CEO's Spoiled Sweetie Pie/C177 Memories of Wrapping Dumplings
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CEO's Spoiled Sweetie Pie/C177 Memories of Wrapping Dumplings
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C177 Memories of Wrapping Dumplings

Gu Zhengchu seemed to have noticed something wrong with Tao Ning's aura, but he didn't know what the problem was. He could only pat Tao Ning, "Let's go." Tao Ning followed Gu Zhengchu to the kitchen. Shi Dingliang put down the children in his arms. He tidied his clothes and went into the kitchen.

However, after entering the kitchen, Shi Dingliang's mood was not so relaxed anymore. The dean suddenly had something to do and wanted to leave. Only the three of them were making dumplings in the kitchen. It started from the first step.

When kneading flour, Gu Zhengchu did not have much experience. Tao Ning had helped her father make these since she was young and was already familiar with the way. When Tao Ning was ready to knead, Gu Zhengchu took the initiative to volunteer and help her knead the dough.

Tao Ning looked at him in puzzlement. "It's good that you use force. Rub it in a certain direction. The dough will be very strong." Gu Zhengchu put on the apron. He was still very handsome and flawless. Tao Ning turned her head away and did not let herself see.

Gu Zhengchu rubbed the flour as he teased Tao Ning, "You think I am very handsome, so you are too embarrassed to look at me? You weren't like this last night? " Tao Ning blushed and was about to hit him. Gu Zhengchu put his hand to his mouth and blew on it.

Just like that, Tao Ning turned into a big white cat and looked at Gu Zhengchu with a wronged face. "Didn't you bully others?" Gu Zhengchu looked back innocently. "I didn't. I just saw that you were very clean. I want to play with you."

After saying that, Gu Zhengchu imitated the tone of his children and continued, "Cute sister, is that okay?" Gu Zhengchu was so cute that it gave people a nosebleed. Tao Ning was confused by his cuteness and only knew to nod.

Gu Zhengchu took advantage of the time when she was in a daze and greeted her with some flour on her face. Tao Ning was not bewitched this time. She grabbed the remaining flour at one side and wiped it on Gu Zhengchu's face. "Haha! CEO became a big flower cat!"

The two of them had so much fun and completely forgot that there was another Shi Dingliang beside them. Shi Dingliang heard their laughter and did not dare to look up. He concentrated on cutting the meat stuffing. Although there was a mixer, it would be more fragrant when cut out.

Tao Ning remembered that there was another person beside her. She took the initiative to pull Shi Dingliang over and wiped him. Shi Dingliang held the kitchen knife in his hand and was not able to fight back. Just like that, Tao Ning wiped him firmly.

He suddenly remembered that when he was about to graduate from college, they also went to a local classmate's house to make dumplings with their classmates. Tao Ning also wiped his face with flour like that. Later, the two of them chased after each other in the classmate's house. Why had it come to this now?

Why would there be an extra man who shared Tao Ning with him? No, he directly snatched Tao Ning away. Shi Dingliang smiled and put down the kitchen knife. He also grabbed a handful of flour. Just as he was about to rub Tao Ning, Gu Zhengchu quickly protected Tao Ning behind him.

The flour landed on Gu Zhengchu's branded suit. Gu Zhengchu was not very friendly. But how could his woman be bullied by others? Even if it was a game, it was not allowed. Tao Ning felt touched for some reason.

At the same time, she scolded herself a few times. Why did she feel that Gu Zhengchu was good to her at such a time? Although it was just a game, it felt good to let Gu Zhengchu protect her like this with Shi Dingliang's help.

Tao Ning gave Shi Dingliang a thumbs up from behind and used her mouth to tell him that she had done a good job. Shi Dingliang also seemed to be really trying to matchmake the two of them and continued to lower his head to mince the meat.

If he continued to watch like this, he was afraid that he would not be able to take it, so he took Tao Ning away now.

Gu Zhengchu reached out and wiped the white flour off Tao Ning's nose. He shook his head and said, "Stupid." Tao Ning's finger was poked and it was as if her hair had exploded. "I am not stupid! I know how to play the piano and I will eat two small meatballs in one bite! Can you? "

Eating two small meatballs in one bite, could this kind of thing be used to prove his IQ? It would be stupid to use this kind of thing to prove one's intelligence. Gu Zhengchu felt somewhat helpless towards his silly wife. It seemed like he still had to stay by his side and slowly train her.

Otherwise, one day in the future, when he went out to play with his friends and Tao Ning mentioned the problem of the meatball, he would really feel like crying. Gu Zhengchu pulled her to his side. "The meatballs can't prove intelligence, so let's change to another one?"

Shi Dingliang's hand that was chopping the meat paused and lowered his head. This meatball was actually also a joke. Back when he and Tao Ning were classmates in college, when they ate together, Shi Dingliang would always give her the meatball that he beat.

If she didn't eat it, Shi Dingliang would joke about why she was so stupid that she couldn't even eat the meatballs. After a long time, every time Tao Ning praised herself for being smart, she would always use the meatball that she ate to praise.

Tao Ning nodded thoughtfully and put her hands on her hips. "Then what do you think will be more powerful? Anyway, I am very powerful in everything." Tao Ning looked like a child and was talking about her strengths with her friends.

But Gu Zhengchu liked it, and so did Shi Dingliang. Gu Zhengchu pretended to be serious and thought about it. "Do you have an English level eight certificate?" Tao Ning blinked and coughed a few times guiltily. "Other than this, I know everything!"

Gu Zhengchu continued, "Is the piano past level ten?" Tao Ning became a little listless again. "No, but I know how to play two tigers." "Did you get an accountant's certificate?" Tao Ning lowered her head and pinched the corner of her skirt, feeling extremely disappointed.

"No." "Then do you like me?" "Yes." Tao Ning answered the last question without thinking, but thinking about it carefully, Gu Zhengchu was trying to change the way to ask her to confess.

"Gu Zhengchu!" "Okay, okay, I know. If you like me, I can prove that you are very smart." "Really?" When Tao Ning was in school, she was always said to be a little silly and cute by others. Now she was finally praised as smart and very happy.

"It's your smartest decision to like me." "Forget it then, I don't want to like you anymore Anyway, I've always been so stupid. Hmph. " After Tao Ning got the answer, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and snorted. She decided to be more tsundere.

"Didn't you just say that you like me? You can't go back on your word." Gu Zhengchu was not satisfied with this answer, so he asked Tao Ning to repeat the answer. Tao Ning giggled. "I don't like you. Hehehe. "

Although he knew Tao Ning was a tsundere, Tao Ning's words made Gu Zhengchu very depressed. Following that, Gu Zhengchu gloomily kneaded the flour, gloomily dividing the flour into pieces, and gloomily rolled the dough.

When he was wrapping the dumplings, Gu Zhengchu suddenly stuck his head out and kissed Tao Ning. "Who told you that you don't like me? I can only like you. Don't be proud!" When Gu Zhengchu said this, he was like a tsundere little boy.

Tao Ning pursed her lips and did not let her smile spread, "Alright, don't like me too much. I will be shy." Shi Dingliang, who was at the side, clearly heard this. He lowered his head and earnestly made dumplings.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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