Campus Beauty, Scamp Master/C1 I Really Am Not Your Fiancé!
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Campus Beauty, Scamp Master/C1 I Really Am Not Your Fiancé!
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C1 I Really Am Not Your Fiancé!

On the outskirts of Forest City, a handsome young man made his way along a treacherous mountain road, with a sheer cliff just beyond its edge.

"Damn old man, favoring beauty over your own disciple. Just wait. When I make something of myself and return, I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine."

Wang Xiao muttered under his breath, gasping for air as beads of sweat the size of beans tumbled from his forehead, sizzling as they hit the sun-scorched earth.

He had spent his life in a dilapidated thatched hut atop the mountain, his days not so bad, in the company of an old man devoted to daily meditation and spiritual pursuits.

But a few days ago, a nun in her thirties arrived, and the cramped hut couldn't house three. The old man sealed Wang Xiao's inner energy and unceremoniously booted him down the mountain.

Before laying hands on him, the old man clapped him on the shoulder and said, "My disciple, the Master has sensed a calling from the Heavenly Dao. I must enter seclusion with the Abbess to cultivate. The time has come for you to descend the mountain and gain experience."

Wang Xiao cursed the old man in his mind hundreds of times. It was obvious he was just an inconvenience, what a lame excuse!

His journey from the mountain had been grueling, days without food or water, and it was a struggle to even find the road to Forest City. Now, his strength was nearly depleted.

"Heh, I've finally broken free. Tong Waner, I can leave Forest City today. You can forget about marrying me!"

Just then, a boy in casual clothes approached on a motorcycle, moving at a leisurely pace, his voice carrying a note of determination.

He didn't seem to notice Wang Xiao and kept driving straight towards him.

Wang Xiao, with quick reflexes, sidestepped the motorcycle.

"Sorry, brother. It wasn't intentional."

The boy, realizing his near miss, quickly turned back to offer Wang Xiao an apology before riding off into the distance.

Wang Xiao's face went pale, his eyes wide with shock as he stared at the retreating figure. He couldn't trust his eyes...

The boy was the spitting image of him!

"Is it possible I'm so starved that I'm seeing things?" Wang Xiao shook his head, trying to clear the bewildering thought, and muttered to himself in resignation.

"Look, there's the son-in-law!"

Just then, a booming voice erupted from behind Wang Xiao.

A sleek black Toyota van pulled up swiftly in front of Wang Xiao, and several bodyguards in black suits leaped out, quickly encircling him.

Son-in-law? Who are they calling?

Wang Xiao's eyes went wide as he stared at the bodyguards hemming him in, his face a picture of shock.

"The young master has been expected at home for quite some time, sir. You've been out and about for half a year; it's high time you returned."

The head bodyguard stepped up to Wang Xiao, addressing him with a grave tone.

"You've got the wrong guy, haven't you? I don't know any of you."

Wang Xiao gazed bewilderedly at the lead bodyguard.

The bodyguards seemed to ignore Wang Xiao's protests, promptly seizing him.

With his inner strength sealed by that old man and weakened by days of hunger, Wang Xiao lacked the energy to resist. He was hoisted into the Toyota MPV and they set off toward Forest City.

"Come on, young master, drop the act. You've pulled this stunt too many times before."

Tong Hu, seated in the passenger seat, turned back and gave a resigned chuckle to the son-in-law who had a penchant for disappearing acts.

They always had to go to great lengths to track down the young master, and every time they caught him, he'd feign ignorance.

"Why won't you believe me..." Wang Xiao's face was the epitome of helplessness.

Wait, son-in-law? Could it be that boy from earlier? Wang Xiao's mind flashed back to the young man on the motorcycle.

So, it wasn't a figment of his imagination after all; the motorcyclist really did bear an uncanny resemblance to him?

"You've definitely mistaken me for someone else. I did see a boy dressed in casual wear who looked a lot like me. We even crossed paths just now. If you go after him immediately, you might still catch him. Honestly!"

Wang Xiao implored Tong Hu earnestly.

Upon hearing Wang Xiao's plea, Tong Hu turned to fix him with a piercing gaze, remaining silent.

"What's with that look?"

Feeling unnerved by Tong Hu's intense stare, Wang Xiao cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Young master, it's been half a year, and it seems your talent for fibbing has waned. You couldn't fool Miss, let alone me."

Tong Hu's lips quirked into a faint smile as he shook his head.

"Lying your sister!" Wang Xiao was livid, seeing that Tong Hu would rather die than believe a word he said.

He suddenly recalled the motorcyclist's words—the guy was dead set against marrying a girl named "Tong Waner."

Was this Tong Waner girl hideously ugly or something?

The thought sent a shiver down Wang Xiao's spine.

"Miss, we've brought the young master back."

Tong Hu escorted Wang Xiao into a lavish villa in Forest City's Eastern District, addressing a girl lounging on the living room sofa with utmost respect.

Wang Xiao glanced over and saw a lithe girl in an off-the-shoulder tee and a black pleated mini skirt reclining on the couch, her fingers deftly weaving a scarf. She exuded a sense of gentle sophistication.

She was a knockout!

Wang Xiao's eyes sparkled as he took in her smooth, shapely legs, her slender waist, and the graceful curve of her neck.

Her delicate features, framed by long lashes and set above high cheekbones, her large, gem-like eyes, and her full, red lips all seemed to whisper to Wang Xiao of her breathtaking allure.

"She's gorgeous. Why would that guy be so terrified of her?"

Wang Xiao rubbed his chin, his gaze roving appreciatively over the beauty before him, a mischievous grin on his face.

Tong Hu murmured something to the beautiful girl, likely recounting the tale of how he'd found Wang Xiao.

Once Tong Hu finished, the girl lifted her lovely face to Wang Xiao, a captivating smile playing on her lips as she approached him.

Feeling her eyes on him, Wang Xiao cleared his throat and flashed her a grin. "Beauty, it's a shame your fiancé took off, and I truly sympathize. But a stunner like you shouldn't worry about finding a man—"

He was cut off as the girl's fist connected with his stomach, the sudden pain engulfing him completely.

In that moment, Wang Xiao realized exactly why that guy had bolted!

That punch must've weighed at least 30 kilos—no average Joe could take a hit like that!

"Wang Xiao, you jerk, always telling me you're off to the mountains to train, only for Tong Hu to catch you goofing off in bars. And now you're pretending you don't even recognize me, huh?"

Tong Waner bit her red lips gently, her crystal-clear eyes glaring furiously at Wang Xiao as she let out a cold snort.

Stunned once more, Wang Xiao couldn't help but wonder, "Is this some kind of joke? Another guy named Wang Xiao?"

"Your fiancé's name is Wang Xiao too?" he blurted out, unable to contain his curiosity.


At his words, Tong Waner's lovely face twisted in rage, and she launched her delicate pink fist at Wang Xiao's stomach once again.

"You jerk, still playing dumb? If you're not Wang Xiao, what else could you possibly be called?"

Wang Xiao's eyes bulged, his complexion ashen, as cold sweat streamed down his forehead. The punch must have packed at least 40 jin of force.

He was utterly bewildered. Such a coincidence seemed too bizarre.

It was one thing to have a doppelganger in the world...

But to share the exact same name too?

"Miss Tong, I assure you, I am not your fiancé, even though he and I share a name and bear a striking resemblance..."

Wang Xiao tried to explain to Tong Waner, ending with a wry smile. The situation was so absurd, even he found it hard to believe.

Who ever heard of two people sharing both a name and a face?


"Still pretending!"

Tong Waner's expression darkened as she saw Wang Xiao's persistent denial, and she punched him again.

A sharp pain shot through Wang Xiao's abdomen, igniting a flare of anger within him.

His inner strength was sealed, leaving him weak from hunger and thirst, without the energy to retaliate.

But a true warrior may be slain, never dishonored!

"I truly am not your fiancé..."


Wang Xiao's protest was cut short by another punch from Tong Waner, who demanded imperiously, "Are you my fiancé or not?"

"Yes..." Wang Xiao conceded, raising his hands in surrender.

A true man knows when to be flexible!


Hearing Wang Xiao's admission, Tong Waner switched from a fist to an open hand and delivered another slap to his face, instantly swelling one side.

Wang Xiao clutched his swollen cheek, thinking, I've already confessed to being your fiancé, so why are you still hitting me?!

"Tong Waner, am I really the childhood sweetheart you were betrothed to?"

Tong Waner's eyes, dark as sapphires, fixed on Wang Xiao as she inquired with a grave tone.

"Absolutely, you're the one I love most!" Wang Xiao declared without a moment's hesitation, his expression earnest. To avoid a beating, he figured it was best to agree first.

"Stop it, Big Brother Wang Xiao, with so many people around! Aren't you embarrassed to say such things?" Tong Waner's cheeks flushed at his words. She nestled into Wang Xiao's embrace, the picture of a bashful and endearing girl-next-door.

If not for the lingering ache in his abdomen, Wang Xiao would find it hard to reconcile this tender girl with the violent one he'd encountered earlier.

A wry smile crossed his face. Had he just gained an impromptu fiancée?

And a particularly fierce one at that!

The bodyguards nearby cast sympathetic glances at Wang Xiao. Clearly, this wasn't the first time they'd witnessed the young mistress roughing up her betrothed.

The poor guy was in for another round of torment...

As night descended, the villa's dining room was awash with the enticing aroma of food. Tong Waner, the epitome of gentleness and domesticity, kept piling Wang Xiao's plate with more delicacies.

Starved from days without a proper meal, Wang Xiao dove into the feast with gusto.

Meanwhile, he coaxed a wealth of information from Tong Waner. Her "ex" fiancé, also named Wang Xiao, had parents who were as close as siblings to her own father. The two families had arranged a marriage long ago.

After the motorcycle enthusiast's parents perished in a car accident, he was taken in by the Tong Family at a young age, growing up as Tong Waner's childhood companion, with plans to marry after college.

Wang Xiao surmised that the guy must have felt crushed by his domineering fiancée, desperate to escape a life of hardship. Now, by chance, Wang Xiao had stepped into his shoes.

"Since I'm due for some real-world experience and there's room and board on offer, maybe I should just take one for the team and stick around to fill in?"

Having pieced together the sequence of events, Wang Xiao stole a glance at the stunningly beautiful Tong Waner and, without realizing it, licked his lips, a mischievous grin forming in his thoughts.


In the midst of Wang Xiao's wandering thoughts, the abrupt sound of shattering glass pierced the air, causing his expression to shift dramatically.

"Tong Waner, danger!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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