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C9 Part 8

Bound with the billionaire

Chapter 8.

Myra's pov

He kissed my hand.. how dare he? Urghhh Zain Kapoor I'll kill you..

"Then you will become widow" my mind screamed..

Damnn it's already 2.am at night I should sleep but sleep is far away from my eyes..

Ughhh I sat on the bed grumpily.. urghhh I hate you Kapoor I punched my pillow and groaned in frustration..

God why him?

I want to sleep!!


Next day..

I wokeup with the continuous ringing of my phone.. urghhh now who is calling me..

I took the phone which flashed


Now why she is calling me?

I picked the call and heard her loud squeal "hello bhabhi good morning" ohh myy God this bhabhi thing ughhhh..

"Morning diya" I wished her in sleepy tone..

"Sorry to broke your sleep bhabhi.." I cut her off "that's totally ok sweety now tell me anything important?" I asked..

"Woh actually please bhabhi go and get ready we are going out" she said and I sat on the bed with jerk..

"What where?" I asked..

"Bhabhi you know na today is sunday so bhai don't have office and i want him to take me out because this is the first time I am here in los angeles and he agreed but I want you to come with us" she said sweetly..

"You can enjoy with him alone baby why you want me come their" I asked softly..I am not really in a mood to go somewhere with that jerkass..

"Bhabhi bhai is soo boring and strict and if you will be there then it will be fine na please come na please i also want to see that Hollywood sign it's my dream to visit that place bhabhi" she said so cutely there is no point to deny her..

"Ok fine" I said in defeat..

"Awesome then we will pick you in one and half hour"she said excitedly..

"Done" I hung up the call and get off from the bed..

I walk in my closet and trying to pick a dress for today just then I heard a knock..

"You can come inside rishh" I said from inside..

"Morning diii" he wished stepping inside the room..he was sipping his energy drink..

"Morning" I wished him back while my eyes were on my outfits..

"Going somewhere?" He asked..

"Yeahhh I am going out with diya and zain" I replied and finally took out an outfit for myself..

"I also want to go" he said giving me a smile..

"I am not taking you with me" I replied with a tight lipped smile..

"Pleasshhh diii pleasshh" he said like a baby holding my hand..

"Why are you even trying babybro? She is not interested in you" I said and slapping his head..

"Ooh comeon diii your bro is so handsome" he set his hair and I rolled my eyes at him..

"You just know how to do drama" I said and he made a face..

"Please diii please take me with you otherwise i will become bore here" he said showing his puppy eyes..

"Please diii I promise I won't trouble you" he said..

"Fine now go and get ready" I said with a sigh..

"Ohh my God thank you diii" he kissed my left cheek and ran out of my room..

I took a shower and got ready..I did minimal amount of makeup and i left my hairs open..I took my sling bag and wore my sneakers..

Taking my phone I went out of my room and descended the stairs..

"Good morning mom dad" I wished as I sat for breakfast..

"Where are you going princess" dad asked..

"I am going out with diya and zain" I replied spreading Nutella in my bread..and mom literally choked her bread and started coughing badly..

She wasn't expecting this for me!!!

"Mom you okay?" I asked giving her a glass of water and rubbed her back to calm her down..

"I am fine doll" she replied calming her breath..

"Are you really going with them" she asked unsure by my statement..

"Yeah mom actually diya called me and requested me to go with her" I replied taking a bite of my bread..

"And I am also going with dii" rishabh said and sat beside me..

Rishabh's outfit

We completed our breakfast and i was sipping my juice just then we heard a doorbell rang.. one of our butler open the door....

"Good morning uncle aunty" diya wished stepping inside.. they wished her back..

Diya's outfit

(Someone gift me this outfit pleashhh?????♥️)

"You are looking so beautiful bhabhi" she complimented..

"Thank you sweety even you are looking beautiful" I replied with smile

Myra's outfit..

(She is looking so beautiful ?♥️?)

"Come diya have breakfast with us" mom said..

"Thank you aunty but I am full right now toh phir kabhi" she replied with smile..

"Where is zain" dad asked..

"He is outside with samar bhai" diya replied..

"Bhabhi let's go we are getting late" she said holding my hand..

I nodded and looked at mom dad "okay so we are leaving now and dad I want you take mom in a romantic lunch date and today is sunday also" I winked at dad making mom's eyes widened..

"Now bye" I walked out with diya..

"Diii wait I am also coming" rishabh came running..

"Why are you taking him with you bhabhi" diya said and Rishabh made a face..

"Excuse me i will go where my dii goes okay" Rishabh replied in attitude..

"Hey you..." I cut diya off "don't fight now guys please" I said to them..

I found zain's car outside and he was standing outside with a new guy..

Zain's outfit..

Samar's outfit

Zain's pov

"Congratulations Kapoor you are officially engaged now" okay it's been more than 15 mins and samar is insulting me as diya went inside the Reddy's residence..

"Yaar i missed the food of your engagement " samar said and i made a face..

I Thanked God thousands times that he wasn't present previous night at my engagement oops yeah he stucked somewhere..

"I want treat from you btw" he said..

"Chup ekdam chup (shut up just shut up)" I said and stepped out of the car and so did he..

Just then I saw myra was walking towards us with diya and rishabh..

What is she wearing? Umm whatever she is looking hot..the slit on her skirt giving the view of her sexy tonned leg.

Hot what? My mind screamed

Umm nevermind..

"Hello bhabhi jii" samar wished her and I can saw her expression she is getting angry..

To be continued...

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