
Brooke Sanders found herself and Sheila Martini in Principal Snyder's office. Snyder, with his usual disdain for students, had decided that the two girls would prepare the school lounge for parent-teacher night on Thursday. He made it clear that whoever did the better job would not be expelled. His threat loomed heavily over Brooke, who already struggled to balance her duties as the Slayer with her social life. Sheila's nonchalant attitude only added to Brooke's stress, especially when Joyce warned her that a bad report could jeopardize her time with friends.

Meanwhile, in an abandoned factory turned lair, a new vampire named Spike made his grand entrance into Sunnydale, knocking down the city's welcome sign. Inside, the Anointed One convened the remaining members of the Order of Aurelius. With the Master gone, they discussed their next move. Spike, with an air of confidence and menace, offered to kill the Slayer, boasting of his previous victories over two Slayers. His paramour, the psychic and unhinged Drusilla, echoed his desires, begging him to end the Slayer's life.

As Brooke and her friends prepared for Parents' Night, Giles and Jenny arrived with news of the impending Night of Saint Vigeous, a time when vampires' powers would be heightened. Brooke, unimpressed, attempted to balance her duties while maintaining some semblance of a social life. However, Spike had his eyes set on her, orchestrating confrontations to challenge her resolve.

Giles, unaware of Spike's identity, and Angel, recognizing the danger Spike posed, scrambled to find information about the notorious vampire. Angel revealed Spike's past as William the Bloody, a vampire who had already slain two Slayers and earned his reputation for torturing victims with railroad spikes.

As Parents' Night approached, tension mounted. Brooke's attempts to keep her mother, Joyce, away from Principal Snyder and the teachers proved futile. Spike, growing impatient, launched an attack on the school, crashing through windows and wreaking havoc. In the chaos, Brooke led the adults to safety, rallying them to stay put while she retrieved her weapons.

With Spike and his minions closing in, Brooke faced off against the formidable vampire in a heated confrontation. It was only the timely intervention of her mother, Joyce, that allowed Brooke to gain the upper hand and drive Spike away.

Back at their lair, Spike, frustrated with the failed attack, took matters into his own hands, dispatching the Anointed One and declaring his intent to bring chaos and terror to Sunnydale.

As Brooke reflected on the night's events, she knew that the battle against Spike was far from over. With the threat of the notorious vampire looming large, she braced herself for the challenges that lay ahead in protecting Sunnydale and those she cared about.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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