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C9 Prey

Xu Nian bent down, put Number Seven back on the ground, and walked to the pavilion.

An electronic voice rang from behind him.

"Miss, it's time to go back."

Xu Nian smiled weakly. Go back?

That was not a place he should be staying to begin with. Why would he use the word "go back"?

Gu Mingyan probably already knew that entering the forest was a dead end, so he wouldn't let anyone stop her.

Gu Mingyan hated himself so much that he wouldn't even look for her, it would be best if he didn't.

He had probably been forgotten by everyone …

He was forgotten by Mu Suifeng, forgotten by his parents …

Did everyone hate themselves? Ever since she left the orphanage, she had never experienced the feeling of being targeted. If she died, only the children of the orphanage would remember her …

Xu Nian slumped down onto the ground as she followed the steps of the pavilion.

Number Seven stayed where he was, not following them like before.

Xu Nian looked up at it.

[Why don't you go back?]

"Mr. Gu didn't set up the ability to remember routes for me."

Due to the distance between them and Xu Nian, the electronic sound was much louder than before. The birds that were scared off flew away in all directions, and the echoes were brought further away as well. It took a long time for them to fade away.

Xu Nian had always been afraid of the dark, and now the lake in the forest became even more strange. Xu Nian hugged herself tightly and buried her head deep in her arms.

After so many days of feeling wronged and oppressed, his fatigue and fear had reached a critical point. Tears uncontrollably rolled down his face. He sobbed softly and cried loudly. It seemed that he had not been able to release them like this for a very long time.

The girl's thin shoulders heaved violently. After an unknown period of time, her steady breathing finally replaced the intermittent gulping sounds. Before she fell asleep, Xu Nian seemed to hear Number Seven say something else.

Not far away, Number Seven's green eyes blinked a few times.

The man stood up from his desk, and the screen froze on the sleeping girl.

Not long after, a black Bentley drove out from the Imperial Palace and slowly disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Xu Nian opened her eyes.

The dim light of the chandelier shone from above her head, and as she grew used to it, it grew brighter and brighter.

Xu Nian finally saw the man sitting cross-legged at the end of the bed with a dark expression.

It could be seen that Gu Mingyan was very angry. His black eyes stared fixedly at Xu Nian.

Xu Nian jumped in fright and was about to struggle to sit up.

The man suddenly said, "Don't move."

Only then did Xu Nian notice that there was a IV tube attached to her hand.

The man coldly asked, "Why aren't you eating?"

Xu Nian glared at him snappily.


You are imprisoned in a damned place and are always bullied by the beasts. How can you eat as if nothing had happened?

Seeing that Xu Nian didn't seem to care about him, Gu Mingyan stood up angrily.

Due to his height, the man's head was less than five centimeters away from the ceiling.

Xu Nian subconsciously felt worried that he would bump into the chandelier, so she made a gesture with her hand.

[Be careful.]

Gu Mingyan did not move. His face was stiff. The two of them faced each other for a while before Gu Mingyan got off the bed.

Xu Nian thought he was going to leave, so she let out a breath of relief. Who knew that the man would stop at his desk and turn on the computer to look for something with a serious expression?

Half of the man's face was on the computer screen, his black eyes downcast, his eyelashes quivering.

Lili was a little confused. Although Gu Mingyan had a bad character and a bad temper, she had to admit that he was good-looking.

So that if you keep an eye on him for too long, you'll forget that he's a demon.

Gu Mingyan was like a sovereign that descended into the mortal world.

She didn't know how many people wished for nothing more than this, but Xu Nian should have felt lucky and thanked him for his favors.

However … She had someone she liked, and she wanted to leave herself completely to someone she loved.

No matter how bad it was, it should be someone who loved her a lot …

But Gu Mingyan didn't love her.

When Xu Nian came back to her senses, the man was already walking towards her.

Gu Mingyan lifted his leg and got on the bed. He stood at the same place as before and looked at Xu Nian arrogantly.

"Be careful of what? Be careful of you? "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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