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C12 You

"Sorry …" Sorry... I didn't do it on purpose. Just now, I … Someone pushed me, I don't know why I bumped into you, I'm sorry. "

Lian Xia Zhu apologized profusely.

Even if the two of them had done that, Yuan Lixin's identity was unquestionable.

After all, she was the one who had broken into his room that day.

Now, it was she who was in the wrong again …

How could she be so unlucky!?

Ignoring the wound, Yuan Li Xin stood up and swept her cold eyes behind Rong Xia Zhu.

After pausing for three seconds, Yuan Lixin looked at Rong Xia Zhu and said, "Come with me!"

Having said so, Yuan Lixin turned and went upstairs.

After hesitating for a moment, she followed him.

"This woman is dead for sure!"

Hearing the discussion of the people around him, Xia Zhu's body trembled.

However, things had already gotten to this point. She could only brace herself and face it.

Opening the door to the lounge, he let Xia Zhu in with small steps. He didn't dare to think too much and lowered his head slightly, only noticing that Yuan Lixin was undressing.

The dark suit was off, revealing a white shirt, and the blood donation was even more striking.

Yuan Lixin raised her arm, her eyebrows wrinkled invisibly, and then she stopped moving.

Nan Feng quickly stepped forward, "Boss, let me help you."

Yuan Lixin looked at Rong Xia Zhu, "You do it."


"What are you standing there for!" "Come here!"

He nervously bit his lower lip, hesitated for a moment, and then let Xia Zhu walk forward.

Seeing this, Nan Feng turned around to get the medicine and placed it on the table in front of Yuan Lixin.

She unbuttoned Yuan Li's shirt one by one. At such a close distance, the two of them gave Rong Xia Zhu a kind of familiar feeling. He couldn't help but think of that night again. His palms began to heat up.

Still not daring to face Yuan Li Xin's naked body, Rong Xia Zhu only took off half of his shirt to expose Yuan Li Xin's injured arm. But when he looked closely at the man's well-built chest, his heart was still racing and his cheeks were boiling hot.

Lowering her head and carefully observing her wounds, she didn't notice the excitement in Yuan Lixin's eyes.

"That... "There seems to be glass dregs inside. I'm not good at cleaning wounds, why don't you find someone else …"

"You do."

Yuan Lixin said in an unquestionable tone.

Lian Xia Zhu still didn't dare to make a move. "But I will hurt you."

Yuan Lixin urged impatiently, "You're still not stopping the bleeding? You want to see my blood dry up?"

There was no other way, Rong Xia Zhu stiffly picked up the tweezers and carefully used the alcohol to eliminate the poison. After checking carefully, he took out a piece of glass from the wound.

Seeing that Yuan Lixin's eyebrows didn't even twitch, Xia Zhu didn't know whether it was because he was good at it or because he could bear it.

After a series of steps such as stopping bleeding, disinfection, and applying medicine, Xia Zhu began to carefully bandage the wound.


Letting out a breath, she raised her head and met Yuan Lixin's deep gaze.

Stunned, Rong Xia Zhu quickly looked away. Standing up, he took a step back to keep his distance from Yuan Lixin.

"That... I'm sorry about what happened just now. "

Actually, what she hadn't said was, "Thank you." If he hadn't hugged her, she would have been the injured one and many people would have been waiting for her to make a joke of herself.

"Just a word of apology and that's it?"

Yuan Lixin took off her shirt, took the clean shirt from Nanfeng and put it on.

Thinking that Yuan Lixin was investigating her attempt to pounce at him, Rong Xia Zhu quickly explained, "I didn't do it on purpose. Someone just pushed me."

"Who pushed it?"

"I don't know …"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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