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By the time she was done with the comic at the end of the daily newspaper, the coffee had become ice-cold and so she emptied the content into the sink walking back to her room.

“I saved you some pancakes, Athene! Just the way you like it!” Sonia announced as she passed the ajar door of his room. In a bit, she was out fully dressed in a Benetton sweater on a denim skirt. She headed out for the exit door but still found the pancakes lying on the kitchenette table, untouched.

“Athene?” She called out walking slowly towards his room. But no one responded.

“Oh my God, Athene you are still in bed,” she approached his bed where he was still tucked in.

“Uncle,” She tapped him slowly but still, there was no response.

“Is this some kind of joke? Please wake up,” her shaky voice resounded as she shook him.

“Okay...Okay, calm down Sonia, maybe he just got into one of those deep sleep,” she muttered under her breath.

“If this is a joke, please it’s not funny anymore!”

“Please just wake up,” she gasped, tightening her hands in a fist, and loosening it again a bit to reduce the tension but still, she was choked in fear.

“Where is my phone? Where is my phone?” Her hands trembled as she hurried to get her phone from her purse.

“Uncle please don't do this to me,” tears ran freely down her cheek.

“I have told you that Athene is just fine, Uncle makes me sound a bit too distant” Athene responded with a chuckle.

“Athene!” She dived on him as he wrapped her arms around him, shutting her eyes, “Oh God, I thought you were dead.”

“It would take a lot more to kill me, you know?”

“You always say that. You scared me,” he still heard her muffled words as her head was buried in his arms.

“You would have to let me go now before I actually choke to death.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. The thought of losing you really scared me. Please don't ever do that again.”

“You should have seen your face,” he teased.

“Stop,” she nudged his shoulder with her elbow, “this isn't a joke. You really did scare me.”

“I am sorry, really I am,” he smiled.

“You are forgiven.”

She smiled at him but he quickly lost the glint in his droopy eyes.

“Sonia,” he called out to her holding her hands in his, “You know eventually someday I would be gone. I have lived for centuries and fought many wars, this flesh is weak, I can feel it. But whichever way and time I actually die, I will die a happy man because I know that you care so much for me. I saw it in your eyes today.”

“Athene, stop talking about this.”

“Look at me, a one-eyed soldier who has nothing to offer you even after I have seen many generations come and go. I even pushed you into the arms of Ralph.”

“Pa, that is not your fault. Besides, we have been destined to be mates. It was always meant to be. He might be proud and filled with arrogance but I know that he would change,” She said, unsure of her words.

“I think I should stay home with you to make sure you are okay.”

“No, I won't let you do that. I am okay, perfectly fine. That was just too long to see.”

“Are you sure?”

“A hundred per cent,” he grinned.

“Okay then, I need to get going. Please call me if you need anything and I will be here right away. And have enough bed rest.”

“Bed rest?” He scoffed, “The council meeting starts in an hour and I need to be present.”

“No, I can’t let you go to that overhyped meeting filled with ungrateful proud alphas in your state, they would only stress the hell out of you.”

“You know the consequences of being absent right?”

She exhaled crashing back on the bed.

“Then I will come with you.”

“No Sonia, I don't want to put you under such pressure. As you said, those people are ruthless. They would have my head if they find you there.”

“It's either I come with you or you stay back home. Either way, you'll be dead so choose wisely.”

“Oh God Sonia, you are just a freaking hard nut to crack.”

“Well, I take after you,” she winked.

“What about your Job? I wouldn't want you to miss having the employee of the month because of me.”

“C'mon Pa, I wouldn't miss getting the employee of the year because I missed a day and besides your health is more important than some exaggerated reward.”

“But still...”

“Okay, fine I would call Arya.”

“That sounds better, let me get you related so we don't end up getting there late.”


He headed for the restroom as Sonia walked out dialing Arya.

“Hello babes, what’s up?” Arya said as the line connected.

“I’m good.”

“Guessing you might be on your way to work already.”

“About that, I wouldn't be able to make it to work on time today. I was hoping that you would cover for me.”

“Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, chill. I am good but Pa is down with a fever but he insists on going to that meeting. I opted that he takes a break but you know how he can be. So, I offered to go with him so I can watch him closely.”

“Oh, I hope he is better now?”

“Well, yeah but I still need to be there with him.”

“I understand but I’m a bit worried about you attending that meeting. I have heard terrible things.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit scary for me too. But right now, I don't have much of a choice. Pa is all that I have and I can't just sit and watch him die. If going there with him will help ease off the stress, then that's what I should do. And besides Ralph would be there, he wouldn’t let anything happen to me, right?”

“Oh Ralph,” there was a change in the tone of her voice as she heard his name, “well, I guess. I wish you good luck.”

“Thank you, Arya, I owe you.”

“Yeah of course you do. A huge plate of chocolate ice cream and any toppings of my choice,” she giggled.

“I guess you already got that planned. Oh, I think he is done, I need to get going now, love ya!”

With those words, she hung up the call and turned to find Athene smiling back behind her.

“You ready?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, let's pray the traffic is friendly so we get there on time.

The traffic was worse than they had expected. Athene led Sonia in through the big wooden door. “Looks creepier than I expected it to be,” Sonia whispered, “do you think that the meeting has started yet?”

“Don't speak,” Athene said in a hushed tone as he placed his ear on the wall.

“But... Never mind,” She said following behind. They descended into the building using the stairs which took longer as Sonia grew weary.

“Are we not there yet?”

“It's still furthermore.”

“What?” Sonia stopped to catch her breath, “Is there not like an elevator or something?”

“This building is over a thousand years old, Sonia.”

“It can be refurbished. How come you aren't even tired yet?” She asked.

“I have walked through these stairs so many times, let's just say that I am used to it.”

“Were you around when this building was made?”

“No, not at all.”

“Fuck this is exhausting and it seems like my lungs would collapse.”

“Well, you asked to come, let's hurry just in case they have started.”

“Perhaps they might have canceled the meeting and you didn't just get the memo.”

Athene pushed the second door open; the meeting had commenced as a group of Alpha's were already present. Sonia hurried behind him and walked into the hall as everyone went silent watching them. She surveyed the hall with just a glance, they all sat in a row. And there were others that sat way above them which she assumed to be the leaders. The one in the middle looking much younger and vicious and had a different cloak which she presumed was the ruthless Lycan King.

“What's going on? Why are they staring at me like that?”

“It’s okay Sonia just breathe.”

There were murmurs amongst the crowd and she could guess that they were all talking about her.

“Athene you are late.” The older lady sitting at the topmost asked.

“I’m sorry but the traffic was hell.”

“Modern technology wreaks havoc every day. Who do you bring with you?”

“My niece,” he replied.

“Send her away.”

“She would be leaving now.”

“What?” Sonia gasped, but that was not the deal. I came here to watch over you and help with whatever was needed.”

“They are displeased by your presence and you need to go.”

“I can’t go. Why didn't you tell them you are down in health, perhaps they would let you take the day off?”

“No, that is a sign of weakness,” he whispered.

“No uncle,” she moved forward.

“Sonia, where are you going to?”

“My uncle is sick and I am here to assist him,” Sonia announced.

“You are not welcomed here. Leave child.”

“I’m sorry but I can’t,” she said, bowing her head.

“What are you doing Sonia?” Athene asked, terrified.

“Athene be warned the consequences are detrimental.”

“No, please she would leave,” Athene cried out as he struggled with Sonia.

“Pa if I am leaving then I am leaving with you. You are the only family I have left, if being locked away or killed means you would no longer have to come here then so be it.”

“Guards take her out!” The woman screamed. The guards surrounded her as she shut her eyes.


Everyone froze, it was the voice of the Lycan King, all eyes turned to him situated in the middle of the two other fellows.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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