Broken Eyes : The Love of Tomorrow/C3 Chapter 3: Almost Space
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Broken Eyes : The Love of Tomorrow/C3 Chapter 3: Almost Space
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C3 Chapter 3: Almost Space

Seylah’s POV

Things have been going smoothly at work over the last few weeks. I avoid Roman and he stays away from me. I made some friends around the office. It makes leaving my son every morning a little bit more bearable, knowing I’m going to be surrounded by friendly faces until I get back home to him. I found a small house that I can afford to buy for Liam and myself. I filled out the paperwork for the loan and am just waiting to see if it gets approved. I couldn’t be happier with how things are going lately. I’m sad to be moving out of my parents, but the house I found is two blocks over so on days my mom doesn’t want to come over to watch him, it’ll be easy to drop him off in the mornings before work. I think I would be lost and suffering if not for my parents lately. It feels so good to be close to them again and to have them around helping with Liam. I can’t wait to see what amazing things our future holds.

“Hey, Seylah. Can I come in?” My coworker Elijah said lightly as he knocked on my office door.

“Yes. What’s up?” I said kindly as I look up from my documents.

“I was wondering if you’d like to go for drinks tonight?” He said nervously.

“Sure, that would be great!” I said kindly.

“Okay, awesome. Should I pick you up?” He asked coyly.

“No, I can drive. Where are you wanting to go?” I said curiously.

“What about Marco’s?” He asked sweetly.

“Sounds good.” I said nicely.

“Does seven work for you?” He asked lacking confidence.

“Can we meet at eight instead?” I suggested.

“Eight is fine.” He said sweetly.

“I’ll see you then.” He said kindly as he left my office.

I don’t know if he’s wanting to go out as a date or as friends. A date might be nice though. I’m not wanting anything serious but I could use company every now and then. I don’t want to bring anyone around Liam, so hopefully he’ll be understanding of nothing serious. I spent the rest of the day in my office contacting clients and closing deals from the phone. Come five o’clock I was beyond ready to get home to Liam. I was walking out of the office when Gayle stopped me with flowers.

“Dear, these were delivered for you.” She said sweetly.

“Who’s the special guy?” She asked curiously.

“I’m not sure, was there a card?“ I asked in confusion and I glanced the bouquet of roses for a card. I found the card a hand written note “I can’t wait to see you later. -Elijah” is what it read.

“It’s just someone I have a date planned with getting me flowers.” I said sweetly.

“Thank you for bringing them over.” I said sweetly to Gayle and walked out to my car with the flowers.

I drive home eager to see Liam. I have until seven until he goes to sleep for the night. I sent my mom a text asking if she'll keep an eye on him because I'm going out with a coworker tonight. She said yes, I don't think she can get enough of her time with Liam. I don't think Liam can get enough of my parents either. He's so in awe with them. I was the same with my grandparents until they passed, hopefully Liam gets more time with my parents than I got with mine. It's such a special group of memories I shared with mine that he can share with him. I'm hoping Elijah isn't wanting anything serious. I can't imagine bringing a man around Liam and then things not working out between us. I don't want to expose my baby to that. I got home and spent time with Liam and made supper, all too soon it was time to get him to bed and for me to get ready for my date. Thankfully, Marco's is a casual bar, so I don't feel pressed to dress to the nine. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, a cute but casual long sleeve, and a pair of ankle boots. I styled my hair in beachy curls and then sent a text to Elijah that I am on my way and headed out. I get to Marco's and meet him inside. Before having a chance to order a drink I see a call coming in from Roman. I sent it to voicemail but he called again. I just ignored it when a text came through from him "It's an emergency." his message read.

"Excuse me, I need to make a phone call." I said kindly to Elijah as I walked out of the bar, I dialed up Roman and hit call.

"I need you to come to my place." he said lowly as he answered.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"It's an emergency." he said as he hung up.

I sent a text to Elijah letting him know I had to go because of an emergency. I got into my car and realized I don't know where Roman lives. So, I called him back, it took a few rings until he answered.

"Roman, I don't know where you live." I said lowly.

"I'm at the estate we looked at when you got hired." he said lowly and hung up.

Well that clarifies things. I drive twenty minutes to the property and got out of my car and walked up to the house and knocked. Within a minute Roman ws at the door looking alive and well.

"Well don't you look good for someone in an emergency." I scoffed.

"Just come in." He said lowly.

"What's going on? You interrupted my night." I said coldly.

"You mean I interrupted you date with Elijah. He's bad news, he's under investigation for drugging a few other women while taking them on dates." he said angrily.

"Roman, stop why did you call me here?" I said lowly as I glared at him. Not believing a word he has to say.

"Come." he said as he guided me through the house to the master bedroom and into the master bathroom where I heard some meows from the tub. I looked in to see six baby kittens.

"Where's the momma?" I asked softly.

"I don't know, I found them in a box down the road." he said softly.

"Did you get them kitten bottles and kitten formula?" I asked lightly as I gently reached into the tub to look at the kittens.

"No, I didn't know where to get any." he said softly.

"My parents have some stuff at their house, come on I'll need help carrying the stuff out from the house." I said as I stood up and walked out through the house and to my car.

"Are you coming?" I asked Roman as he followed slowly.

"Yes." he said lightly and got into my car. We drove to my parents and walked in the house together. I wasn't thinking bringing him into my parents house. I didn't expect Liam to be awake and in the living room with my parents.

"Mama" Liam cooed as he saw me. Then the realization came to my mind. Shit, Roman is going to find out about Liam but it's too late to be worried as Roman heard what Liam called me loud and clear.

"Your a mom?" Roman asked in a shocked whisper.

"Yes." I said softly as I grabbed Liam from my mom.

"Hello, Roman, dear." my mom said sweetly to him.

"Long time no see." my dad said friendly to Roman.

"Hello, it's good to see you both." Roman said sweetly.

"Mom, the kitten supplies are still in the top of my closet right?" I asked.

"Yes, dear." she said sweetly. I walked into mine and Liam's room, Roman followed.

"What's his name?" he asked lightly as he stared at Liam softly.

"Liam." I said lightly. Liam looked at Roman curiously and decided he was okay, then he reached out for Roman.

"Can you hold him for a minute while I grab the stuff?" I asked lightly as I extended Liam to Roman.

"Yeah." Roman said softly as he gently took Liam in his arms.

"Where's his dad?" he asked curiously.

"Not around." I say coldly.

"You two live here?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, for now." I said faintly.

"Do you care if Liam comes with us back to yours, so I can get you set up with everything for the kittens?" I asked lowly.

"That's fine." he said lightly as he stared at Liam in awe.

"He looks just like you." Roman said sweetly.

"That's what everyone says." I laugh softly. Roman played with Liam as I packed up supplies for the kittens and got Liam's diaper bag ready.

"Okay, everything is ready." I say as I pick Liam up from my bed where the two were playing.

"Mom, Liam will be coming with me to Roman's he has some new baby kittens he needs help with. We'll be home shortly." I said softly.

We grabbed everything and headed back to Roman's.

"Where is his dad?" Roman asked curiously.

"I don't know." I said sadly.

"What do you mean? Does he know about him?" he asked in confusion.

"He knows about Liam, yes. But he gave me a choice. Him or the baby. I chose Liam." I said softly trying not to remember it.

"Seylah, I'm sorry." Roman said genuinely.

"It's fine." I said lightly.

"I treated you like shit, thinking you were in love and moving on in life, when I couldn't." he said embarrassedly.

"It's fine, Roman." I said seriously just wanting the talk to end.

We got back to the house and went into Roman's room. Roman played with Liam on the bed coaxing giggles out of my sweet baby, while I looked over the kittens and gave them all a bottle, then helped them potty. Once I cleaned everything up, I paused in awe walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, seeing Roman and Liam snuggling in the bed with a show on. Liam sleeping peacefully in Roman's arms.

"The kittens will need another bottle in two hours and help going potty. Liam and I should be heading back home." I said softly not wanting to wake Liam.

"He's asleep though. Don't disturb him." Roman said lightly.

"Just stay, it's late too." he said softly as he traced Liam's face with his index finger.

"Do you have a spare room we can sleep in?" I asked lightly.

"He's already sleeping in here, just stay in my room." he said softly.

"Where will you sleep?" I asked in confusion.

"Right here. Liam is sleeping soundly in my arms." he said lightly.

"I can't move." he said softly as he snuggled Liam some more.

"Okay." I said lightly and climbed into the bed on the other side of Liam. I quickly fell asleep. Two hours later the time for the kittens went off and woke Liam too. I raised my shirt and laid on my side to nurse him back to sleep while Roman took care of the kittens. In the morning when I got up I noticed I never pulled my shirt back down. Liam and Roman were awake and Liam latched himself on while I was asleep. I quickly covered my other breast when I saw I was leaking.

"Do you have a towel?" I asked in embarrassment.

"Yeah." he said as he got up to grab me one to hold over my breast I wasn't nursing on.

When Liam was done nursing, I pulled my shirt down and stood up from the bed noticing I leaked all in the bed while I was sleeping. I quickly handed Liam to Roman and began stripping the bedding.

"What are you doing?" Roman asked in confusion.

"I leaked in the bed last night, I didn't remember nursing pads. Where's your washer?" I asked quickly.

"It's fine, let me handle it." he said sweetly.

"No, just let me know where the washer is." I said quickly.

"It's down the hall to the left." he said kindly as he played with Liam.

I loaded the washer and checked on the kittens, fed them, and helped them potty. Liam and Roman weren't in the bedroom, I went downstairs to find them. They were in the kitchen and Liam was in a new diaper and outfit.

"Did you change him?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah." he said sweetly as he cooked some breakfast with Liam in his arms.

"I can take him." I said as I walked over to them.

"No, don't take my cooking buddy." Roman cooed.

"It's easier to cook with free arms." I said seriously.

"That's okay." he said sweetly as he held onto Liam.

"We should get headed out, I need to pump and get a shower." I said lightly.

"You can do that here." he suggested.

"I don't have clothes here, only my pump." I said seriously.

"I have some sweats you can wear and we can wash what you have on." He said seriously.

"Please, stay the day. I checked his diaper bag and you have it loaded with snack, diapers, wiped, and clothes for him." he said seriously.

"Roman, I don't want Liam to get used to having someone who isn't permanent in his life." I said seriously.

"Who says I won't be permanent? Just spend the day here. It's Saturday. There's no work. Please." he said kindly.

"Okay, but we aren't staying over again." I said seriously.

Roman continued cooking breakfast and took over feeding Liam. So, I pumped and then cleaned up the kitchen, when I finished in the kitchen I went to switch laundry.

"Can I have some sweats so I can shower? Will you be okay with him? Otherwise, he can shower with me." I said honestly.

"No, I can keep him. Anything in the bedroom you are welcome to wear." he said kindly.

"Okay." I said as I went to shower.

Roman's POV

I think I have fallen in love with this little boy. He is the sweetest and happiest kid I have ever seen. Now, I don't want him and Seylah to leave. My heart broke learning about Liam's dad not wanting him. Who couldn't want this perfect little boy? I can not imagine it. He's so sweet. All the anger I felt for Seylah melted away the second I saw her with him and learned this was the Liam she's in love with. Her baby. I feel so guilty for how I treated her. How I was determined to break her. Now, I'm just determined to get her back and stay in hers and Liam's life permanently. Haven't known this little boy more than ten hours and I know I would do anything for him. I never thought I would ever even want kids, but now I'm confident I do want kids and to be a dad. Mostly, I want to be a dad to this sweet boy. I've fallen in love with Seylah last night in the same way I used to be in love with her. I need to do everything to get her back and earn a place in hers and Liam's life. I can't let them go.

"How was the shower?" I ask Seylah as she comes into the living room in my clothes that are so big and baggy on her.

"That shower is amazing!" she said in awe.

"How was Liam?" she asked sweetly as she used the towel to dry her hair some more.

"He was perfect!" I said happily.

"I don't think I want him to leave." I said with a chuckle.

"Well, unfortunately we are a packaged deal." she said with a laugh.

"I don't see what's unfortunate about that." I said seductively.

"Yeah, okay." She laughed.

"It's almost time for his morning nap." she said softly.

"Is there somewhere quiet, I can lay him down?" she asked lightly.

"I can pull one of the beds off its base and onto the floor so he won't fall." I said lightly.

"Okay, thank you." she said sweetly.

I got the bed in the spare room off its base and set it up with pillows barricading the edges. Seylah nursed him to sleep and then carried him into the guest room and laid him down. We walked to the kitchen together.

"Seylah, I'm so sorry." I said lightly.

"For what?" she asked lightly.

"For the past and everything since." I said lowly and ashamed.

"It's okay, Roman." she said sadly.

"It's not, please let me try and make up for it." I said softly as I grabbed her hand in mine. She looked at me tearfully.

"Roman, I can't risk heartbreak in mine and Liam's life." she said softly as a tear slipped from her eye.

"I won't hurt either of you." I said in a reassuring tone.

"Roman." she said lightly and I gently placed a kiss on her lips.

"Please." I said lightly through the kiss.

To my surprise she kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around her and raised her onto the counter as she deepened the kiss. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me with so much passion and hunger. I matched her energy of the kiss and slid my hands under the back on my loose shirt, holding her bare back. Her hands wondered against the upper half of my body. I picked her up off the counter and carried her over the couch and laid her down as I hovered over top of her not breaking the kiss, I pressed my body against hers and she wrapped her legs around my waist sticking her hands under my shirt to caress my skin. I put my hands under her shirt and gently cupped her breasts and massaged them. A soft moan escaped her lips and she let her head fall back exposing her neck. I put my face in her neck kissing and nibbling at her skin.

"Do you want this?" I ask lowly and seductively.

"I don't know." she said breathlessly.

"I haven't been with anyone, since Liam's dad." she panted out.

"We can stop if you don't want this." I said lightly.

"I want this. I don't want it to mean anything more, than a one time thing, though." she said in an ashamed tone.

"I can't promise a one time thing. I want you and Liam in my life. You can't change my mind or suggest a one time thing. I will be here for the long run." I say seriously.

"Roman." she said softly. I just kissed her neck softly.

"We can stop if you want." I said again.

"No, I want this." she said breathlessly.

I pulled her shirt off and she pulled mine off, I slid down my baggy sweatpants off her hips and she tugged mine down. Our naked bodies rubbed together. I trailed kisses down her neck, onto her stomach, and down to her glistening pussy. I place kisses around it and then separate her wet lips and insert a finger, she moaned softly and I placed my mouth around her clit, licking and sucking. She covered her mouth with her hand to stay quiet, the way she always did in the past when she didn't want us to get caught. Her climax building up until she went over the edge. I raised my mouth from her clit and positioned my hard manhood outside her wet hole. I look into her eyes and slowly enter her.

"Roman." she moaned softly as she took my length in her pussy.

"You're still at tasty and tight as the last time I had you." I groan out as I thrust deeply into her.

Our bodies collided and became one, our climax building up and taking us over the edge together. Her pussy pulsating around my cock milking me of all the cum it had to offer. We stayed connected as we caught our breath together.

"Don't leave me again." I said lowly as I kissed along her jaw.

"Roman, I can't promise you that." she said lightly.

"Baby, I will prove to you every day I can be all you and Liam need and more. I'm not letting you two go." I said seriously. She just nodded in acceptance.

Libre Baskerville
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