Best Young Chef/C4 She Had Been Reborn
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Best Young Chef/C4 She Had Been Reborn
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C4 She Had Been Reborn

When there were only two people left in the room, Immortal Doctor Wang came to Zhao Ziloong's side with a smile.

He slowly stretched out his index and middle fingers. The two fingers looked wrinkled, but there was an invisible stream of air flowing on the surface. At a glance, they looked like a sharp unsheathed sword.

Immortal Doctor Wang took a deep breath, and his originally murky gaze suddenly became as sharp as lightning. His two fingers whistled out and hit Zhao Ziloong seven times, causing a strong air current to spurt out from his body.

Zhao Ziloong, who was previously unconscious and crazy, was like a deflated balloon and immediately relaxed.

After a long while, his eyelashes gently moved, and his eyes slowly opened.

"Brat, you're lucky this time."

Immortal Doctor Wang held a cup of tea and said while smiling at him.

"Immortal Doctor Wang, where am I?"

Zhao Ziloong looked around in confusion.

"At my house, you go up the mountain to gather pine mushrooms and fall on the ground. They sent you here to me." Immortal Doctor Wang took a sip of tea and explained in an extremely calm voice.

"I remember that after eating a white mushroom, my whole body began to heat up and my whole body went numb." Zhao Ziloong thought of this and suddenly asked: "I heard that a lot of the mushrooms were poisonous, I couldn't have been poisoned, right?"

"All living things in the world breathe. The breath of plants is very beneficial to us humans. It is often called Spiritual Energy. That pine forest lived for more than a hundred years, and its spirit energy was extremely dense and cold. Under the guidance of you, Tong Yang, it was immediately moved into the pine mushrooms and was finally swallowed by your mouth. " Immortal Doctor Wang shook his head with a smile and said this slowly.

"What spiritual energy?"

Although Zhao Ziloong had also seen a martial arts fantasy, he was still confused when he heard about it in real life.

"Do you know Qigong?"

Immortal Doctor Wang asked from a different angle.

Seeing Zhao Ziloong nod his head, Immortal Doctor Wang spoke again, "If you don't understand me, you can also think like this: The air that the pine forest condensed over the course of a hundred years was all transferred into your body."

"So, I have Qigong?"

Zhao Ziloong clenched his fists. He felt that his body was full of explosive power.

"You can think like this. Their main effect is to strengthen your physical fitness, repair your physical defect, and make your physique closer to perfection." Immortal Doctor Wang explained to him with a smile.

Before he finished his sentence, Zhao Ziloong impatiently asked: "So, my useless thing will become okay because of this?"

"If he can't, then he can!"

Immortal Doctor Wang narrowed his eyes and shifted his gaze to his lower body.

When Zhao Ziloong subconsciously looked down, he saw a small hill that had originally risen up from the ground.

I can do it!

I can really do it!

Heavens, you really have eyes!

Zhao Ziloong was very excited with tears in his eyes.

Under the guidance of Immortal Doctor Wang, Zhao Ziloong went back home and took some strong discharge medicine. After that, his medicine was released for three days.

The things that came out from his body were as black as ink and smelled like rotten meat. The entire latrine was smothered to the point that no one could enter.

In addition, layers of greyish black mud also came out from Zhao Ziloong's body, so he had to clean it every half day. The washed water was poured out and not even the dogs were willing to drink it.

According to Immortal Doctor Wang's words, spiritual energy transformation needed a process to drain the dirt from the body. This was a purification of the body. In fact, after three days of excretion, even though Zhao Ziloong's body was weak, after being washed and replaced, his skin became paler and paler. On the surface, there was even a glimmer of white light.

On the fourth day, Zhao Ziloong drank some rice porridge and ate some fruits. He had already recovered some of his strength.

The villagers knew that he was very ill and came to visit him with eggs, bread, instant noodles, and other food. When they saw Zhao Ziloong's delicate and white skin, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Some of Aunt Ah who loved beauty not only came forward to caress it, but also asked about Zhao Ziloong's secret method.

Although Zhao Ziloong knew that it was due to the white mushroom, he promised Immortal Doctor Wang not to reveal it, so he just chuckled and fooled him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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