Billionaire's secret love/C6 It has nothing to do with her.
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Billionaire's secret love/C6 It has nothing to do with her.
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C6 It has nothing to do with her.

It has been Seven years he still remembered the girl was standing infront of the gate of the huge villa when he sat in his car and left for The country he saw her standing like a statue. She has no expression on her face. She neither was crying nor smiling. He stopped his car for some time and waited for her. When he was expecting she would come running and beg him for mercy, she didn't come and stood there watching him leave. When his father left him suddenly, he went crazy he wanted to kill all those people who were related to it anyway. His father's death wasn't natural but a huge conspiracy. They succeeded to kill his father but not destroying him and his family. To avenge his father he has done all the possible ways to destroy that man and people related to it, but after avenging his father he wasn't the same cheerful boy from before, who loves to play basketball.

" Mom I have never broken my promise. I still promise you, I won't think about her but I will never forget about my father's death."

Yes, he doesn't want to think about her, he himself was tired of everything. He wanted to let go of her but how could he forget his father had died on his lap?

Mrs Qing still remembered years ago her son was driven mad by his father's death, but she couldn't see her only child to burn in the lake of fire after her husband death , she cried day and night and fell sick for months. Doctor told Ziyan Qing if she won't forget her past and live a happy life it will lead to her grave. For him, nothing is more important than his mother and her health neither revenge nor any business. For his mother, he left the country and promise her to forget everything and live a peaceful life. After that day he never looked back.

" Son, your father's death has nothing to do with her. Anyway she is already dead and you can't hate a dead man ".

Seven years ago when she came back from the hospital her son had left for country A. She herself was on bedrest but she wanted to meet the little girl who made their peaceful life a living hell. She called her manager and told him to invite the girl but the news she got from him shocked her to the extreme. She was already dead, she committed suicide by jumping off the building.

" Mom I'll never believe she is dead until I'll see her dead body".

" His tone of voice was a little quick but not aggressive".

He clearly hated her but why does it sound so unpleasant when somebody calls her dead man? Why he is not ready to believe that she has already died? This feeling he still has to figure out.

Mrs. Qing was surprised to hear about his son.

But yes she also remembered when she went to A country to visit her son after she recovered from her illness. She knocked on the door of his study her heart aching for her son. He was just 19 years old, he should have played and enjoyed his teenage but he was busy studying the files of his company in these hours.

"Mom, why did you come here?"

"Why don't you call me ?"

"Son I want to tell you something if don't want to listen, I won't force you to hear but if you want to hear about it, you have to promise me you won't lose your emotions".

He went forward and hold his mother solder. "Mom I promise you please tell me what's the matter."

" Ok, then I'll tell you ."

She paused for some time before you continue.

"She is no more she committed suicide after you left. "

His hand loosens a little but his expression doesn't change a bit

Does he really turn into a living devil doesn't any emotion left in his heart?

Mrs. Qing was worried for her son.

" Mom did you see her body with your own eyes ."

"No "

"Did anyone from our people find her corps ".

"No, her body was already buried. "

"Then don't worry mom she is not dead."

Yes, he never believed her death and still searching like a madman.

Ziyan Qing couldn't stand his mother's questioning eyes and he left his study making an excuse of meeting.

He sat in the car and memories flash like lightning, which hurts his heart. At that time his mother doesn't know how he felt when he listened to her death. He promised her not to lose control.

"Sir where are we going."

his driver disturbed his running memories in his mind. It was everything in past and now he doesn't want to remember any of them.

"To the company. "

He ordered him in a cold voice.

Somewhere in the prosperous city of M country, the Ferrari was flying like an airplane on the road. Though it wasn't the pick hour but cars could still be seen on the road. But a single car or traffic light couldn't stop his car. Inside the car, the man was wearing sunglasses and driving the car to the beats of music. He was singing and listening to his son on the loudspeaker. After a while, he stopped infront of the Qing's group.

Standing straight like a proud mountain the building of Qing Pvt. ltd the top listed company was the only tallest and most luxurious building in the entire M country.

The man enters the building as if he owns it. Hey, beautiful where is your boss? The girl couldn't move her eyes off his charming face. Yes, no one can be more handsome than her boss but the man infront of her is also very charming.

" He is in his office ."

Before she open her mouth to say something else he strode away. She called security to stop him but his pace was so fast that the guard's speed couldn't be compared to his. It was early in the morning and people were running back and forth. The office environment was extremely busy.

In the office on the 88 flour, a handsome man was seriously examining the files while door was bang opened from outside. But it was like nothing can make Ziyan Qing distracted from his work.

" Why don't you inform us when you are back in country M".

A tall and handsome man walked very elegantly with his hand in his pocket followed by guards of Qing's group. All the security guards came running and huffing. He doesn't need to lift his eye up to know who the man is.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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