luo Qian blushed again. This is what he should do. Doesn't this mean that Loong Lin is interested in me as well?

Loong Lin looked at Luo Qian's face in confusion. He didn't know why her face turned red again.

Men can never guess what the girl is thinking, even if he is meticulous Loong Lin.

However, Luo Qian simply did not notice anything wrong from Loong Lin's words. She just nodded her head and believed Loong Lin's words.

After tossing and turning for most of the day, the two of them were tired. Loong Lin suggested that they go outside for a cold drink to relieve the heat.

Luo Qian had wrongly blamed Loong Lin just now. Now, she felt very guilty and was too embarrassed to reject Loong Lin, so she agreed to follow him outside.

"It was my fault just now. Let me treat you."

"How can I let a girl like you pay?" During the conversation, Loong Lin ordered two cups of jasmine honey tea.

"Loong Lin, do you have a girl you like?"

"This …" Luo Qian asked, causing Loong Lin to be at a loss for words.

He didn't know if he should answer yes or no, because she didn't know what Luo Qian meant by that.

"Never mind, I'm just teasing you."

"Alright, alright. Is this tea drink good?"

"Um... "It's not bad, but it's a little too sweet."

"But it's still not as sweet as you." Loong Lin blurted out. Once again, Luo Qian blushed.

"Bastard, you're not allowed to speak nonsense."

The two of them continued to laugh and curse, and it was noon before they knew it.

First, Loong Lin's stomach started to growl. Luo Qian wanted to laugh at him, but she didn't expect her stomach to growl as well.

"Let's have a meal together." Loong Lin, Luo Qian, asked tentatively.


The two of them walked into a high-end western restaurant. After they had their fill, the two of them walked out.

Loong Lin knew it was time to say goodbye, so he said, "I'll go home first. See you next time."

"Yeah, it's been a pleasure eating with you this time. I'm looking forward to meeting you next time."

With that, the two of them walked in the direction of their respective homes. Gradually, they disappeared into the sea of people.

At home, Loong Lin was physically and mentally exhausted. Recently, many things have happened, which made him understand that this society was not like the primitive society, where the strong preyed on the weak, and the survival of the fittest was a cruel jungle society.

However, if you want to live a good life with your beloved one, you cannot do without your own strength. If you don't have the strength, when someone bullies you, you don't even have the chance to resist.

Loong Lin secretly rejoiced that he had trained some martial arts and was much stronger than the average person. These days, many crises happened because Loong Lin's strength was there, so other people could only compromise.

Loong Lin wasn't the kind of person who would easily settle down in a situation like this. He knew very well that he was very strong now, but the world was big, and strange and bizarre things happened everywhere. If he wanted to live in this world peacefully, he could only keep improving, and only then could he have the maximum ability to protect himself and his family.

Loong Lin decided to use the shortest time possible to increase his strength as much as possible. The ancient tomb trip had brought him a great harvest. Coincidentally, the bodyguard company was under the serious management of Liu Mengyao and the others, and with the help of the veterans' many years of experience, the company was growing day by day. He could also rest and cultivate properly.

Therefore, in the remaining days, other than eating and drinking, Loong Lin shut himself up in his room to think about Witch and Martial Arts, his entire body was almost possessed. Although Liu Meng Yao and Luo Qian had also come to visit him, but they had all been taken advantage of and were very curious about what Loong Lin was doing.

Finally, the day before school started, Loong Lin finished most of the training. He felt that he was full of energy, his strength had increased a lot, and the increase in his strength brought about a tremendous increase in his self-confidence.

Loong Lin saw that his strength had improved a lot, so he would be able to handle some things more easily.

Loong Lin's training made him unable to feel the passage of time. Actually, it had been half a month since he entered the room, and school was about to start tomorrow.

Although Loong Lin is not very interested in school, but to be able to see Luo Qian every day is his biggest task at school.

Loong Lin had been busy training and hadn't seen Luo Qian for a long time. At this time, he suddenly started to miss Luo Qian a little. He would go to her house to find him tomorrow and go to school together with her.

Loong Lin called Luo Qian. On the other side of the phone, Luo Qian was also thinking that Loong Lin had ignored him recently. Coincidentally, she was not happy either. When she saw Loong Lin's number, the small emotion in her heart disappeared.

Although Loong Lin was happy to be able to call, she had to punish him for disappearing for such a long time. Therefore, Luo Qian's tone wasn't that emotional, so how could Loong Lin not know that Luo Qian was throwing her temper at her.

Loong Lin also spoke sweetly over the phone. Luo Qian's anger had also mostly dissipated. The last two promised to meet again in front of the school gate tomorrow morning.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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