CEO Can't Stop Teasing/C5 Mysterious Man
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CEO Can't Stop Teasing/C5 Mysterious Man
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C5 Mysterious Man

Even if he wanted to become a tool for the treatment of strange men and lose his chastity, it would be better than letting a vile person like White Peach do the same!

Five minutes after hanging up, she received a 100W remittance from her bank card. This was the promised advance payment from the patient. With this money, her mother's medical expenses were guaranteed. No matter what, Xia Zhu could not hate that man who she had never met.

She hurried to the hospital to pay the fees, accompanied her mother for a few more hours in the intensive care unit, and returned to the hotel to sleep for half a day. At night, she followed Dr. Song's instructions and arrived at a small villa.

This villa was even newer and more prosperous than the Rong family's villa. As for Xia Zhu, he was not in the mood to take a closer look as his heart pounded like a beating drum. He had arrived at the promised villa's entrance.

She held the key and opened the door. The villa was quiet and empty, but there was a message from Dr. Song in the master bedroom on the second floor telling her not to worry. The patient would be back soon.

In order to calm his emotions, he let Xia Zhu throw a broken tin into the bathroom and take a bath. He then donned a bathrobe and sat on the bed in a daze.

In any case, she had already signed an agreement to come here to treat the illness of a man, so it was only right for a man to sleep with her.

She couldn't help but smile bitterly. In the end, she could only be treated as a plaything by others. Rejecting the White Peach was probably her last struggle.


The bedroom door opened, and in a flash, Rong Xia Zhu held his breath, not daring to turn around.

"Don't turn around." The man's deep voice rang out, causing Xia Zhu to quiver. His body stiffened, but he didn't dare to move.

Soon, the sound of footsteps could be heard as the man's body gradually approached. Something was being worn on his head as his vision suddenly turned black, and he could no longer see anything.

"You — —" Rong Xia Zhu wanted to say something, but shut his mouth.

Someone who could give her 100W was definitely an upper-class person in A City. She would definitely hide her presence from the patient even if she signed the contract, so she wouldn't be able to see the patient's face.

The man went to the bathroom on his own. The sound of the shower stopped and stopped. The bathroom door was pulled open and the steamy body sat next to it, causing the mattress to sink slightly.

With her eyes blindfolded, the other senses were magnified infinitely. Rong Xia Zhu clasped his hands together, and sweat began to pour out from the center of his palms. He was unable to ignore the body that was emitting heat.

The man suddenly grabbed her waist and easily pulled her onto his lap. He lowered his head to sniff at her neck and touched her lips a few times, causing Xia Zhu to subconsciously tremble.

The kiss started behind her ears. Her chest heaved up and down, stiff as a piece of wood. Despite the man's intimate contact, she didn't dare to move.

She had come with the determination to die and had already predicted what would happen, so she could only resign herself to her fate.

The man's palm was very hot. It had touched her skin, as if it could burn her. Her lips, however, were ice-cold. The kiss was very light, like a feather, leaving the moment it was touched.

This sort of caress and kiss persisted for an unknown amount of time, but the man did not take the next step. It allowed Xia Zhu to slightly relax his body, and his eyes in the darkness carried a bit of confusion.

Although he was a stranger, touching him so carefully did not make her feel disgusted at all.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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