Brave Sniffer Dog/C144 Chen Xin You Admit Defeat
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Brave Sniffer Dog/C144 Chen Xin You Admit Defeat
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C144 Chen Xin You Admit Defeat

"Da Mei!" I heard Brother Qiang's voice and quickly stood up. I walked to the door of the kennel.

Su Su opened the door of the kennel and looked up at Brother Qiang. I saw him squat down in front of me. He moved his hand over and rubbed my head. He smiled and said, "Big beauty, you're becoming more and more beautiful. Come, Su Su, take a picture of me and Da Mei. "


Susu took Brother Qiang's phone, and Brother Qiang squatted beside me. He hugged me, and Susu called me, asking me to look at the phone in her hand.

I looked over and smiled at the camera.

"Da Mei is always so sensible. " Brother Qiang took the phone and put his arm around my neck and said, "Be good Da Mei, remember to listen to Su Su's words in the future. Train well and accompany Su Su. When you participate in the competition in April, Brother Qiang will cheer you on. "

"Wuuuu. . . "

I know. Brother Qiang said goodbye. He was going to leave the base. When he was at the snow disaster site, he had already made up his mind when Huzi left. He was going to leave. He did not want to be a trainer anymore.

"It's too sad, too painful. I think if I don't leave, I won't be able to take it anymore. " Brother Qiang said back then.

When Bin Bin left two years ago, he had hugged Bin Bin's clothes and cried several times. It was only when Huzi came later that he calmed down a little.

In the end, Huzi died at the rescue site of the snow disaster on Qu Feng. To Brother Qiang, It was a huge blow.

"Although I'm prepared, and I know that sacrifices are unavoidable during the rescue process, let alone Dog, even our rescue team members are likely to meet with mishaps at the rescue site. However, I still can't take it. " I always remember what Brother Qiang said.

I leaned my head on Brother Qiang's shoulder and wanted to give him some more comfort.

Brother Qiang understands me. He gently patted me and said beautiful and obedient words.

After Brother Qiang looked at me, he went to see Saibin and Cheng Zi.

He talked and took pictures with every dog. I heard him next door saying that Saibin was the most handsome dog in the base.

Saibin was also very reluctant to part with him. Brother Qiang, he's a little older than us and has known Brother Qiang for a long time. I heard that Saibin and Bin were very good friends in the past. Therefore, Brother Qiang often brought Bin and Saibin to train together.

I heard Saibin's whimper. He kept saying that he couldn't bear to leave Brother Qiang behind and that he shouldn't leave the base.

Saibin was a very emotional dog. He and Brother Qiang had always been good friends. Previously, when Brother Qiang trained Huzi, I trained Huzi. Saibin also trained Huzi a few times. Every time Brother Qiang called out to him, he would run over and take Huzi with him.

"Saibin, you're fine. In this base, you and Da Mei are the most beautiful people I've ever seen. I've finished my training this time. Together with Da Mei. . . Let's try to get a good ranking in the leveling competition!" Brother Qiang rubbed Saibin's head and paused for a moment. Then he said, "You are the big brother. You have to protect Xiaomei and Cheng Zi well. You have to be more careful in the future. Don't be a reckless kid. "

"Woof, woof!"

Saibin received the order and responded to Brother Qiang.

After that, Brother Qiang went to check on Cheng. He also felt sorry for Cheng's wound. When he heard Susu mention the reason why Cheng was injured, Brother Qiang laughed.

"Cheng has always been a gentle lady. How could she fight with Jiajia for Bruiser? It seems Cheng Zi is also a very loving beauty! " When Brother Qiang spoke, his voice was gentle, like a man coaxing a little girl. It even moved Gouzi!

Finally, I heard Brother Qiang come to Jiajia's kennel.

Su Su told Brother Qiang about Jiajia's condition. After Susu finished speaking, my ears stood up for a long time, but I didn't hear Brother Qiang speak.

Jia Jia also didn't make any sound. Last night, he was in pain until midnight. Later on, he fell asleep. In the morning. . . Chen Xin came over to change the warm water for him and gave him breakfast. I heard Wang Meng ask Chen Xin if Jiajia didn't eat. I didn't hear Chen Xin's answer, but. . . I can feel that Chen Xin must have nodded. Jia Jia didn't eat, he didn't have an appetite.

I know that when Jiajia's ears and head hurt so much that he did not want to eat, the thing that made him the most upset was that he was sick. After Chen Xin found out, he told Jia Jia that she could no longer participate in training or any rescue activities. This was what made him the most upset.

The old rescue dogs and injured rescue dogs in the base were kept in the small yard. They could not go out to work or train. They did not have much else to do. They could only watch the rescue dogs train outside.

They slowly aged in the small courtyard, disappearing one by one. . .

"I want to adopt Jiajia and go back. " After a while, just as I thought Brother Qiang and Susu were about to leave, I suddenly heard Brother Qiang speak.


I heard that next door, Saibin also ran to the door of the kennel. He seemed to be very curious about Brother Qiang's words.

"Next up, Jiajia. If we can operate on her, that's fine. The problem is, if we can't operate on her, the following days. . . " Susu looked like she wanted to say something but stopped herself. I know what Susu wanted to say.

Taking care of a sick dog will be very worrying and tiring. Originally, the trainer had to take care of us all day long. I just felt that they were too busy and tired. If they still had to take care of us, they would probably be even busier.

Brother Qiang still has his own family and life to live. I don't know how he will arrange all of this.

This reminds me of what happened yesterday. Miao Miao's father did not know what to do because he had an additional child at home. Under the heavy pressure, the family conflicts became more and more intense. In the end, Miao Miao was almost killed.

What about Brother Qiang?

Does he have that much energy?

When I expressed my doubts, Susu walked over and told me that she was going to send Brother Qiang off and organize an event together.

After leaving the kennel, I realized that the purpose of an event is for us to sit together on the base's sports field and play games together.

We were lying on the ground, and beside us were the trainers who were also sitting on the ground. In front of us were snacks and plates, but without the trainers' permission, I realized that no dog would eat the beef strips on the plates.

Beside the instructor is a cup of water. They are not as well treated as us, and don't have any snacks to eat!

I saw Bruiser and the others come out. They were also obediently lying on the side.

I looked at Bruiser. I noticed that he looked at Cheng, and Cheng also looked up at him. However, they didn't have much of a reaction.

Cheng was in a bad mood, but Bruiser was a bit slow because of his age.

Jiajia was also brought over. When she saw him walk over, her head kept tilting to the side. It was as if she couldn't hear him clearly, so that she could hear him clearly. That was why he kept shaking his head.

Liu Jian gave Jia Jia a piece of empty space. When he saw Jia Jia and Chen Xin coming over, he patted the side and shouted, "Jia Jia, come here. Come to Saibin. "

When Saibin saw Jia Jia coming over, he turned around and quickly stood up.

Jiajia was not in a good mood. Saibin wanted to go and find her, but Jiajia moved to the side and bared her teeth at Saibin. Saibin immediately took a step back.

I feel that this is not the usual Jiajia and Saibin.

When Jia Jia was not sick, he was a dog with unlimited energy. He always liked to take us and run. He was very smart. He could always find fun and invent fun games. He was our big brother and we all liked him.

But now, he seemed to have no strength in his whole body. Not to mention the entire dog, its temper had become especially bad.

The other Dog looked at Jiajia. Everyone knew that Jiajia was sick. Everyone had heard the sound of his crying last night.

Wang Meng was always so humorous when he hosted a farewell event. He called the trainers his big partners and called us dogs his little friends.

Wang Meng said to us, "Little friends, let's play a game with Brother Qiang and throw the handkerchief away, okay?"

"Woof! Woof!"

All the dogs cooperated and barked together.

The game of throwing handkerchief was a game of group training. The trainers put the handkerchief behind Dog or the trainer. If we find the handkerchief, we have to quickly pick it up with the handkerchief in our mouth and chase after the person who left in front of us. However, if the person who left the handkerchief runs back to our original seat and sits down, If he wins, we will become the dog or person who finds the target and leaves the handkerchief behind.

In this game, Susu said that it was a test of our obedience, reaction, and collective adaptability.

I remember, when I first started playing the handkerchief game, I wasn't very sensible. I can't sit still, I don't know what the handkerchief was thrown behind me for. We need the trainer to teach us this bit by bit. We need to learn slowly before we can learn it.

However, I can play very well now. I will quickly hold my hands in my mouth. The handkerchief revolves around this large circle. I will slowly search for my target. I will quietly put down the handkerchief and then quickly run away.

This time, when it is my turn, I quietly place the handkerchief behind Jiajia.

I slowly ran around the circle. I didn't look back at him. I just ran.

Dog looked at Jiajia, and Brother Qiang pretended to cough. Hey, they actually wanted to help Jiajia.

I secretly looked at Jiajia and saw him turn around and look behind him. Then, he turned around and looked behind him. Come and look at me. I quickly turned around to look in front of me.

I went around half a circle and slowed down my pace. I was looking forward to Jia Jia chasing me.

However, he seemed to be looking at the handkerchief, but he didn't move.

I continued to slow down. I've already walked more than half a circle. I can't be any slower. If I were any slower, everyone would say that I cheated.

I feel that the anger at the scene is actually quite oppressive. Everyone is looking at Jiajia and waiting for him to make a move.

I think if he doesn't leave, I will catch him and then I will let him perform on the show.

If we get caught playing the handkerchief game, we'll have to perform in the middle of the show. Generally, no matter if Dog or the trainer violated the rules, Dog and the trainer would go to perform together in the end.

The performance was very simple. It was probably about the trainer singing, Dog eating biscuits, and so on. I was thinking that I could perform beef jerky later. Anyway, it was ready-made on the plate.

Eh, that's not right. I think I was wrong. It should be Jiajia performing because I caught her.

However, if Jiajia doesn't want to perform and isn't in the mood to perform, I can also help him. I will help him perform.

Just as I was thinking about performing beef jerky with Jiajia, Jiajia suddenly stood up. He turned around and looked at me. Then, he picked up the handkerchief and ran away.

"Hahaha, Da Mei, I told you to slow down. You can't catch Jiajia. " Chen Xin turned around with a smile and patted him on the side. He said, "Come, sit down!"

I ran over and sat down. Then I looked back at Su Su and saw her smiling at me.

Susu was praising me. She smiled at me, which meant that she approved of my performance. This is the tacit understanding that we have been together for the past three years.

I obediently sit and watch Jiajia bite her handkerchief and slowly walk around us. Everyone is smiling and looking at him. All the dogs are also looking at him.

He was in a much better mood than when he first came here. He didn't put down his handkerchief in the first lap.

In the second lap, when I turned around to look at him, I found that the handkerchief in his mouth was already gone, and he was slowly speeding up.

This Jia Jia, he took advantage of the time when everyone was starting to relax and suddenly dropped the handkerchief. Then, he deliberately turned his head away so that no one could see if he still had a handkerchief in his mouth. Now, he accelerated. . .

I sniffed, Eh, it smells like. . . Behind me.

I quickly turned around to take a look. Then, I quickly retracted my head.

Chen Xin was lying on a handkerchief behind him. He was looking at Jia Jia running away with a smile on his face.

That's right. Jia Jia was in a much better mood in the second lap than in the first lap. So, he was happy too. Once he was happy, he forgot. . . Jiajia had a handkerchief in her mouth. Now the handkerchief was gone.

"Damn it, Jiajia, you bad guy, you schemed against me!" Just as Jiajia was about to turn around and pounce on him, Chen Xin suddenly remembered that Jiajia did not have a handkerchief in her mouth. He turned around and was about to stand up. However, he was knocked down by Jiajia.

"Hahahaha, Chen Xin, you admit defeat!"

"Come, come, come. Our Chen Xin is a singer from the base. Sing!"

"Right, Chen Xin will sing and sing!"

All the instructors started shouting. I saw Brother Qiang clapping his hands while smiling. Brother Qiang was singing a song.

Jiajia hugged Brother Qiang and looked at us. He smiled. He was very happy.

When I saw Chen Xin hugging Jia Jia, I also smiled. Tears could be seen at the corners of Chen Xin's eyes. However, he still smiled. He was very happy.

"Jia Jia has a unique job. She doesn't only know how to order beef jerky, right?" Chen Xin lowered his head and asked Jia Jia.

"Woof! Woof!"

Jia Jia nodded and agreed with Chen Xin.

"Our Jiajia knows how to play football. " Chen Xin took a ball from one side with a smile. He gave the ball to Jiajia and bit it. Then he stood on the other side and crossed his legs. He said, "Come, let's go to Jiajia football!"

"Wow, handsome, Jia Jia is so handsome!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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