Chinese Doctors/C27 Green Passage
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Chinese Doctors/C27 Green Passage
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C27 Green Passage

Zhao Wenxin's "Medical Treasurer" program news caused the journal to be unavailable on the internet for a while.

Even the person in charge of New Mirror News who was originally strongly against Zhao Wenxin's risky actions could not help but praise her.

Zhao Wenxin's detailed report had once set off a trend and industry exemplary.

The detailed interview had even attracted many newspapers to come and learn from her.

January 23rd, Hanjiang Yi purchased the first batch of supplies and sent them to Jiang City. A total of 110,000 bags of masks were sent to provide assistance to Jiang City's medical system and Jiang City's market. In addition, Hanjiang Vegetables under Hanjiang also released the slogan, "Don't close shop, keep supplying, and don't increase the price. " They also purchased large amounts of vegetable and bird meat to ensure the stable supply of living resources for Jiang City's people during the Spring Festival.

After that, the "green channel" for the anti-epidemic of Hanjiang Logistics opened. In a short seven days, from the disinfectant, masks, protective suits that Jiang City Hospital urgently needed, to the rice and flour oil that the people of Jiang City needed, then to the office supplies and daily supplies that the construction workers of Fire God Mountain and Thunder God Mountain Hospital needed, the supply chain of Hanjiang was running non-stop, and the supplies from all over the country were flowing to the front line of the epidemic.

On the 30th of January, Hanjiang logistics had been sent to Jiangcheng Province, including disinfectant, goggles, medical trash cans, medical gloves and anti-epidemic drugs, medical masks, mattress, medical alcohol and medical chairs. Among them, there were more than 100 tons of disinfectant, 770,000 pairs of medical gloves, more than 50 tons of medical alcohol, and more than 30 tons of medical chairs and mattress supplies. The total amount of disinfectant was more than 100 tons, more than 70,000 tons of medical gloves, more than 50 tons of medical alcohol, and more than 30 tons of medical chairs and mattress supplies.

The minds of the people were tied together, and they were all in love with Jiang City. During the Spring Festival holiday, Han River donated more than 50 tons of disinfectant water to Jiang City, AO Smith to the nine hospitals in Jiang City, and other electrical supplies such as air purifiers. They provided solid protection for the hygiene of the first line of defense against the epidemic; with the help of Haier Group, they donated 100 water heaters to Jiangcheng Provincial Public Security Department. Even if the police of the 100 quarantine inspection stations on the front line were to hold their posts, They could also take a hot bath, turning the supply chain and the supply chain into a "love chain. " In addition, the police officers at the front line were also able to take a hot shower and transform the supply chain and the supply chain into a Chain of Hearts. The Hanjiang Foundation had also raised 1130,000 RMB on the 30th day of the Jan. 25th day of the month. The funds with the temperature of Hanjiang would be purchased and sent to the protesters at the front line.

As a "giant" in the vast industry, Hanjiang was also constantly searching for new "postures" to assist Jiang City and Jiang City. As early as January 25th, The PP sports under Han River announced that all sports live broadcasts were free for the entire country to watch. They opened up a new angle of "cultural aid and epidemic prevention. " The relevant person in charge of Hanjiang said: Hanjiang would continue to pay attention to the front line of the epidemic, making use of the rich industry resources under Hanjiang. They would build a solid barrier to prevent the epidemic and let the frontline members feel the temperature of the reinforcements.

Donations and donations were in the same boat, and the epidemic was currently showing the height of Han East merchants.

Disaster was merciless, and there was love in the human world. In the face of the complicated epidemic, many Han and Dong companies did not care about costs or returns. They actively donated to the epidemic area and firmly established themselves in their fields. They helped to defend against the epidemic, and they showed their love for the epidemic.

On the 30th of January, Mr. Zhou, the secretary of the Party Committee of Soybean Group, the chairman of the board of directors, and the CEO of Soybean Group, who had just returned from a business trip overseas, paid 10 million RMB of special Party fees to the Party Committee of Wuxi through the organizational department of Xishan District Committee to assist in the epidemic control.

On the 27th of January, Hengli Group in Gusu City, Handong Province, donated 100 million yuan to the Jiangcheng Charity Fund, which was specially used for the prevention of the new coronary virus in the epidemic area of Jiang City.

On January 26, Zheng Hongwei Group donated 10 million RMB to the Red Cross in Jiang City Province. At the same time, they did the preparation work of anti-infectious drugs and donated to Jiang City's medical institution according to epidemic prevention.

On the 25th of January, Hengrui Pharmaceutical Group donated a total of 5 million RMB to the Jiangcheng Charity General Headquarters (the designated donor unit for psionic infection control of Jiangcheng City) and some medical institutions. In addition to finding qualified suppliers in the country, They also urgently contacted the suppliers from Italy, England, Australia, America and other countries. They discussed the purchase of masks, goggles, protective suits, and other supplies to assist Jiang City in the front line of the epidemic. At present, a batch of supplies had been sent from UA. They rushed to the front line. . .

Donations and donations were the same, and defending the base was also the same. In this epidemic control and siege battle, In addition to donating, many companies responded to the call of epidemic control and firmly established themselves in the region and industry where the company was located. They "worked hard in secret" for epidemic control, showing the height of Han and Dong merchants in front of the epidemic.

The headquarters of Huijiang Sea, Jingzhou, was a digital service platform for rural businesses that had risen in recent years. It originated from the countryside and was established in the countryside. In this epidemic prevention and siege battle, Huijiang Sea also regarded the countryside as the "front line" that they should defend. The relevant person in charge of Huijiang Hai expressed that. . . China's rural area was vast and had a large population. However, in the face of the epidemic, the people's hygiene and epidemic awareness were often lacking. This caused the development of epidemic control in the rural areas to be somewhat difficult, and the Jianghai region needed to be well defended in the rural areas.

Currently, the Jianghai region had more than 130,000 township husband and wife shops. It covered more than 18,000 towns in China. Normally. . . They are the bridge between the market and the villagers, and now. . . They had become the "Great Wall" that would help the river and sea defend against the plague. News of the epidemic spread that more than five thousand first-line service staff in the various towns and towns across the country were communicating with the bosses of the township's membership shops and doing their work. Another special task was to publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention. They could not meet on the line. Then he changed it to online communication. They promoted epidemic prevention to rural areas.

In order to invest more anti-epidemic resources into the broad market, especially the farmers' market, Jiang Hai "racked his brains. " In order to catch up with the "last bus" before the New Year, Jianghai would work with the Sumitai light textile company. They urgently mobilized 300,000 medical masks as subsidies to the market. The person in charge of Jianghai introduced that this batch of masks was a high-antibiotic product that met the European Union's medical standards. It was originally an export product, but considering the need for the epidemic, Both parties still decided to supply this batch of goods to the public. Cargo resource mobilization, logistics distribution, webpage construction, and online promotion, the "experts" worked continuously for 15 hours. Finally, the first batch of 100,000 masks was delivered to the people before the festival. Currently, Hams and Hans were also actively raising funds for the "anti-epidemic zone. " "Although the current supply is tight, once we have the masks, disinfectant, and other anti-epidemic materials, We will provide them at a cost price, and the Jiang Hai will subsidize transportation and other expenses. We will ensure that our urban and rural consumers can buy qualified epidemic resources at a cheap price. " The person in charge said.

According to what they knew, Huijiang Hai had raised more than 1 million yuan in charity funds. Through the transfer of funds from Jiangcheng Provincial Charity Headquarters, they would be sent to the front line of Jiang City's epidemic prevention. The 200 air purifiers that were urgently mobilized would also be sent to more than 20 hospitals in Jiang City to provide more insurance for the work and life on the front line of the epidemic prevention.

Caring Han Dong merchants were not the only ones. Heartwarming measures were also not limited to this.

In this war with no smoke and smoke, at this critical moment, Han Dong Enterprise quickly responded to the call and acted voluntarily, demonstrating the spirit of Han Dong merchants in the new era. Han Dong Enterprise's full support not only helped to alleviate the pressure of the epidemic, but also helped the entire society to overcome the crisis together with Han Dong merchants.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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