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Don't sweat it, Yuyan.

As your husband, I guarantee we're not losing this bet," Mu Chen said, oozing confidence.

"You're incurable," Lin Yuyan sighed, her hope in Mu Chen crumbling like a sandcastle.

"Guess I'll be knocking on every bank's door tomorrow, begging for loans."

At this time,

she could only try everything she could.

Come on, Yuyan, have some faith in yourself!"

Mu Chen chuckled, amused by her frenzy.

The mighty hall master of Dragon King Hall, worried about money?

"Fine, I'll believe you today—must be a ghost influencing me or something,"

Lin Yuyan shot back, her eyes narrowing at Mu Chen.

This man was nothing if not a wild card.

The following day.

After a quick breakfast, Mu Chen headed out alone.

Soon enough, he was standing in front of a towering skyscraper.

"Global Investment, this is the place," he mumbled, sauntering in.

"Do you have an appointment?"

The stylish receptionist asked.

"I'm here to see Loong Wentian. He's expecting me," Mu Chen replied, casually.

Before arriving,

Mu Chen had looped in Murong Feng and Global Investment to keep his true identity under wraps.

"Alright, give me a moment," said the receptionist,

sensing that someone who dropped the CEO's name so casually might be a VIP.


Mu Chen found himself in Loong Wentian's opulent office.

"I'm Loong Wentian. Old Man Mu gave me a heads-up about you. How should I address you?"

Wentian settled back into his plush sofa, arms crossed over his chest, as he scrutinized Mu Chen.

He wondered the connection between this enigmatic young man and the influential Murong family.

Murong Feng had been cryptic on the phone, saying only that Loong should fulfill Mu Chen's request.

But Loong couldn't do favors without sizing the other person's worth.

"My name's Mu Chen," he replied, getting to the point.

"I'm here to discuss the possibility of investing in the Lin Family Group."

Mu Chen spoke the truth about the purpose of this visit.

"Mu Chen?"

"Lin Family Group?"

Loong frowned at the name.

Then it hit him.

"Wait a minute. Are you that Mu Chen? The son-in-law of the Lin Family?"

he asked, disbelief coloring his voice.

Loong Wentian chuckled, almost incredulous.

"Ah, so you're that Mu Chen—the talk of the town for marrying into the Lin family?

Yes I am.

Mu Chen's brow furrowed, clearly unimpressed. This Global Investment bigwig, Loong Wentian, seemed clueless about the art of returning a favor.

Loong Wentian chuckled as if he'd just solved a riddle. "Ah, so you're the Mu Chen. You're practically a local celebrity in Chuyang."

"And now you want me to invest in Lin Family Group? Sorry, can't help you."

The moment Loong Wentian connected the dots about Mu Chen's identity, his interest evaporated faster than a puddle in the sun.

No way was he going to buy into the notion that Murong Feng had any meaningful ties to what society deemed a "useless son-in-law."

Moreover, if the city's high society were to find out that he, Loong Wentian, had been cowed by someone they all considered to be utterly inconsequential,

they'd be rolling on the floor, laughing their heads off!

"Are you sure about that? Care to share why?"

Mu Chen's expression tightened.

"Why? Look at you—a man who married into a family, wanting to discuss business with me?

"Even the Lin Family Group isn't exactly blue-chip, you know. Now get out."

Loong Wentian sprang up from his seat,

brushing off imaginary lint from his suit.

"If you apologize now, invest in the Lin Family Group, and don't charge any fees, we can pretend this never happened."

"Otherwise, bear the consequences!"

Mu Chen countered, his voice tinged with restrained fury.

Loong Wentian burst into laughter. "You're kidding, right? You want an apology and no fees? What's next, a personal serenade?

"Face the consequences, you say? I'm trembling!"

Loong Wentian burst into laughter, eyeing Mu Chen as if he were watching a circus act. "Ah, the things you hear these days!"

Unfazed, Mu Chen smirked and whipped out his phone. "Watch and learn."

He dialed Murong Feng.

"Make Global Investment mine within ten minutes. No questions, do it."

He hung up and leaned back, eyes closed.

The die was cast; Loong Wentian had sealed his fate when he disrespected Mu Chen.

Still chuckling, Loong Wentian taunted, "Global Investment for five billion? In ten minutes? Do you even comprehend what five billion means?

"But fine, let's play your game. I'll give you ten minutes. Then, you're out of here, stripped and humiliated."

Sure, there might be some high-rollers who could conjure up five billion in a mere ten minutes.

But the man before him, this notorious son-in-law?

Not a chance!

The clock ticked,

each second thick with tension.

Finally, ten minutes elapsed.

"Times up, deadbeat. Let me show you the cost of offending me."

Loong Wentian sneered, reaching for his phone to call security. But just then, his phone buzzed.

He picked up,

"Hello, Boss," standing straighter and putting on his best sycophantic smile.

Yet, as he listened, that smile wilted,

crumbling away as if it had never been there.

"Wait, what? You're telling me Global Investment was sold? Are you pulling my leg?"

"Sold for ten billion?"

Loong Wentian's face turned ghostly pale, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

As if to twist the knife,

his boss informed him that the new owner of Global Investment was none other than Mu Chen—the very man he had been openly mocking.



His phone slipped from his shaking hands and clattered to the floor.

A realization washed over him: he was done for. Utterly done for.

"I apologize for the inconvenience,"

Mu Chen said, rising gracefully from his seat.

"Ten billion is just my pocket money."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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