Brave Sniffer Dog/C142 Something Happened to Jiajia
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Brave Sniffer Dog/C142 Something Happened to Jiajia
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C142 Something Happened to Jiajia

"Mom, you are an expert!" Susu smiled and nodded.

"That is the matter of my daughter and Da Mei going out to search and rescue each time. I took a screenshot and recorded it down. That old lady Mi knows the words. She also went to school and showed her these news articles. Then tell her how proud my daughter made me. The old lady would reflect on herself. Besides, I told her about my current state of life, and how old I am. . . She also understands what to do. " Grandma said.

"Yes, my mom is the best!" Susu nodded.

"Da Mei, is Grandma good?" Grandma turned around and looked at me from the front and asked me.

"Woof! Woof!"

Of course, Grandma was the best.

"Hahaha, look. Even our baby Xiaomei thinks so. That's great. Good boy. " Grandma was happy. She stretched out her hand behind her. Through the cage, she stroked my head and said, "I'm going to stop thinking about it. Go and train well. When you go to the competition. . . Why did Grandma ask you to drive Demi to cheer for you? "

I looked at Grandma and gave her a big smile.

I will work hard. I must work very hard to win honor for Susu, for Grandpa, Grandma, and Huo Zhe and Jamie. I must win glory for myself, for the Qingshan rescue team.

Susu placed Grandma at the bus station. I know the way, and it's still a little far from home, but Grandma said that it would be very convenient for her to go home from here.

Base, I'm back at the base.

Familiar smell, familiar kennel, familiar cushion. . . My rice bowl has a familiar taste.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Seeing me go back, Saibin was extremely excited. He rushed towards me from afar, but Liu Jian couldn't stop him.

I heard Liu Jian say, Saibin, "As a handsome dog, can you be a little more reserved? You're embarrassing your father, you know? "

"Saibin!" Su Su shouted.

"Woof woof!"

Sure enough, Saibin was also a very polite dog. He stood in front of Susu and no longer came forward. He looked at Susu, his eyes sparkling.

Actually, I also miss him and Cheng Zi. However, as Susu's dog, I have to do my best.

So, I steadily sat down and smiled at them, but I definitely won't rush over like this reckless Saibin.

"Look. That big tail of hers is wagging. It's obvious that she's extremely happy. Beautiful. " Wang Meng walked over from behind and immediately exposed my thoughts. He smiled at me and praised me. "But Da Mei is the most obedient dog. She knows how to control her emotions. It's very good. "

I smiled at Wang Meng. I wanted to ask him where the orange was.

" Wuuuu. . . "

I looked around, but I didn't see the orange.

"I'm looking for Cheng, Da Mei!" Wang Meng knew Dog very well. He walked over and squatted down. He sighed and said, "Hey, Cheng came back yesterday and had a fight with Jia Jia. "


Cheng was such a gentle girl. Why would she fight with Jia Jia?

I curiously stared at Wang Meng, hoping that he would be able to explain it clearly.

Susu also asked Wang Meng, "What's going on?"

We walked towards the kennel together. The kennel had already been cleaned by Wang Meng and the others. Susu put me in the kennel, closed the iron door, and asked.

"Jiajia has been in a bad mood recently. I heard that during the New Year, her mood has been fluctuating a lot. He went to bully Bruiser, and Cheng saw him. Cheng then went to help Bruiser, and then they started fighting. Her ears were torn and her body was injured. She's sleeping now. " Wang Meng told Susu.

I quickly went to the window to look at Cheng. Cheng's kennel was next to mine.

Sure enough, I saw Cheng lying on the mat with a bloody wound on her ear. Although it had been wiped clean, I could still clearly see the tear on her ear.

"Woof! Woof!"

I greeted Cheng Zi. Cheng, how are you? Does it hurt?

Cheng looked up at me. I can see that. . . She really doesn't seem to be in a good mood. Even if she sees me, she doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Saibin's barks came again. He didn't seem to have a good temper.

"Alright, Saibin, I am telling you, you are not allowed to look for Jiajia. She has been locked up. " Liu Jian warned Saibin.

However, Saibin was barking at me from the window. I know what he meant. He was also quite anxious about Cheng Zi. He and Cheng Zi, the three of us are the best friends in the base. Therefore, when Saibin knew about Cheng, he seemed to be very anxious and irritable.

"It's good that Duan Bin didn't participate in the fight. " Su Su said.

"He didn't have a chance. At that time, I was running with him and he ran far away. He didn't manage to catch up. If he did. . . " Liu Jian sighed.

I know what Liu Jian meant. If he caught up, Jiajia would be finished.

Saibin had a fight with Jiajia. It was the end of the year before and it was also winter. It was very cold.

Jiajia always came to find me. Maybe she thought I was young and always used her claws to pull me and spin around me.

Saibin got angry and rushed over to fight Jiajia.

Since I am very familiar with Saibin, I remember that Saibin and Jiajia have fought a few times.

Later, Jiajia was scared of being beaten and admitted defeat to Saibin. Since then, Saibin became the strongest dog.

Therefore, I think Jiajia was lucky that Saibin didn't fight with Jiajia this time.

"Where's Chen Xin? Jia Jia has yet to hand over her previous inspection report. " Su Su thought for a moment and said.

"She's taking care of Bruiser and the others. " Wang Meng said, "Sister Chen Xin's heart aches for Bruiser. This should be the reason Jiajia bullied Bruiser. "

"So that's how it is. " Su Su nodded. Then, she told me to rest well in the afternoon. After that, she left with Wang Meng and Liu Jian.

I lie by Cheng's window for a while before she slowly gets up and walks over.

There is an iron fence between our windows so we can only speak through the fence.

Cheng told me that Jiajia's mood is very strange and she is very irritable. She also saw that Jiajia was secretly crying and she felt that something must have happened to Jiajia.

"Wuuuu. . . "

I asked Cheng Zi, Didn't you get bitten by Jiajia? That's why you are so sad?

Cheng shook her head. She said that she felt that the smell on Jiajia's body was not right. She had a very bad feeling.

"Woof! Woof!"

On the other side, Saibin became anxious. He barked at us. He also wanted to join us in our conversation.

I turned around and scolded him, telling him not to always be so loud.

"Wuuuu. . . "

The moment I scolded him, Saibin immediately lowered his head and leaned against his window. He stared at me with an aggrieved expression.

I had no choice but to turn around and coax him.

My heart aches for Cheng, and my heart aches for Cheng. Cheng is a good girl. She was very gentle. It was the best time to play with me.

I think if I am here, when Jiajia and Cheng fight like this, I will definitely help Cheng.

Who knows, other than Jiajia, I might be the only one in solitary confinement right now!

Bruiser, I know, that's my big brother. He's already thirteen years old and is a very big German Shepherd.

Bruiser had a lot of merit points. He had participated in an earthquake rescue mission, and his stomach had been soaked in mud. It was said that when he was sent to the beast hospital, the doctors thought that he couldn't live anymore because his intestines were infected.

However, Bruiser still survived. The operation was very successful, but he could not participate in the rescue anymore.

Some people thought of adopting Bruiser, but. . . Bruiser usually paid special attention to food and drink. As a meritorious service dog, he had to pay special attention to food and drink. The base also took good care of him. Everyone thought about it. They were afraid that after being adopted, he would be careless. It was not good for Bruiser, so. . . The base decided to take good care of Bruiser. He would let Bruiser live happily for the rest of his life in the base's doggy nursing home.

In fact, Susu, Wang Meng, and Liu Jian would take turns to take care of Bruiser and Erdan. We didn't think anything was wrong in the past!

Susu told me that Erdan and the others are old and have participated in many rescue operations. They are all good dogs. So, they deserve all the people in the base to take care of them.

Erdan and the others are really good dogs, Dawang. Dopey and Bruiser, the oldest of them all. Three years ago, when I first arrived at the base, Susu brought me to meet them. These dogs are all very gentle. They will teach us the basic movements of these little dogs. In Susu's words, Big Dog will teach us the basics. It's more effective than a trainer saying a hundred words.

So, I know that Bruiser won't take the initiative to attack Jiajia. It must be Jiajia who rushed over to bully Bruiser, and Cheng fought for justice.

I think Cheng is really awesome. She is such a gentle girl, but she actually fought with Jiajia for Iron Boy.

However, what I am more worried about is Jia Jia. Cheng is right. Jia Jia is not that insensible dog. Something must have happened to him.

This afternoon, I was worried. I was so worried that I did not have a good rest.

Susu and the others went to a meeting. It was a long time ago. There was no dog training in the entire base. Everyone was very quiet in their kennels.

At night, it was almost dinner time before the instructors appeared.

However, it was just Wang Meng and the others who were busy. I didn't notice Susu.

I felt that Wang Meng, who walked past my dog house's entrance, wasn't in a very good mood either. He was holding a plate in his hand, and I smelled the scent of alcohol. I was very familiar with this smell. When we went out to work, when we were injured, the instructors or doctors would disinfect us with alcohol and then bandage us.

Liu Jian changed a basin of water for Saibin and poured out the remaining cold water in the basin for me. After that, he placed the hot water into the basin and gave it to me.

After Liu Jian changed the water for the other dogs in the kennel, he went next door to help Wang Meng.

"Help me pick up her ears. " Wang Meng said.

I leaned over the window and looked at them, I saw that Cheng seemed to be in pain. Her legs trembled, but she still didn't move.

Cheng was much stronger than I thought. This cute girl has finally grown up!

"Before the New Year, Chen Xin refused to give Jia Jia's physical examination report. This is wrong. " Wang Meng said.


I looked at Wang Meng and felt that something must have happened in the afternoon.

"I think if Saibin was like Jiajia, I would also hide the physical examination report. I can't accept it. " Liu Jian said.

"What the director means is that Chen Xin hid it and didn't report it. He even took Jiajia to the snow disaster site to rescue her. This is not right. " Wang Meng disinfected the orange as he spoke.

"Jia Jia is an old rescue dog, and she even received a provincial first-class award. She has a lot of merit points, and Chen Xin can't accept it. Jia Jia's emotions have been affected by Chen Xin these days, which is why she seems so irritable. " Liu Jian said.

"Therefore, the captain was also criticized because of this. " Wang Meng sighed. He looked up and saw me. He immediately said, "Xiaomei, are you hungry? In a while Susu will be here ah, don't be anxious ah! Are you worried about Cheng? Cheng will be fine. She'll be fine in two days. "

I think Wang Meng is a little flustered. He knows that I'm a very smart dog. He knows that I can understand everything.

"Wuwuwu. . . "

I want to know, what happened to Susu?

Did the leader criticize Susu? Susu also doesn't know about Jiajia's matter. She was very busy since last night. We saved Miao Miao, and we were still at the hospital accompanying Amy. Susu didn't sleep for the whole night. She was very tired!

"Da Mei, be good. Susu is fine. " Hearing my whimper, Liu Jian also stands up and walks over to comfort me.

I shook my head and pulled the window down, not wanting to go down. I want to know what exactly happened.

"I saw Da Mei's expression and she seemed to be anxious. She wants to know about Susu's situation. " Wang Meng said.

He had already treated Cheng Zi's wound. Cheng Zi is looking at me, feeling wronged. I call her. She thought for a while and felt that she should pull herself together. So, she got up, shook the fur on her body, and walked to the window.

"Mm, Cheng Zi, have fun with Da Mei. You have to be happy. " Wang Meng used a comb to comb Cheng's hair. Cheng was a golden retriever, and her fur was much longer than mine.

The golden fur was especially well taken care of by Wang Meng. Sometimes, when the orange ran under the sun, it was especially beautiful, and her fur would sparkle because of it.

"Actually, I think we should let them know about Jiajia's situation. When Jiajia leaves in the future, they will also. . . Be unable to bear it. " Liu Jian said.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Duan Bin was an impatient person. He had always been anxious, and Liu Jian did not tell him about the situation. Therefore, he barked at Liu Jian.

"Yeah, look. Saibin is also in a hurry. " Wang Meng sighed. With a sigh, he said, "These guys actually have a very good relationship in their bones. "

I heard footsteps and knew that Susu was here.

I quickly ran down to the door. Susu's footsteps and Susu's scent are the things I'm most familiar with.

Wang Meng and Liu Jian were in a bad mood. They said that Susu had been criticized by the leader for being careless about Jiajia's matter. So, I think Susu must be very unhappy. So, I have to comfort her.

"Da Mei, you must be hungry!" Susu opens the door of the kennel and walks in and says hello to me.

Su Su was still smiling. I can't tell if she's unhappy or depressed.

Eh, could it be that what Liu Jian and Wang Meng said is false?

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