CEO Can't Stop Teasing/C21 Appointment
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CEO Can't Stop Teasing/C21 Appointment
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C21 Appointment

"A perfect match is really a traditional virtue …" Let Xia Zhu take care of himself as he evaluated the bitter and lovebirds on the television.

"Beep, beep, beep."

Thinking that it should be that customer's phone, he didn't want to care about it at first, but as the calls came in one by one, he guessed that something urgent was going on, so he picked up the phone and stood at the bathroom door, softly probing, "Sir, your phone kept ringing, it must be something urgent …"

"Bring it in."

The cold voice carried a hint of playfulness.

After hesitating for a moment, she still put on the eyepatch and gently opened the bathroom door. In an instant, a misty, hot air rushed in.

Lian Xia Zhu waved the phone in his hand, indicating for him to quickly take it himself. However, he didn't hear a sound for a long time, so he moved a few more steps forward.

Suddenly, he was dragged by a hand and hit a person's hot chest. Cold water dripped down his body, but it was very hot.

It was obvious that he had been training a lot. This meant that this young master of an aristocratic family was quite well-built, so how could he have this kind of illness?

"Don't move."

The man gasped in a low voice that flowed through his entire body like an electric current.

The man picked up the phone with her in his arms and hung up after saying a few words.

Seeing this woman causing him to feel uneasy and his body getting hot, a trace of playfulness appeared in Yuan Li's heart.

"Take it off!"

Yuan Lixin's lips curled up into an evil smile as she whispered into Rong Xia Zhu's ear with a sonorous and forceful tone.

It was clear that Lian Xia Zhu was scared stiff. He was at a loss for what to do for a long time as he lightly undid his buttons as if he was determined to do it.

Yuan Lixin couldn't help laughing out loud as she looked at the shy woman in front of her. How could there be such a clumsy and cute girl in this world?

As he slowly took off his outer robe, the room was still deathly silent. Xia Zhu took a deep breath and slowly took off his shirt, but there was still no reaction. He suddenly felt a little awkward. Even he … Yet, there was still nothing … He didn't know whether to be happy or ashamed.


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He opened the blindfold, and found that he was the only person in the bathroom.

So this patient is actually so carefree. She's actually playing with me, and she's even foolishly staying in the bathroom by herself … He felt foolish just thinking about it.

However, since he had already taken them off, he might as well take a shower first. Thus, he calmly took a bath, wrapped himself in his pajamas, and went out to watch TV for a long time.

He looked at the stars on the branches of the willow tree outside. The bright moonlight shone into the room. The surroundings were bright and quiet.

His hair was still wet, but he didn't want to dry it. Turning the sound of the television to its maximum would make him feel better.

He did not know when he fell asleep, but the next day he got up in the sun, washed up, and ran downstairs. He really wanted to run out, but seeing that the breakfast table was going to be wasted, he sat down, wolfed down his food, and then hurriedly ran to the hospital to see his mother.

When he reached the door, the guard asked politely but calmly, "Miss Rong, where are you going? You can have the driver take you there. "

"Thank you, thank you. Let's go to the hospital." Only now did Rong Xia Zhu remember that he really was a brain-dead Watt. Didn't he always have a personal chauffeur accompanying him all the way? Maybe it was too unaccustomed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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