Brave Sniffer Dog/C147 Only the Best Teachers Could Bring out the Best Students
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Brave Sniffer Dog/C147 Only the Best Teachers Could Bring out the Best Students
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C147 Only the Best Teachers Could Bring out the Best Students

Finally, Tutu looked up at me for a while, and she lowered her head, bit the jerky slowly in her mouth, and began to eat.

That's great! I excitedly turned my head to look at Susu. As expected, Susu gave me a thumbs up. Actually, Susu has been paying attention to the situation on my side. Susu is a very excellent instructor. Her training skills are really superb!

After Tu Tu ate my beef jerky, I knew that she wasn't as depressed as before.

"Let's go, Da Mei. Let's go train with Tu Tu. " Su Su unbutton my leash and said.

"Captain" The young Wang Jin shouts softly as he looks at Susu as if he wants to say something but he seems to be a bit shy.

He held Tu Tu Tu in his hand, and he held Bruiser and the others. He didn't unbutton Tu Tu Tu's buttons, but looked at Susu and wanted to say something.

"You can take Bruiser and the others with you and watch Tu Tu and Da Mei train together, he said. Tu Tu is an old rescue dog. He's very good at many things. It'll be good to let her train with Da Mei. " Susu said.

"Okay, okay. " Wang Jin immediately became happy. I just realized that he actually wanted to see Susu train with us.

Because this little Wang Jin was just assigned here. It was as if Wang Meng and the others said that he was only nineteen years old.

All the search and rescue team members had to take care of the old and weak dogs in the yard of the old dogs. In the words of the base leaders, this was to nurture their patience. If they could take care of the old dogs well, That would prove that they would become qualified trainers and would have better protection and care for Gouzi, who was in the middle of training.

Because, for every dog raised in the base, it would cost a lot of money. Not only did it cost money, there was also another reason - good Dog. It was also very difficult to find a good and intelligent dog.

Not all dogs would become search dogs and police dogs. Even Kunming, Golden Retriever, and our Labrador need to go through strict screening. Most of the time, only one or two out of fifty dogs can be selected.

Therefore, to be able to enter the police dog training base. . . I'm also very proud. After coming, Susu told me to cooperate with her, cooperate well, train well, and strive to become the best dog in the base. I'm working hard.

Because of this, the adult dog that the base is training is very precious. So, I can't be easily hurt or treat carelessly.

Most of the time, these newcomers. . . They did not have time to learn and train Dog with the old trainer. Each of them had several Dog to raise. At most, in the first half of last year, a new trainer had to raise six dogs at the same time. Every morning during my morning exercise, I saw him carrying a big basin of dog poop out, and every time he ate, it was the same. He was going to carry a huge bucket and share the food with Dog. In any case, he's busy all day.

Old Dog or the injured Dog would mostly have all kinds of problems, and these new trainers would have to work even harder. Sometimes, in order to take care of the sick Dog, they wouldn't be able to sleep well for several days and nights in a row.

Wang Jin's little brother had only been at the base for three months, but he was able to watch Tu Tu and my training with Susu. Of course he would be extremely happy.

When Tu Tu heard that she could go to the training ground, she immediately perked up. She stood up, shook the fur on her body, and then looked at me.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

I'm ready. Tu Tu, are you ready?


Toto swiftly nodded and replied to me.

"Let's go!" Susu said.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Got it, rope ladder, roll circle, ladder. . . We're here!

Tutu followed behind me and quickly ran over. Although she didn't train often, for the past three years, Most of the time, she was strolling in the small courtyard. There were very few things that could be trained in the small courtyard. But Tu Tu Tu had trained for six years after all. So, after discovering these training tools, Without saying a word, she rushed forward in front of me.

"Da Mei, go, follow Tu Tu Tu!" Su Su shouted from behind.

I immediately flew up. To me, this rope ladder is really child's play. I went up and down for a very short period of time.

Tu Tu Tu and I ran back and forth on these training equipment. At first, Tu Tu Tu followed me. Later, Tu Tu Tu became energetic. When I passed by her, Susu called me softly, and I immediately understood.

I followed Tu Tu Tu. She was like a big sister, constantly teaching me all kinds of movements, doing them very well. I also studied very seriously.

Tu Tu was indeed worthy of being a rescue dog that had been trained for six years. Although for three years, she had almost never participated in any activities. . . However, her movements were still very good, and they were also very standard.

"I've been at the base for more than three months, and I'm also here for the New Year. Out of all the dogs in the yard, Tu Tu is the most serious. I think on her body. . . There was a very tenacious force that made her wake up very early every day. She runs in circles in the yard. She would then jump on the equipment and exercise for at least three hours every day. Every time, she would look outside. I knew it. She's always looking forward to going out. " Wang Jin was telling Susu about Tu Tu's story. I also perked up my ears and listened attentively.

Tu Tu is really good, I really admire her, and I like her at the same time.

"When Da Mei came, it was Tu Tu who brought it. At that time, she just happened to be injured. She was very responsible and carried Da Mei to do all kinds of actions. I don't need to worry, Da Mei was able to do so many movements. She's considered to be in the lead among the young rescue dogs. All of this is inextricably linked to Tu Tu Tu's superb skill in the past. It's like a good teacher bringing out an outstanding student. " Susu said.

"Mm, captain is right. A good teacher will definitely bring out a good student. " As Wang Jin spoke, His voice was somewhat agitated. Just as I turned around. . . I saw him turn around and look at Susu. He was speaking very seriously, "Captain, I want to learn the skill of a rescue dog from you. I will definitely learn it earnestly. Become your best student"

Susu turns her head to look at me and says with a smile: "Da Mei, hurry up and go train. Don't look around and follow Tu Tu Tu"

I quickly turned around. Tu Tu Tu was in front of me. I was at the back. We ran until we fell to the ground.

"Alright, come, drink some water. " Susu shouted.

I used my head to push Tu Tu, then she quickly turned around and stood up. After that, we walked to Su Su and Wang Jin's side.

Both Tu Tu and I have their own water basin, plastic with a button on it. Susu and Wang Jin put the basin on the ground and poured water for us. We drank water together, drank it, and then lied down together. I'm so happy!

Looking at Tu Tu, I know, she's also very happy. Although she only has one eye, But she's actually still so pretty. I don't know why when she goes out on duty, there will be a child crying. I think that child was born to be afraid of dogs.

Just like Jiang Huai, he has dog phobia.

I really look forward to it. All the adults and children who are afraid of dogs will be treated well. After the treatment is done, they will like us, love us, and will no longer be afraid of us whenever they see us.

Tu Tu told me that she actually really wants to go out and work again. She really wants to walk out of that small courtyard.

I look at her and then look at Susu. I feel that I might be able to help her plead with Susu. However, I told her that I'm going to train, and I can't leave the base either. I'm going to participate in the competition!

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Tu Tu barked at me in a low voice. She was very happy. She felt that I was the little brother she had brought out, and she wanted me to work hard.

I suddenly had an idea, and I decided that from tomorrow onwards, I will ask Susu to agree to Tu Tu training with me.

Because I realized that with Tu Tu Tu accompanying me, I would even forget about being tired, and I would be very happy.

On this day, Brother Qiang only left when it was dark. When it was time for lunch, Tu Tu was taken away. I looked at her and smiled at her. I won't tell her my idea now, I think, when I really start training, I can go grind Susu.

Brother Qiang personally cooked dinner for us, although the taste isn't as good as the one Su Susu and Huo Li made. But, it was also Brother Qiang who made it. It's better than what Liu Jian and Wang Meng made. We all ate very happily.

"Alright, Da Mei, Brother Qiang is leaving. " When Brother Qiang sent me the food, he first opened his arms and asked me for a hug: "Come, give me a hug. In the future, we will have less chances to meet. "

I raise my head and look at Susu. Of course, of course. If someone wants to hug me, they'll definitely need Susu's permission.

"This little thing really abides by the rules. If he has a future, he will definitely have a future!" I saw Susu nod her head. I was leaning into Brother Qiang's arms when I heard him patting my back. While saying to me, "When you go out to search for help, you must be careful. Protect yourself well. Oh, And, protect Susu. . . She's a good girl, right? Da Mei is also a good girl! "

Brother Qiang is really good to me. I still remember that after Hu Zi died, he was extremely sad, but he still took care of me all day long. He was so fierce, but when he took care of me, he always spoke to me very gently. I really like Brother Qiang.

However, I know that Bin Bin and Huzi left Brother Qiang with pain and forced him to leave the base.

Dog in the base often had problems during the search and rescue. Sometimes, it would even die of exhaustion.

Dog was different from human beings. Dog's physical strength was worse than human beings'. If it worked overtime for a long period of time, it would cause its organs to deteriorate. If it did not pay attention, it might be in danger.

However, when it came to the search and rescue site, most of the time, the trainers never cared about their own safety. They just wanted to save more people. Of course, Dog would do the same.

Brother Qiang watched me eat half of my dinner and asked me if it was delicious. I nodded and smiled back at him.

"This little thing is the smartest. Alright, Brother Qiang is gone. I'll come back and watch Beauty later!" After saying that, Brother Qiang bent down and rubbed my head. Then, he stood up and walked out.

I quickly walked to the door and looked at him through the iron fence at the entrance of the kennel.

"Go back and eat. Don't look anymore. Da Mei, train well. Good!" Brother Qiang's eyes were filled with tears. He really couldn't bear to part with me.

"Wuwuwu. . . "

Brother Qiang, I can't bear to part with you either!

I stomped my foot and called Brother Qiang.

Actually, we are not allowed to make noise at dinner tonight, and we are also not allowed to bark. However, this time I made quite a sound. Susu watched from the side, but didn't stop me.

"Alright, don't bark, follow the rules. " Brother Qiang turns around and berates me softly.

I. . .

I looked at Brother Qiang, then silently turned around and went back to the side of the rice bowl. I wanted to continue eating, but I don't have any appetite anymore.

Really, as a dog, we also have feelings. We treat it as our feelings. When I'm not in a good mood, I really don't have any appetite to eat.

"This little thing makes people cry!" When I heard Brother Qiang's words, he took a deep breath and said, "Susu, protect her well. This little thing knows too much. Don't let anything happen to her. Otherwise, really, it will break down! "

"I know, Brother Qiang!" When I heard Susu's voice, there was also a hint of strangeness.

Oh, they were all praising me for being smart, praising me for being sensible, alright? I'm in a slightly better mood now.

However, looking at the rice bowl in front of me, I still don't want to eat.

I lied there and listened as Brother Qiang went into Cheng's kennel. I comforted Cheng and cared about her ears. After that, he went to Saibin's place.

"You have to be obedient from now on. Don't be impulsive. You are the most handsome dog in the base. In a few days, you will participate in the competition with Da Mei. No matter what, you have to get into the top three. Do you understand?" Brother Qiang was reminding Saibin.

"Wuwuwu. . . "

I heard Saibin's voice and he couldn't bear to part with Brother Qiang.

Liu Jian was there too, but he didn't stop Saibin from making a sound.

Brother Qiang has been training with us all this time, going out on missions together, and taking care of each other. Dog has a very good relationship with us.

I think, whether it's Brother Qiang, Liu Jian, or Wang Meng. . . If any of them really want to leave, I feel that I won't be able to bear to part with them.

Usually, I play with Saibin Cheng Zi and the rest. Liu Jian and Wang Meng, these instructors, also play with us. Every time we go on a mission, we are always together.

Brother Qiang said to let Susu protect me. . . I also thought that I must protect Susu, just like last year. After she was rescued from the underground tunnel, Susu was suddenly smoked by the gas. I almost lost consciousness, so I took a bite of her. . . She just woke up, and I don't want anything to happen to Susu either.

Brother Qiang left. That night, the kennel was unusually quiet. I was thinking about Brother Qiang. As soon as he left, I missed him.

Actually, I never thought of Brother Qiang that way before!

I also missed Huzi. I don't know if those people kept their promises and found a good place to bury Huzi. I don't know if I still have a chance to take a look at Huzi. After all, that place was really too far away.

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