Beloved Second Wife/C22 Shareholding Shares
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Beloved Second Wife/C22 Shareholding Shares
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C22 Shareholding Shares

Han Zhen smiled and looked at Zhang Shuo, "How could I go back on my word? You probably didn't look carefully and only searched under the names of a few major shareholders, but you forgot about the ordinary employees. Look carefully, I gave five percent of shares to two people in the design department."

When Zhang Shuo heard this, he hurriedly flipped to the name list of the design department's staff, "Lee Xi, Han Yang? Are these two people from our design department? I've never heard of them before."

"Hehe, Director Zhang is usually busy with equity maintenance, how could he have the time to care about a small fry like me in the design department?" Han Qin looked at Zhang Shuo with a teasing expression, making him feel embarrassed.

Zhang Shuo smiled awkwardly and did not say anything else.

"Alright, if there are no more objections, everyone can sign off and adjourn the meeting. That's all for today, nothing else." After saying that, Han Zhen sat up straight and waited for the result.

Zhang Shuo helplessly looked at the proposal in front of him, and soon after, he signed and signed.

The meeting ended very happily, and everyone left the meeting room one after another.

Lee Xi was even more confused. Was this Lee Xi herself? Could it be that there was another person with the same name as her in Oran?

"Lee Xi, from tomorrow onwards, you will be coming to the design department to work. I didn't tell you in advance." Han Zhen called out to Lee Xi while she was deep in thought.

Lee Xi thought she was dreaming, "Uncle, you were talking about me just now. What about the five percent..." Lee Xi's teeth were about to chatter together.

"Yes, since you are going to marry Han Xin anyway, I will continue to give it to you." Han Zhen said kindly.

Lee Xi did not expect Han Zhen to make such a decision, "But, I... It's not what you think, Uncle..." Lee Xi was at a loss for words.

"Yes, you are the chairman of the board, and you can decide what you want to do quickly, regardless of whether others are willing or not." Han Xin finally couldn't hold it in anymore and exploded.

Han Zhen did not expect Han Xin to be angry at him at this time. He was unhappy all of a sudden, "I'm doing all this for you. All day long, you don't do any proper work. What entertainment stars are you doing? It's all nonsense! If you are obedient, I will make your wife suffer so much!"

Lee Xi was shocked when Han Zhen flew into a rage, but Han Xin didn't care at all and broke out of the door.

After Han Xin left, Han Zhen sat in his seat and let out a long sigh, "You don't know that I can't do anything about my son. Don't let your uncle down. I know it's very difficult for you, but I can only ask you to take care of him and help him!"

Lee Xi wanted to refuse, but when she saw Han Zhen's sad expression, she felt embarrassed to refuse. "Uncle, don't be so sad. I promise you, I will come to work tomorrow."

Han Zhen was overjoyed when he heard Lee Xi's words. "You really are a good child. You just have to remember to keep going. The past is nothing. I believe you can do it."

After saying that, he stood up and left with his assistant.

Han Qin walked up to Lee Xi and comforted him, "I know you don't like my brother, but I can tell he likes you very much. Just treat it as helping him and helping you. Without love, work won't let you go hungry. You have to pull yourself together."

Lee Xi did not expect Han Qin to speak to her in such an attitude. She deeply felt the strong confidence and strength that Han Qin exuded from her bones.

No, she wasn't going to be bored to death in the cottage. She was going to help herself.

When they returned to the small villa, Dali opened the car door for Lee Xi. Lee Xi smiled at Dali. She did not know why Dali was so loyal to Han Xin.

"Sister-in-law, my brother is like that. He cares about you, and he's afraid you won't like him." Dali had just heard Han Qin talk about a lot of things at the meeting and decided to comfort Lee Xi.

Lee Xi knew that Dali was protecting Han Xin. "I know. It doesn't matter. Just treat it as training. I don't care." Lee Xi calmly said what she was thinking.

"I'll go back and tell him you like it, and he won't be angry. By the way, do you know who it was that split the five percent with you?" Dali's interest was suddenly piqued.

Lee Xi hesitated as she walked. "Are you talking about Han Yang?"

"Yes." Dali answered firmly.

Lee Xi thought for a moment and said, "I really don't know this person. This is my first time going to the Oran. How can I know him?"

Dali mysteriously leaned close to Lee Xi's ear and said, "Let me tell you, that person is me." After saying that, he stood beside her with a smile.

"What, you're called Han Yang? No way, then why did he call you Dali?" Lee Xi could not believe her ears.

Dali also said with a little disappointment, "Yes, not many people know that my name is Han Yang. Han Xin said that my name is like his brother. In fact, I am only a month younger than him. He said that I only have Dali's anger and no brain, so my nickname became my name."

Lee Xi didn't expect Han Xin to be so nonsensical. How could he have such a strange thought?

"That's strange. Then you don't usually stay in Oran. I thought you were Han Xin's agent. What does that mean?" Lee Xi didn't understand.

Dali pretended to be pitiful as he walked. Seeing that he had already walked to the living room, Han Xin sat on the sofa. Dali blurted out, "It's all because of him. My brain was sealed and only registered in Oran. After that, I became his agent."

"Your company can even be in name." Lee Xi was surprised.

"Don't look down on me. I am a very awesome designer. It's enough for the certificate to be hung there." Dali was extremely proud.

Lee Xi saw Han Xin and did not say anything else. She just silently gave Dali a thumbs up. In the future, if she went to the design department of Oran, she would have to rely on these people to help her.

Lee Xi gave Dali a look. The two of them looked at each other in silence and only smiled silently.

Lee Xi originally wanted to sit in the pavilion outside. She conveyed this thought to Dali with her eyes. Dali also understood what Lee Xi meant. The two of them tiptoed and prepared to go out.

"Come here!" Han Xin shouted at the two of them.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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