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C6 Part 5

Bound with the billionaire

Chapter 5.

4 days later..

Myra's pov

"Doll today Kapoor's are throwing party here as they finally got the deal" mom said stepping inside the room..

"So what will I do?" I asked in duh tone applying nail paint..

"They invited us" she said..

"Ooh accha toh you can go mom I am not stopping you" I replied while my concentration was on my nails..

"Urghhh doll you are coming with us" I soo knew it..

I looked at her and asked "and why do you think so"

"Because I am your mother" she said and I chuckled..

"Come on mom stop behaving like indian mother's" I said to her..

"Myra Reddy I am Indian ok and you are also" I nodded with a tight lipped smile..

"But I am not coming" I said..

"You have to doll and this is your outfit" she said and forward me a bag..

"Myra please come with us please..and even you will get chance to meet with zain" mom said much to my annoyance..

"I am not interested in meeting my so called husband mom" I said.. well I am little bit interested also??..

"We are going and it's final" she said and left..

Aayiappa please I don't want any chimpu as my husband..

I fell back on the bed and started using my phone..


Zain 's pov..

"Bro bhabhi is coming tonight for party" diya said excitedly stepping inside my room..

"Where is your manners Miss Kapoor you forgot to knock the door" I look at her and she made a face..

"Ooh come on bro you aren't romancing with bhabhi" my eyes widened..

"Diya behave" I glared at her..

"Sorry" she flashed me an innocent smile and sat beside me..

"Accha bro so I was saying that she is coming today" she said once again..

Why she is so excited?

"So what will I do? Dance karu (should i dance )" I am frustrated now..

"You can dance bro who is stopping you" she said in duh tone..

"Diya baby please kindly leave my room" I said gritted my teeth..

"Yeah yeah i am going" she rolled her eyes at me and left..

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes..she is coming today!! So what? She can come what is the problem in that? She is invited here.. why am I thinking about her? Urghhhhh ..

I stood up and went to my gym room..


At evening..

Myra's pov..

I wore a dress which mom gave me.. wow I am looking pretty.. I tied my hair in bun and did a minimal amount of makeup...I applied winged eyeliner and blood red lipstick..I highlighted my collarbone little bit as my dress is off shoulder..I sprayed some perfumes..

I wore my high heels and twirled.."Pretty Myra" I complimented myself and clicked some pictures...

I just love this outfit..?♥️

Mom really choose a best dress for me...

I took my Gucci sling and my phone and left my room..

"Mom dad i am ready" i shouted descending the stairs..

"Pretty princess" dad complimented and I smiled.."even you are looking handsome dad"

"Beautiful" mom said and i passed her a flying kiss.."thank you pretty momma"

"Everyone looks beautiful after doing makeup Rishabh said and i made a face..

"You are wearing branded tuxedo still you are looking fool" I snapped back at him back..

"If you both are done so shall we?" Dad asked and i nodded..


We stepped inside the mansion.. wow it's impressive they have nice mansion here...

"Finally you all are here" I heard Mihika aunty urf my sasumom's voice as she walked towards us with Jayant uncle

"You are looking so beautiful Myra" Mihika aunty complimented..

"Thank you aunty" I thanked her and she started talking with mom dad..

This party is so boring...I soo freaking hate business parties..

"Bhabhi" I heard a loud squeal...

Why bhabhi why ??

I turned towards her and she hugged me.."you are looking so hot bhabhi"

I smiled and said "thank you baby even you are looking pretty" she smiled..

"Dii woh mein.." Rishabh stopped and looked at diya widening his eyes..while diya smiled at him..

"Back to earth rishabh" I whispered in his ear and pinched his arm..

He cleared his throat.."Hiii i am rishabh" he forward his hand..

"Not interested" she said in duh tone and i laughed out loud..

"Bhabhi come with me na" diya dragged me with her and I gave rishabh an pity look..

"Bhabhi try this it's soo awesome" diya said giving me a glass of lemon mojito..

"It's one of my fav drink" I said taking the sip of mojito she took apple soda for herself..

"Myra diya come here" mom called us and we walked towards them..

I went to my mom where my in laws were also standing.. and also a guy was standing there whose back was facing me..

"Myra meet my son Zain Kapoor " said neonika aunty.. he turned and my eyes widened..

"YOU" we both shouted in unison and the glass of mojito fell from my hand...

His outfit..

"You both already know each other" mom and sasumom asked us together..

While i was completely shocked..

"Who is he mom" I asked mom..

"Your Husband Zain Kapoor " mom said to me..

"And she is your wife Myra Zain kapoor "sasumom said to him..

No no no this can't be happen I think I am dreaming.. this is a bad dream.. no no this is a nightmare...I want to wakeup from this nightmare..

"She can't be my wife" " he can't be my husband" we both shouted in unison..

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