Chasing Her Arresting CEO

Chasing Her Arresting CEO

She would never be able to forget his unruly face. He said in a casual tone, "I can save you, but what about the price?" Yu Xi looked directly into his eyes. No matter how far apart they were, she was unable to forget the scar at the corner of her left eye. "My brother has a lot of money. I can let him repay you properly." A scornful laugh entered his ears, "I'm not lacking in money, and your brother can't give me what I want." But when she returned home and met him again, she threw herself into his arms, but he ignored her indifferently. It didn't matter, what Yu Xi lacked the least was patience. He grinned at her, and she pestered him. He was eight years older than she, and she had not experienced what he had already experienced. With him, she would have no regrets. This was the story of a woman chasing a man. What was said was only a layer of yarn to add to the collection
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