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C6 Six

Seven years ago

There were people everywhere. Mostly their parents' friends but still, she hadn't known these many people would come to celebrate Ray's birthday. It's not like he had any friends because he just kept to himself. In fact, Alexis would go as far as to say the only friend he had was Jayden, her younger brother. They went around together even though Ray was twice maybe three times older than him. She didn't understand what they talked about but it was none of her business. Boys would always be boys.

Walking in she placed her gift next to where the others were. She hadn't known what to buy him so she'd asked her father who had suggested something boyish like a watch or even cufflinks. She didn't understand why boys were so complicated. If this was his sister's birthday she wouldn't have had trouble finding her a gift. She only hoped he liked what she had chosen. If he didn't then it was also fine. He wouldn't know it was from her anyway because she didn't put a name on it.

Alexis picked a corner and sat down to watch everyone, unaware that Ray had been watching her the second she walked in. He'd seen the gift she'd placed among the others and the second she moved away, he had rushed to see what it was. Making sure no one saw him, he grabbed the rectangular wrapped box and hid in a corner eager to see what it was. He tore apart the paper in haste and opened the velvet box then sucked in a breath. It was a silver necklace with his name on it. So simple yet so precious. Taking out he clasped it around his neck and started thinking of ways to thank her.

He went back to the party and endured the wishes all the while his mind was on Alexis. His eyes followed her every move, what she did, Who she talked to, what she ate when she laughed. His behavior was bordering on obsession but he couldn't help it. She was the most beautiful girl in that party and he couldn't get his eyes off her. When she sat by Jim, he pretended to be busy with other guests while he listened in on their conversation.

"Isn't there a boy you should be sneaking around here with?" Jim asked her making her blush.

"Pops. You know I don't sneak around with boys"

"Why not? You're young, beautiful, rich and a princess. How is it that there are no boys lining up to touch your hand?"

"Because I told them to piss off. I want to finish my studies first before I start thinking about boys"

"That's well and good my darling. But remember life is too short. You have to live it to the fullest. Kiss random boys, sneak a drink to your bedroom when your parents are distracted, go out and party all night. You're young Alexis. Enjoy it while it lasts"

"I don't think mom or dad would agree with you"

"That's why I'm here. My job is to give you bad advice so they can do their job properly. Now tell me, have you kissed a boy yet?"

"Pops I'm not telling you that"

"So you haven't kissed anyone yet? You're sixteen years old. I had my first kiss when I was ten"

"I really don't need to know that"

"What you need is to have your first kiss already. Now pick a boy"


"Pick a boy and ambush him if you have to. We're not leaving here until you kiss someone"

"I am not doing that"

"Yes, you will. Or I will pick one for you"

"I'll tell dad you want me to kiss a boy"

"Sure. Did you know he had his first kiss when he was twelve?"

"Ew. I'm leaving" she got up and left. Ray watched her walk away an idea forming in his mind already.

"Nana I need a favor" he stopped the older woman whom he'd come to love and respect. She had been his father's nanny and now she was Sasha and Cody's nanny.

"Does it have anything to do with that girl you've been stalking?"

"What girl?"

"Don't play coy with me, Raymond. I've been watching you watch her"

"Fine. I really like her Nana"

"You don't have to tell me that. What do you want me to do?"

"Just tell her someone is looking for her and she should go to the garden"

"What is going on in that silly head of yours?"

"I just want to thank her. Did you see what she bought me? Come on Nana. I'll owe you one"

"I don't know....."

"Now you're just making me work for it. I'll give you a foot massage when the party is over" Ray wiggled his eyebrows knowing she wouldn't resist a massage especially after she was on her feet all day.

"Deal. Just think before you act Raymond"

"I would never do something stupid, Nana. You know me"

"Exactly... I'll go tell her but don't make me regret it" she said shaking her finger at him. Grabbing her hand he kissed it bowing

"Never. I'll always be your sweet little boy"

"Sweet my foot" she walked away smiling. Ray went to the garden and plucked one of Jasmine's roses. If she saw him even touching them she would kick his ass all the way to purgatory. Good thing the guests were distracting her.

"Hello?" Alexis' voice rang out making his heart start beating a wild rhythm. He was going to do this finally.

"Hey Princess," he said getting out from behind the rose bushes.

"You? Argh, I should have known. What do you want Ray?" she asked folding her arms over her stomach. He stopped in front of her then lifting his hand he tucked the flower behind her ear.

"There." he said running a finger down her cheek "So pretty" she didn't say anything and Ray thought he should stop what he was planning to do. He didn't want her to be mad at him. But he also needed to do this. "Thank you for the chain. I love it"

"You're welcome". He should have walked away. This was the Rutherford Princess and if anyone found out what he was about to do, they would castrate him. But then her tongue slid out, licking her lips and he was a goner. Closing the distance between them, he pressed his lips to hers.


Alexis looked at Ray from beneath her lashes. His eyes were so intense and they made her uncomfortable. She was sure he was taking a trip down Memory Lane just like she was. That day she'd stood there frozen not knowing what to do except kiss him back. He hadn't asked if he could kiss her or if it was alright to do so. But she also hadn't stopped him either. By the time he pulled back, her head had been buzzing and her lips tingling. He sure could kiss. For a while there she'd had a crush on him. He was after all her first kiss.

Then two days later she'd seen him making out with another girl. Alexis had felt stupid for even thinking he liked her. He'd ignored her ever since they met so why had she thought that all of a sudden he liked her? She hated him for stealing her first kiss. How she wished it had been Connor or someone else but it was done. She also wasn't sure why Marjorie was bringing it up now. They were best friends and she was sure they'd talked about it at some point. Unless she was trying to embarrass Connor.

"Oh wow. I so did not see that coming. Did you guys like date or something?" Marjorie asked dipping a fry in the sauce then shoved it in her mouth. Wanting her to stop and not knowing how to tell her that, Alexis stretched her leg and kicked her friend under the table. Only it wasn't Marjorie. Ray winced cursing.

"Damn it, will you stop kicking me," he told Marjorie who raised her hands.

"That wasn't me. I swear"

"Then who was it?" he asked.

"I don't know."

"Lunch is over. And since you decided to invite yourself, Ray, you're paying"

"Sure. I'll pay for you two but not him" he pointed at Connor.

"I didn't ask you to pay. In fact, I'll pay for my girlfriend and you pay for yours" Connor said already taking out his wallet.

"Don't bother. I said I'll do it. Besides, I understand that you need the money to pay for your studies"

"Listen, man....."

"Enough," Marjorie said standing up. "Go measure your egos somewhere else. Alexis and I can pay. In fact, Alexis will pay because this was her idea. And don't even think of arguing about it."

"Fine. But next time it'll be your turn, Marj"

"Sorry but you're going to take care of me until I get my shares"

"I won't even ask" Alexis called for a waiter who brought them their bill then they left. Outside it was still early and she wanted to spend time alone with Connor so she opened her mouth to say they should go separate ways but Marjorie beat her to it.

"Let's go shopping"

Alexis rolled her eyes "I thought you said you didn't have any money"

"I don't. But I know someone who does"

"Uh no. I am not paying for your shopping expenditures Marjorie"

"Why not? I thought we were friends"

"I feel more like your ATM machine than your friend"

"Please stop overreacting. All that money you inherited isn't going to use itself. I'll go with Ray and you can drive the other car. Bye Con"

"Bye Marj," Connor said turning to her. "She's been a little over the top all afternoon. What's up with her?"

"Nothing. Come on let's go shopping" she tried to pull his hand but he stopped her.

"Actually I have an exam tomorrow and I have to study"

"Really? Do you need help? I can....."

"Baby it's fine. Enjoy shopping with your friends. I'll call you when I'm done with my exams and we can do something just the two of us. I owe you a proper welcome" running his hand down her arm, he intertwined their fingers and pulled her until she crashed on to him. "You have no idea how much I missed you when you were away"

Alexis rested her other hand on his chest smiling "I missed you too."

"I'll call you" he pecked her lips then pulled her back when she'd taken two steps. She tripped and he caught her winding his hand around her waist. "Did I mention how sexy you look in this dress?"

"Now that I think about it, No. You didn't"

"Well, I am now. Just like always you look gorgeous Alexandra" he murmured then kissed her right there in the middle of the street. She kissed him back enjoying the feel of his lips against hers. As she angled her head to deepen the kiss, someone pulled her back.

"We're running late," Marjorie said dragging her away.

"For what? Let go of Marj"

"Bye," she told Connor then added "Felicia" under her breath. Alexis waved at Connor trying to keep up with Marjorie's pace.

"Jesus will you let me go. What's gotten into you? You've been nothing but rude all afternoon"

"Yeah well excuse me if my mood isn't to your liking. I was looking forward to beating the shit out of someone and since I didn't get the chance to do so I'm a bit cranky"


"Yeah, yeah I heard you the first time. I won't interfere in your life. Actually, you go with Ray. I'll follow in the other car"

"No. You invited him to lunch so deal with him."

"I need time to vent. Unless you want to hear all the things I've been holding back, I suggest you let Ray drive you"

Alexis narrowed her eyes at her but when Marjorie just stared back, she huffed. "Gosh you can be so annoying sometimes"

"Get in the car and stop complaining" Marjorie shoved her in Ray's car and since she was busy straightening her dress she didn't her friend wink at Raymond.

"Is she always like that?" Ray asked amusement lacing his voice.

"Every hour of the day"

"So why are you friends with her?"

Alexis looked up "Because it's Marjorie. She's getting on your nerves one second and ready to kill someone for you the next. I can be honest with her knowing she'll judge me all the way but still support me."

"I think she's too much"

"You'll get used to her. Underneath all that craziness lies someone fiercely loyal and kind. You just have to dig deeper"

He saluted laughing "I'll get my shovel ready then" she joined him realizing that for the first time ever they weren't fighting. He maneuvered around traffic singing along to a song from the radio in the car. Alexis felt a pang of regret for not knowing him. They'd grown up together, went to the same school, same events, parties, even had Sunday dinners together but she didn't really know him. When he wasn't being an asshole he was quiet, reserved always keeping to himself. If he hadn't taken her to that orphanage, she wouldn't have known he volunteered there sometimes.

All of a sudden she wondered what it would have been like if they had been friends. No doubt he would have been her best friend. He looked like someone who listened more and talked less. "Ray?"

"Mmm," there was a slow love song playing having replaced the Hip Hop he was rapping to. He turned his head and she was reminded of Vince. The man who had been her rock until she met Jim and JR. He had chased away the monsters under her bed and taught her how to be strong. Even after all these years, she still considered him her father. Just because she'd found another one didn't mean she had to let go of him.

"How come we were never friends?" she asked wanting to know. She'd tried to befriend him but he pushed her away every time until she gave up.

He was silent for a few minutes as if considering whether to answer her or not. Then he said "Because you don't become friends with someone you're in love with"


💣 💣 😱🤷 I didn't see that coming either.


Libre Baskerville
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