Brave Sniffer Dog/C151 A Very Strict Examination
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Brave Sniffer Dog/C151 A Very Strict Examination
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C151 A Very Strict Examination

"Listen to Brother Qiang. " After saying that, Susu frowned and remained silent for a while before saying, "I don't know if it was right or wrong to approve Brother Qiang to take Jiajia away. Back then, Bin Bin was also sick and left. Huzi. . . This time, Jiajia, Brother Qiang was already hurt. I even gave Jiajia to him. "

" Captain, it's not your fault. You are thinking about Jiajia's follow-up treatment and care. We are already very, very grateful to you. Brother Qiang has already told me. If it was not for the fact that he could not bear it, he would have stayed. He said that we have met a very good captain. It is an honor. " Chen Xin quickly said.

"I think so. Chen Xin, take note of Jia Jia's condition. Contact Brother Qiang more these days. Jia Jia, bring him to the base during the last few days. " Su Su thought for a moment and said, "Jia Jia belongs to the base. She belongs here. "

"Okay. When I went to see Jia Jia, I thought about it too. I don't want Brother Qiang to see another old friend leave. I want to bring Jia Jia back. I want to take care of him until the end. " Chen Xin said.

"Okay!" Susu nodded.

I look at them and I am also very touched!

Especially after that, Myna became familiar with us. He told us that he was his previous master. He was a very good man, but because his wife was pregnant, his mother-in-law came to Binhai City. His mother-in-law said that the dog would affect the fetus in his belly. The dog had bacteria and was in danger, so it was not allowed to be raised.

He said that they had lived very far away before, and the male owner had actually lost him once. That time, he knew that the male owner had sent him to a park, and then he ran quickly and drove home.

However, later on, he very smartly found him. The male owner hugged him and cried for a while, then raised him for a few days.

However, because he went back, the owner's family didn't agree. Because of him, they kept quarreling. So in the end, the male owner was helpless and could only prepare to send him away.

Eighth Brother told us that the mistress had said that it would be best if he could not find her again after sending her away this time. Otherwise, he would have to divorce the male owner.

Thus, the male owner was afraid. He took the opportunity to bring the mistress to the city hospital for an examination and left him in the abandoned courtyard behind the hospital.

The wall of the courtyard was too high. He jumped a few times but was unable to jump out.

When the male owner left, he left a bag of dog food for him. He ate it for three days and it was gone. After that. . . He was hungry for another two days. He was really hungry. At night, he started crying. The people in the hospital heard him. At first, someone came to call him and told him not to call. It also scared him.

However, not long after, they brought him food and drinks.

Myna said that in the middle of the night, he was so moved that he started crying again. In the end, he was told by that fierce man that he was going to eat and he was still crying. Don't cry anymore. After eating, stay here and think of a way to get me out.

Director Zhang, it must be Director Zhang.

Although he was tall and big, and looked very fierce, However, he was a very good person. I know, Myna is talking about him.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

The Myna nodded at me and barked softly.

Yes, yes, yes. It was Department Director Zhang. I heard them calling him, as well as Dr. Jiang Huai. Everyone was calling him Department Director Jiang Huai. They were here to deliver food and think of a way to help him. So, he didn't starve for the next two days.

It was just that a dog always made him very sad when it stayed in a dirty, messy, and stinky place.

Especially when it was late at night every day, he would think of his master's house in the past, the soft cushion, the fragrant kennel, and the scene of his master playing games with him, taking him out for a walk and telling him his story.

In fact, he said that he liked his mistress very much in the beginning. When the male owner brought him home from the pet hospital, he happened to be in a relationship with his mistress. He was often taken by the two of them to go shopping in the park and play in the suburbs. When he went to a restaurant for dinner, the male owner would always bring him bowls and water bottles. He took good care of him.

In the beginning, the female owner liked him too, she would rub his head and call him. . .

The Myna said that he was not called the Myna before. He was called Happiness. It was a name given by the male owner.

However, now that the new owner had called him Myna, he would be Myna from now on.

Myna said that after the mistress got pregnant, her attitude started to change slowly. As for him, because he was getting bigger and bigger, he was already more than two years old. He was slightly shorter than me, because the black back belonged to a large dog, and his appearance was a little fierce. Therefore, when ordinary people saw him, they would be more afraid than those small dogs.

However, not all dogs would bite people. Especially Blackback, our Labrador, and the Golden Retriever. . . We are all dogs with high intelligence. We have been able to understand human language since we were young.

Look at Myna. He was abandoned twice by his master and was eventually abandoned in the ruins. If there were no doctors and Chen Xin to rescue him, he might not even be able to come out. He was still thinking about how his masters had treated him. I think that Myna is really a dog with a lot of love.

He knew how to be grateful and how to know how good others were. His personality is really good!

After getting familiar with the Myna, I can openly train with the Myna in front of Susu.

Even though the Myna is very timid, after I trained him and he still hasn't climbed up the ladder, he has already placed his feet on the ladder. I think this is great.

"Da Mei, bring Eighth Brother again. I feel that it will be done very soon. " Chen Xin shouted at me.

Although I'm very tired, Susu also said that I can rest for ten minutes. However, since Chen Xin called me, I'm still very happy to help him bring his eighth brother.

I ran over and quickly climbed up the ladder, then quickly came down from the other side. I kept climbing up and down.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

I barked at him: Come up, it's not scary at all. It's not scary at all. Look, when you climb up, you can see even higher and farther.

Myna slowly climbed up. It was very, very slow. His body was trembling. His stomach was pressed against the ladder, as if it would not be safe if he did not stick close to it.

This reminds me. When I was young, actually, when I first started climbing these ladders, it seemed to be the same.

Oh, this is the difference between a trained rescue dog and an ordinary dog that hasn't been trained.

No matter how smart or powerful a dog was, it had to undergo strict training to be able to play the greatest role in the rescue - I think. . . I said this as if Susu was giving a lecture. I listened too much. I'll learn it very soon.

Eighth Brother is really very smart. When I tell him that if you don't work hard, you might not pass the test and you'll be sent to the rescue station.

Myna asks me, what is the rescue station? What will happen if I go there?

Hmm, I thought about it and told him: There are too many dogs at the rescue station. They will send out adoption notices regularly, but not everyone is willing to adopt.

I think that there are actually some people who are very strange. They are not willing to adopt dogs and feel that adopting dogs is not good. They would rather spend money to buy dogs. The dogs they buy are not as smart and beautiful as the dogs at the rescue station.

Myna asked me again, if I went to the rescue station, what if I wasn't adopted? Would I stay at the rescue station forever?

No, no, the rescue station can't raise so many dogs.

If I'm not adopted, maybe. . .

Ah, I don't know how to tell Myna about this. If I tell him that there really is no one to adopt, then he can only be euthanized to death!

I only found out about euthanized death two years ago. The guests were euthanized to death! I don't know if Jiajia will be euthanized to death three months later.

I don't know either. Euthanized euthanasia is very painful for a seriously ill dog. Is it a good thing?

At that time, I was still young. I saw that Bin looked at Brother Qiang with a look of reluctance. His voice was very, very small. Brother Qiang understood. I heard it too.

Bin Bin said, thank you, Brother Qiang. He said that he still wanted to be Brother Qiang's dog in the future. He said that he would remember Brother Qiang. He told Brother Qiang not to cry, and his heart ached for Brother Qiang.

However, Bin Bin could not get up at that time. Even Brother Qiang could not carry him out. It was Liu Jian and Wang Meng who left with Bin Bin.

An Le's death was to give Dog an injection. Then, Dog would die. At that time, when Susu and the others persuaded Brother Qiang, they said that An Letian might not be a bad thing to Jiajia. It could reduce his pain.

However, thinking about how one day, when we get sick and have no way to treat it, we will be euthanized and think that we will leave our trainers and friends. At that time, I think that we will also be very afraid and uncomfortable!

"Wuwuwuwu. . . "

In the middle of the night, the sound of a dog crying came from a kennel.

"What's wrong?" The night watchman came over to take a look. I heard his voice. "Myna, what are you crying for?"

"Uncle Chen, what's wrong?" Susu also came over. She always slept late. As soon as she came closer, I heard her footsteps. I quickly got up and walked to the door of the kennel.

I know, she will definitely come and see me later.

"Here, this brat has been crying. " The security guard uncle said.

"Myna, you just have to work hard tomorrow. It's fine. You're great. " As Su Su spoke, I heard her call. "Chen Xin, are you asleep? Come and take a look, Myna is crying. "

Very quickly, Chen Xin came over.

" What's going on? " Chen Xin walked over. Although I didn't see it, I think he's holding Eighth Brother. Eighth Brother was still crying in a low voice. When Chen Xin came, he stopped talking. I heard Chen Xin comforting him. "Enough, enough. He's so big. He cried like a girl. You'll be fine. You're already very outstanding. Just perform well tomorrow!"

I heard Cheng crawling by the window. She called out to me. She said that Myna might have been frightened by the matter at our rescue station.

Cheng Zi had also told Myna that euthanasia was for the seriously ill Gouzi. However, the rescue station had no other choice but to euthanize Gouzi, who no one wanted. It would be very scary if Gouzi, who had no illness, euthanized Gouzi.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Saibin was a little worried about Myna. He started barking outside.

"Saibin, don't bark at night. Sleep well. " When I heard Susu walk over, I quickly stretched out my neck and looked over. Indeed, Susu appeared. She looked at me and said, "Xiaomei, why aren't you going to sleep? There are still two more weeks before the competition. Have a good rest!"

"Wuwuwu. . . "

I quickly ran back, laid down on my own, and covered myself with the blanket.

"Mm, this is a good dog. " Susu praised me. I was waiting for Susu to praise me. Every time I lay down and covered myself with the blanket, she would praise me. I like to be praised by Susu.

The next day's training. Needless to say, Myna was left behind.

Susu was also a strict instructor. She was a very serious captain.

She told Chen Xin when Myna was taking the test that no matter what, once the result was out, Chen Xin had to obey it well. He must not be emotional. He must not leave Dog, who failed the test, because he was unwilling or had feelings for it.

"We are going to train Dog to be a rescue dog at the disaster site. No matter how dangerous the situation is, it will always charge forward bravely. It is not a timid Dog that will retreat when it sees the situation. " This was what Susu said to Chen Xin.

"I understand. Captain, take the test. If Myna really can't do it, I will send him away. " Chen Xin nodded and finished talking to Susu. Then, he turned around and patted Myna's head. He said, "Be brave, Myna. I have faith in you!"

"Wuuuu. . . "

Eighth Brother's gaze was cautious. He looked at Saibin Cheng Zi and Susu. Susu's serious expression made him a little afraid.

However, Myna was still a very brave dog. He turned around and climbed up the ladder.

"Time. Complete all the movements within four minutes. " Susu said.

"Quick, Myna, time is tight, do your best. " Chen Xin immediately nodded and began to guide Myna.

Four minutes?

Actually, I can run back and forth twice, perhaps a little more.

This kind of obstacle training, for us old rescue dogs, is really very simple.

However, Myna has just come into contact with this kind of thing. A week of training, it's already considered not bad for him to be able to walk up to it.

"Quick, Myna, you'll win the last round. " Chen Xin shouted at Myna.

Myna stood in front of the circle and stopped moving.

"Wuuuu. . . "

I became anxious as well. I know that he's afraid, but he doesn't dare.

Because when his master lost him. . . It was to tell him to drill a hole in the wall. His master threw his favorite toy ball in, and he went in to pick it up. In the end, as soon as he went in, He couldn't get out. It was a fence hole. He could go in, but it was very difficult to come out. He tried there, and there were wounds all over Duka's body. None of them worked.

"Go, Myna!" Chen Xin shouted.

It was almost time. I know, if we wait any longer, Myna will definitely be eliminated.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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