Can't Stop Loving you;The Billionaire CEO/C7 Still Couldn't get a wife
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Can't Stop Loving you;The Billionaire CEO/C7 Still Couldn't get a wife
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C7 Still Couldn't get a wife

Once she sat down back to her chair she had to admit she was a little nervous about the whole presentation that was happening tomorrow if wasn't that she was confident in herself she won't want even proceed with the whole plan and she had to admit Dave was right she in challenging her up to the task it has been a while since she had felt like this, the alarm that she had before since she needed to do shopping started ringing pulling her away from her thought. Since she didn't answer her mother's call in the morning she sent a text asking her to do a little shopping and a dozen of corn silk tea which she had recently become obsessed with after her recent travel with her travel group that takes place every three months which was roughly four times a year.

Sometimes Sophie felt her confidence was from the genes, her mom always wanted travel around the world but after the accident it was really not possible since she had to manage her limited funds for Sophie upbringing but she couldn't hold herself back now that he daughter was a self made multi- millions that had been certified by forbes itself.


Marcus was currently in the CEO seat of the Lucas industry which was technically his grandfather but he was the heir, thankfully he didn't have any uncle or extended family apart from his mother family that he had to attend their family dinner on specific occasion and celebration since he was technically part of the family but there was no one that he had to fight for heir position which automatically side to him but the was the least on his mind he was buried in work.

Just today alone he had attended fifty business meetings and ten press conference but he had bail out early of all of them with no exception since they couldn't some his money problem at this point as most of the business proposal were wanting to leech of the family wealth something that he couldn't afford at this point, it was on the request of Butler Andre that he decided to slow it a bit for tomorrow with only one proposal.

He couldn't seat back and have his faith decide on what he suppose as Butler Andre making a convincing deal with the lawyer, but in actually fact Butler Andre had gone a long way in complying a huge list of situation girl from respectable family using what he thought to be Marcus choice of girls preference into brunette, body size, appearance and so on but what he didn't tell Marcus that this action of his had cause a stir in the city and he had accidentally activated a hidden clause in the will further decreasing the time limit further. He could so see Marcus Grandfather staring at him every moment saying " you couldn't still couldn't get a wife within a week after you held a auction" although he was rather calm when he was with Marcus internally he was confused ,he knew that they had less than a week before they really lost everything for real, tomorrow there was already a hundred billion dollars set to go to charity a few minutes after midday and he haven't told Marcus the situation

Marcus was currently bruising himself in work he was currently looking for a offered that would require someone to pay the Lucas industry a huge amount of money so he could have it emblezzed into a private account while the company will be forced to take money from their storage tank or proceed with the term of contact without the funds since he was basically untouched since basically owned the company in a way but luck wasn't in his way this time as has have found a deal that meets his requirements.

Seeing that Marcus was getting a little bit aggressive with his research Butler Andre quickly spoke" Young master I think that we should take a short break, we could go to the Void restaurant and have a meal their and I have let go some of the workers in the Mansion since we are not able to cater for them but we promise to have them back once the situation becomes stable "

Since he was a little hungry he didn't hesitate to agree with Butler Andre's request and about the latter part of his sentence he knew that he had no choice since they were currently having to tighten his belt, he almost had Butler Andre carry a lunch box for him to work for food. All the running matter that the family was running on was from huge storage of material they have and the Void restaurant that Butler Andre spoke about was one of the neutral zone that his Grandfather left out of his will since it was owned but his late wife in fact she owned it and use to work their as a chef and it was their first had their meeting place before he turned it into a five star restaurant which he and Marcus loved to go and almost all the chef was familiar with him.

But it turns out that this was also his savings grace or else he would be the first billionaire that couldn't afford his meal or pay his bills but think it over again he was actually the first not that they was a list or some sort,


Sophie woke up tired and a little late than usual as she cooked late into the night using the ingredient that purchased from the store as her mom felt the urge to eat a lamb dishes which Sophie argue against since she had promise to do so on lot of occasion , she really tired that she totally forgot about set up her alarm but luckily she still had a extra two hours before the meeting that she scheduled to hold with Marcus.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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