Brave Sniffer Dog/C145 A Special Farewell Party
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Brave Sniffer Dog/C145 A Special Farewell Party
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C145 A Special Farewell Party

Everyone looked up, and Jiajia put the ball on the ground, looked around, and then he started running with his leg kicking the ball.

The ball rolled forward. Jiajia ran around and could control the ball.

Finally, he raised his claws and kicked the ball to Chen Xin.

"I scored! I scored!" Wang Meng shouted from the side.

"Great! Jiajia, you are the world champion of the dog world!" Chen Xin knelt on the ground and hugged Jiajia, cheering.

Everyone was applauding for Jiajia. Our Dog looked at Jiajia with a smile. We were all happy that Jiajia could be happy again.

Chen Xin sang for everyone. His singing was really nice. Even our Dog sat quietly and was fascinated by it.

Jiajia is sitting beside him, quiet and obedient.

"Next, let's invite the protagonist of this event, Brother Qiang, to say a few words for everyone!" Wang Meng continued hosting the event. He pointed in Brother Qiang's direction and said.

Everyone applauded again. They looked at Brother Qiang together and smiled.

However, I can see that everyone's smiles are different when they are happy in peace. Everyone is smiling, but their eyes are filled with sadness.

Brother Qiang, we have known each other for so long. The first half of our lives, Brother Qiang, has dedicated all of his energy to the base. He is leaving us.

We are really reluctant to part with him. We are also unwilling to part with him.

"Thank you, everyone. I have made my decision. Although it was firm, there was no room for negotiation. However, I came up with this idea at the last minute. " Brother Qiang smiled. Then, he sighed again and said, "I can't take it anymore. Maybe the older I get, the weaker my tolerance for that kind of separation becomes. Sadness was something that couldn't be dispelled for a very long time, so. . . I timidly chose to leave everyone and the base. . . But. . . Before I left the base, I had a request. . . I have already asked Captain Yuan for instructions. I want to ask the leader for instructions. I want to. . . Adopt Jiajia! "

. . . ""

No one spoke at the scene. Everyone looked at each other in silence.

The dogs looked at Jiajia and Brother Qiang.

We don't know what to do next. We don't know what to do and what we can do.

We can't bear to part with Jiajia. However, Jiajia is indeed sick. We can tell from his appearance that he is not in good health.

Actually, our dog has a sense of smell. There is another special function, especially for most of the rescue dogs that have been strictly selected. Because our search dogs have very high requirements for their sense of smell, our sense of smell is much more powerful than other Dog's.

One of Jiajia's ears should have deteriorated. We asked for a very strange smell. This smell doesn't belong to Dog.

As for Brother Qiang, I don't know if Susu agreed to Brother Qiang's request at that time and agreed to let him adopt Jiajia.

"Regarding Jiajia, I want to listen to Chen Xin's words. As for the leader. . . I think we can think of a way together. " Su Su turned her head to look at Chen Xin and said.

We all looked at Chen Xin. We all wanted to know what he would do.

"Chen Xin, you can also not promise me first. However, Jia Jia really can't continue to participate in the follow-up training. Continue to stay in the base. For you. . . It is not the best arrangement for him. I think. . . I can take him away and do my best. . . Help him treat, take care of him as much as possible. I can spend the rest of my life with him. " Brother Qiang said.

I saw Wang Meng turn around and wipe away his tears.

Many people's eyes were red, and everyone felt very uncomfortable. The dogs all lowered their heads and laid on the ground, and the snacks in front of them didn't even move.

"Brother Qiang, did you come up with this idea at the last minute?" Chen Xin raised his head to look at Brother Qiang and asked.

I turned my head to look. Chen Xin's eyes were red. He had cried when he was singing. He sang Friend. It was a very old song. He said that a rescue dog was his friend. We were all good friends and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

So, I think Chen Xin will go with Jia Jia for the rest of his life. At least, he wants to take care of Jia Jia for the rest of her life.

"Indeed, I came up with this idea at the last minute. Just like how I decided to leave the base, Jia Jia needs someone to take good care of him. He has a lot of merit points on him. He is a very excellent rescue dog. " Brother Qiang looked at Chen Xin. He took a deep breath and said, "But you. . . You still need to bring out a rescue dog as excellent as Jiajia, your dog training skills and your abilities. . . You can continue to train excellent rescue dogs for the base, take care of Jiajia's work. . . Leave it to me. "

Chen Xin looked at Brother Qiang. After a while, he stretched out his hand and hugged Brother Qiang.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Jiajia suddenly started to bark crazily. She rushed over and bit Chen Xin's pants.

"Be careful!"

Su Su immediately got up from my side. She quickly rushed over and hugged Jia Jia.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Jia Jia crazily struggled in Su Su's embrace. Her teeth mercilessly bit down on Su Su's wrist.

"Woof! Woof!"

I also rushed over. I can't let Jiajia bite Susu. I have to stop him.

"Da Mei, get out of the way. Be careful. " Susu quickly turned around and said to me.

Liu Jian came up and pulled on my rope. In fact, he was also anxiously barking at Jia Jia. He was scolding her.

He said that Jiajia was a dog who didn't know what was good for her. He said that if he was released, he would be the first one to beat up Jiajia and let him know how powerful she was.

"Jiajia, don't mess around!" Chen Xin lay on the ground, raised his hand, and reached his arm to Jiajia's mouth. He said, "Come on, you want to bite me, right? Come bite me!"

We all looked at Jia Jia and Chen Xin. I also looked at Su Su. I was worried about her. She kept hugging Dog tightly. Wang Meng held Jia Jia's head from her arms, preventing her mouth from touching Su Su's arm.

However, I have already seen that Susu's wrist is injured. It seems like it was scratched by Jiajia's teeth.

This time, Susu is going to get an injection again, even though we are all vaccinated. But once the trainer is scratched by Dog's teeth, they still need to get an injection. This is just in case.

Actually, these trainers had more or less some scars on their bodies.

Most of the time, we didn't do it on purpose.

However, in the end, Jiajia didn't bite them. In fact, the leaders of the base heard the commotion and came over. They stood in the distance and watched the scene from afar. When Ah Min reported what had happened, I turned around and saw the leader nodding. Then, I walked over.

"What's going on?" The leader asked.

Susu got up from the ground and smiled. "It's nothing, Director. Jiajia is not in good health. She was in a bad mood just now, so we tried to calm her down. "

"Well, we have to calm her down one by one. " The leader looked at Susu and gave her a sideways glance. He said, "Her wrist is broken. Hurry up and rinse it with water. Go and give her an injection in the afternoon. "

"Yes!" Susu immediately responded. She told Liu Jian about it and then ran to flush the water.

I raised my head to look at the leader, and the other dogs also sat down in a formal manner.

The leader walked to the middle of the circle and looked at Jia Jia and Chen Xin. He sighed and said, "Chen Xin, Qiang Zi wants to take Jia Jia. We agree too. Qiang Zi will just settle the relevant procedures later. "

"Thank you, leader. Thank you. " Brother Qiang immediately smiled and thanked the leader.

"You and Yuan Susu will discuss the follow-up treatment of Jia Jia and the related care matters. " The leader and Brother Qiang said.

Brother Qiang nodded again and kept saying that he would take good care of Jia Jia.

"Chen Xin, pass Jiajia to Chen Xin. I think it is the best arrangement. If we can operate on her, I will apply for medical funding from the higher-ups. Jiajia is our base's rescue dog, our family. We won't simply give up the opportunity for every family member to be treated. " The leader's voice was always so calm. Everyone quieted down to listen to him.

Susu washed her hands and came back, the leader told her a lot of things.

Including the follow-up treatment and visiting procedures for Jiajia, I heard the leader say, "Give Chen Xin a special leave request. He can go out to visit Jiajia once a week. If Jiajia has the possibility of treatment, Chen Xin can give her a leave of absence. "

"Thank you, Director. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Director!" Chen Xin was so touched that he cried. He hugged Jiajia and said, "Jiajia, don't lose your temper. It's not that I don't want you. I want Brother Qiang to take you to the hospital. Okay, you have to trust Brother Qiang. Brother Qiang will take good care of you. "

Jiajia's eyes slowly changed, and her eyes became afraid again.

He was still afraid of leaving Chen Xin. He was also afraid that his illness would make Chen Xin and the base abandon him. He could not participate in the search and rescue work anymore. For a seven-year-old rescue dog, it would really make him crazy.

"But, Qiang Zi. . . Since you have already made up your mind to leave the base. . . I won't stop you. As long as the relevant procedures are ready, it will be fine. However, you need to know one thing. . . Jia Jia had been in Chen Xin's hands for six years. His relationship with Chen Xin. . . He will make it very difficult for you to deal with him after you adopt him. " The leader looked at Brother Qiang. He said.

"I know, I know Jiajia's temper. Furthermore, before I think about adopting Jiajia, I thought about it too. He went to my house. . . He will definitely not be used to it. There will be a rebellious period. However, I have already thought it through. Director, don't worry. After all these years of domestication, how can I not deal with a dog?! " Brother Qiang said with a smile.

"I believe you, and I also believe Jiajia. " The leader squatted down and rubbed Jiajia's head. He said, "Follow Brother Qiang well. Don't lose your temper. If you listen to him, your body will recover quickly. Do you understand?"

Jia Jia hid in Chen Xin's arms and did not dare to move. He was very afraid. It was very terrifying. He seemed to know that he was leaving Chen Xin. Therefore, he was nervous and uneasy.

"Alright, you guys can continue playing for a while. There will be intense training in the afternoon. I will go back first. " After saying that, the leader said a few words to Susu before leaving.

"Jiajia was chosen by the director. Now that it's like this, the director looks quite sad. " Adorable's trainer, Ah Min, walked over and said.

"Treat Jiajia well. Maybe she will get better. Since I don't have anything to do these days, I will contact the veterinarian station to see if there are any reliable doctors who can treat Jiajia. " Brother Qiang said.

"Yes, we must find a good doctor. We need to operate on Jiajia as soon as possible. " Susu nodded and said, "It's not just the department director who has feelings for Jiajia. None of us here have feelings for each other. Jiajia had made great contributions to the base. She had saved so many people and saved so many property losses. Jiajia deserves the best treatment and care!"

"Captain is right. Don't worry. Chen Xin, I will do this. " Brother Qiang looked at Chen Xin and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "You, on the other hand, have to put down your thoughts as soon as possible and prepare to continue training the new Dog!"

Hearing Brother Qiang's words, Chen Xin was probably afraid that Jiajia would be sad. He immediately raised his hand to cover Jiajia's ears and hugged her.

In the morning, no one continued to sing and play. They all sat on the ground and chatted.

In the winter, it was a cloudy weather. The sun was not hot, but it was very warm.

Our Dog is lying beside the trainer. Some of us are sleeping with our eyes closed, and some are playing with the things on the plates in front of us. Cheng and I are lying on the ground and listening to the trainers' chat.

Cheng is injured and can't be bothered to move. I'm lying beside her, and her head is next to mine. We have always been very close sisters.

"Captain, Da Mei will be going to the collective training in a month or so. Are you under a lot of pressure? " Wang Meng sat down and asked.

"No pressure" Susu turned her head to look at Wang Meng and said with a smile, "Let nature take its course. As long as Beauty tries her best, it will be OK. "

Su Su turned her hand to rub my head and said, "Da Mei's basic skills aren't a problem now. The main thing is the familiarity with the skills. As long as you're familiar with them, there won't be any big problems. "

"Un, Da Mei. Come, tell Wang Meng, are you confident?" Wang Meng turns around and hugs my head as he asks.

"Let her bask in the sun. Look at Cheng's ear injury and give her a good massage. " Susu 'saved' me from Wang Meng's palm and said to Cheng.

"Our family's Cheng is the most gentle and cute girl. Cheng forgive Jiajia, right?" Wang Meng said and looked at Jiajia.

I also looked at Jiajia. I could see that she was always looking at me. I could tell that she was actually regretting the fight between Cheng and me. Therefore, he kept looking at her and looked like he wanted to apologize to Cheng.

"Jiajia, come here!" Su Su got up and walked over to Chen Xin. She took the leash from him.

Jiajia looked up at Susu, then obediently followed Susu over.

"Now, do you want to apologize to Cheng?" Susu squatted down and rubbed Jiajia's head as she asked.

I stood beside Cheng and looked at Jiajia. Jiajia looked at Cheng and then looked at me. Then, he slowly walked to Cheng's side and laid down. His head was facing Cheng. He placed his two claws on the ground and placed his head on his claws. He looked cute.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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