Brave Sniffer Dog/C141 The Rescue Team of Qingshan Gradually Became Stronger
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Brave Sniffer Dog/C141 The Rescue Team of Qingshan Gradually Became Stronger
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C141 The Rescue Team of Qingshan Gradually Became Stronger

Amy looked at the old lady with a complicated look in her eyes.

I think that Demi also wanted her mother to be here, but she seemed to be hesitant. After all. . . For so many years, her mother had never loved her properly.

She wasn't sure if it was right or wrong for her mother to stay behind. She wasn't sure either. Had her mother really changed?

Thus, she didn't know what to do. Her thoughts were complicated.

Well, I think I know Demi too well and know her too well. With just one look from her, I knew that she was in a dilemma right now.

"Oh, Demi, after so many years, she came all by herself. Now that she's injured, her mother is here. Enjoy the feeling of having a mother's child. " Grandma sat by the bed and said.

"Okay!" Demi nodded.

"Daughter, what do you want to eat? Do you want to drink water?" The old man immediately stood up and asked.

"I don't want to do that now. Mom, you should rest for a while. " Demi looked at a folding bed beside her and said.

"Mom isn't tired. It's alright. " The old man quickly shook his head.

"Is that so? Demi has been staying in the hospital for the past few days. Leave the three meals to me. Uncle Yuan and I have nothing to do. After the meal, he and I will take turns to send it over. " Grandma said.

"Aunt Nan, this won't do. It's too troublesome. We have food in the hospital, so let's eat in the hospital canteen," said Aunt Nan. Amy seemed to be a little embarrassed and quickly said.

"That's enough. You, Little Hai, the old lady, and the child who came to take care of Little Hai. This meal is all ours. We have nothing to do at home, so we are happy to come out and run. Don't treat me as an outsider. " After saying that, Grandma suddenly looked at Wang Xiaohai and Xile with a smile. She said, "Huo Zhe has already promised me. I am his Uncle Yuan, and I am the External Head of the Qingshan Rescue Team. "

"Yes, that's true!" Xi Le smiled and nodded.

"So, we are all members of the team. Since we are injured and hospitalized, it is only natural for us to send some food over. " Grandma said: "Later, when Susu returns to the base, bring her to the bus station. I'll drive home once and come back at night"

"How tiring is that, Aunt Nan?" Demi was a little reluctant to let Grandma suffer, so she pouted and said.

I feel that when Demi and her grandmother interact, they seem to be much more childish. Like Susu, she would act like a spoiled child to her grandmother.

I look at Demi's mother, this old man is lowering his head. . . I can't see her emotions. However, I felt that she was very uncomfortable.

"Alright, you should take advantage of these few days to recover properly. When the wound is healed, bring mom to have a good stroll. Leave the matters in the store aside for now. There will still be a lot of days to earn money in the future. " Grandma patted Demi's arm and said.

"Yes, I know. " Demi nodded and said.

I looked at Grandma and saw her winking at Demi. She kept looking at her mother, who was tilting her head slightly.

"Mom, wait for me to get better. I'll take you to Ocean Park. Ocean Park in Binhai City is the largest in the world. There are a lot of fun things there. " Demi pursed her lips and thought for a while before saying.

"Ah, isn't that very expensive? It must cost a lot of money. " The old man looked up at Demi and shook his head. "It's not easy for you to earn money. Don't spend money blindly. "

"Old lady, have fun with your daughter. Look at this Binhai City. It's been hard on you for the rest of your life. When you're old and your children are older, you should think about Qing Fu and see the big world outside. " Grandma smiled and said to Demi's mother.

"Yes, Aunt Nan is right. Flower, quickly get better. If you get better, Mom will go play with you. " I heard the old man say. She pulled the blanket over Demi and said, "The reservoir at the top of the mountain is deep. I didn't dare to let the child play by the reservoir. Mother didn't expect it. You can swim? This diving. . . Is it the same as swimming?"

"Wait for me to recover. I'll bring you to the beach to play. I'll let you see how I dive. " Demi said with a smile.

"Okay, then hurry up and get better!" The old man nodded and said with a smile.

That's great. I feel that everyone is very good now and that we are good friends. The old man has thought it through. It's the happiest thing for me to be good to Jamie.

Demi loves me so much, I hope. She will also be very well loved. Now, her mother is starting to care about her. How wonderful!

Huo Zhe and Jiang Huai had returned. When they pushed open the door and entered together, Miao Miao's father was still following behind them.

"What, Mr. Hu also accepted an interview?" When Demi turned around, she saw Miao Miao's father and asked.

"You are so great, the Qingshan rescue team is so excellent, I must expose it!" Miao Miao's father said.

"Yes, Mr. Hu is willing to join our Qingshan rescue team. " Huo Zhe said with a smile.

"Uh. . . " Everyone in the room looked at each other. I also looked at this man curiously.

Didn't he say that he was very busy all day? Didn't he have to work hard and work hard to raise his child?

How could he have time to participate in rescue activities!

"Do you have time? Mr. Hu?" Demi asked with a smile.

"Actually, I've always been trying to avoid a messy life at home. And I've been hiding in the company all day long in the name of overtime. Actually, my job is pretty easy, too. I am the department's web designer, and I have free time. I also want to join our rescue team. You saved my daughter. After saving my family, I want to do my best. Make more contributions to society " Miao Miao's father said very seriously.

When he spoke, he stood up straight and his expression was firm. This made me believe him very much.

"I'm very touched, but I can't applaud!" When Demi came down from downstairs, the nurse pricked the back of her hand with needles. At that moment, she really couldn't move.

"It's fine as long as you agree. Just agree to it. " Miao Miao's father looked at Demi and said.

"Of course I agree. It depends on your performance in the future. " Demi said with a smile.

"I'll definitely be a qualified, excellent rescue team member!" Miao Miao's father clenched his fist and shook it seriously. This meant that he was very serious about his decision to join the Qingshan rescue team this time. I understand this gesture.

This is the same as our Dog nodding very seriously. The trainer asked us, can we do it? At that time, we will all very seriously nod our heads.

"Actually, the rescue team doesn't need to do too many things. They just need to find time to participate in the collective training. Then, they can use their professional knowledge to help more people. If there is a need and a disaster occurs, we will not hesitate. These are the most basic. Usually, everyone will do their own thing. That will be good. " Huo Zhe said.

"I understand. At noon, when I was taking care of Miao Miao, I specially checked. Miao Yao also said that when she grows up, she also needs to be a rescue team member. " Miao Miao's father said with a smile. After he said that, he took a deep breath and said, "It's good to know you guys. I'm really lucky!"

After he said that, his father, who was still not very sensible yesterday, took a step back. He bent down and bowed to everyone.

"All of you are good children. Really good, flowers. Mom has always been wrong. " I heard that Demi's mother, that old man, was crying. She held Demi's hand, and her tears kept falling. As she cried, she smiled. "It's okay. Now that Mom knows, it's not too late for Mom to repent, right? "

"Mom, it's not too late. It's not too late at all. " Demi smiled. Seeing her smile made me happy. Demi was able to smile and talk with her mother. This was a really good thing.

"Alright, I'm going back. We have a meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon. " Susu walks over and unlocks my rope and says to everyone.

"Xiaomei, come and hug me. I won't be able to see you for a few days. " Demi shouted at me from the bed.

I looked up at Susu, who smiled and raised her chin.

I quickly went over. I stepped onto the bed and rubbed my head against Demi's neck.

"This dog is really good, really great!" Demi's mother raised her hand and touched my back.

The old man's hand was a little rough, but she gently stroked my fur. I turned around to look at her and smiled at her.

Sensing my smile, the old man also smiled.

"Da Mei, I'll make beef and send it to your base in two days. I have to take care of your godmother these two days. It might be too late!" Huo Zhe walked over and squatted down. He rubbed my head and said.

"Wuuuu. . . "

It was a deal then. I want beef.

"Alright, thank you for your cooperation with our rescue team. Thank you, Da Mei. " Huo Zhe opened his hand and I immediately went over and rubbed my head against his chest.

"I'm going back too. I'll come back tonight. " Grandma got up and said while holding the lunchbox.

I turned my head and saw Jiang Huai walk over. He took the lunchbox from Grandma's hand and said, "I'll send you guys off. "

"Big beauty, big beauty, I want to hug too. " Xi Le also came over.

I stood still and raised my head to look at Susu.

I feel like I'm about to become a pet dog. With so many people wanting to hug and touch my head, it really makes things difficult for me.

After all, I'm a rescue dog, a very serious working dog!

However, Susu smiles at me. I knew that she agreed. Actually, I also like Xi Le. . . This tall and thin boy doesn't speak much, but he is very quick-witted. He has always been taking care of Wang Xiaohai. . . He was really a very good friend.

Xile hugs me. I go to Wang Xiaohai's bedside to take a look at him. Wang Xiaohai also raises his hand and rubs my head.

When I walked out of the ward, Demi sniffled and cried out to me with teary eyes: "Xiaomei, I'll miss you!"

I looked back at her and felt that she was really cute. At this moment, with her mother and Huo Zhe by her side, she looked like a little girl.

"Alright, you should rest well!" Susu waved her hand at Demi, then said something to Wang Xiaohai. She turned around and led me out.

Grandma and Su Su are walking together. I'm walking beside Su Su, while Jiang Huai is walking behind with his things.

"The weather isn't warm yet. When you go to the base for training, remember to bring a towel by your side. Wipe it if you're sweating. Don't always take off your jacket. It's cold and hot. It's easy to catch a cold. " Grandma told Susu.

"I know, Mom. " Susu nodded.

"Also, you have to eat on time. Don't forget to eat when you're busy. Prepare your stomach medicine. " Grandma continued to remind him.

"Jiang Huai prepared a medicine box for me. " Su Su said. I raised my head to look at her and saw her turn her head to smile at Jiang Huai.

When I looked at Grandma again, as expected, Grandma nodded her head in satisfaction when she saw her.

"Mm, there's still more. . . " Grandma wanted to remind me again, but I felt that Grandma seemed to have forgotten something. She thought for a moment and said, "No matter what kind of mission it is, you must give us a call before you leave. Don't just leave, you won't be able to find anyone in ten days or half a month. "

"I know" Susu still nodded her head.

The doctors and nurses who passed by greeted Jiang Huai, and they greeted me as well. Although I actually don't know them, they called me Big Beauty, and they said I was very beautiful. When they praised me, I would always smile at them.

They also know that I'm smiling at them. So, they also look very happy.

Along the way to the garage, Jiang Huai was also reminding Susu.

"I prepared a pack of medicated medicine for you to recuperate. Drink it before sleeping every night and don't drink it for a week. The most important thing every day is breakfast. You must eat it and pay attention to the cold temperature of breakfast. Try not to eat it after it's cooled down. Also, remember to drink milk. I'll send you two more boxes this weekend. " Jiang Huai said.

"I know, why are you so long-winded like Mom?" Susu sneers and acts like a spoiled child. I look at her and I feel that Susu knows what I mean. She sneers at me and says, "What are you looking at? Big beauty, quickly get in the car. "

Oh, I understand.

I quickly jumped into the car. Su Su closed the cage and turned around to open the car door.

Jiang Huai opened the passenger door of the passenger seat for Grandmother. Grandmother sat inside, and Jiang Huai fastened the safety belt for Grandmother before closing the car door.

We bid farewell to Jiang Huai, and Susu drove out of the garage.

I looked at Jiang Huai and he was waving at me. I also raised my claws, but the cage was too small and I couldn't lift it, so I could only smile at him.

"Mom, how did you convince Demi's mom? Her attitude really changed 180 degrees!" Su Su asked her grandma as she drove.

"I'm a mom, and she's also a mom. How can there be a mother who doesn't like children? She just has some values in her bones. No one is going to correct her. My child is outstanding. She saw how prosperous this big city was. Can I not move her face? I will tell her. . . How excellent her daughter is, just like me. . . My daughter is excellent, I'll be proud of her from the bottom of my heart. " After Grandma finished speaking, She suddenly smiled and said, "The old lady asked me, Why do I feel that my daughter is excellent? She doesn't really know how to raise a dog. . . How excellent is she? "

"Hey, how did Mom praise me? Tell me. " Su Su bared her teeth. I feel that in front of grandfather and grandmother, in front of Jiang Huai, Su Su will always behave exactly the same as a little girl.

"Furthermore, when my daughter does things, she even uses my mother to praise her. I directly took out my phone and showed it to the old lady. " The old lady proudly waved her phone and said.

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