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However, the ocean was not that acidic, and so the plankton shells dissolved much more slowly, without effervescence.

Even though the same sediments can also show us how global temperatures have changed over time, it explains these changes that are likely a reflection of any large effects of gases emitted by Deccan volcanoes, such as CO2.

When the fine seafloor mud found in these samples has a consistency comparable to that of toothpaste.

Which is not made of rock, like the mud we are used to on land, but of microscopic fossils of limestone plankton species that settle to the bottom of the sea after their death.”

When the simple identification of plankton embedded in the various layers of sediment on the sea floor can be an indication of the ocean's climate at the time, as some species are the equivalent of finding palm trees at the North Pole, even if those situations occurred, but chemical compositions of their shells hold even more information.

Then, ocean temperatures affected the types of carbon and oxygen isotopes that plankton incorporated into their protective shells.

By pooling data from deep-sea mud collected from around the world, the researchers came up with a re-enactment of changes in global temperatures over hundreds of thousands of years.

In an alternate reality before the total destruction of a planet from another world.

Bruce remembered that while he was enjoying his feast and his happy life, they both traveled to an alternate reality, that 88% of the population of an alternate america died of black cat disease.

Due to the climatic conditions, in alternative land 754, which was not only in the North American country, but around the whole of Europe, which followed until the end of March 2021, until the month of March 2022, to which was the biggest snow and winter wave in the history of America and Europe.

During his travels, between vaccine attempts, alternatives emerged in that dimension, more strains, mutations, combinations, variants, and fusions than humans could create a cure or vaccine.

In the course of investments and in the production of laboratories, when they created a vaccine, more than 10 variants, combinations, mutations, and strains appeared in each country, than would be capable of producing a vaccine or a cure.

As much as the three years in a row, during the winter periods, which lasted four months, over which the climate in that alternate land was affected, and what was supposed to last only three months lasted longer than two years in a row.

All of this prophesied by Groundhog Prophet Phil, predicted three consecutive years of snowy seasons that led to a new ice age, in three different seasons.

When the winter period formed a record that lasted three years and three consecutive months, in addition to torrential rain, snow, storms and gales, followed by four hurricanes in a row.

As the dead didn't take care of their money riches and didn't need money, they went to every bank around that alternative america, and took the money, at the end of two years america was taken by snow and ice, and that around did not stop for at least 4 years.

There was no period of sunshine, apart from alternating between a storm followed by periods of snow without a single sunlight, North America, the United States of America and North and South east to west Europe fell into a second ice age for four years in a row.

The disease did not let people remember that they needed money, which in contrast to the snow in Europe, which in the course of a drought that lasted more than 10 years in a row, the entire African continent of that alternative land.

With the breath of white cat sickness that made them have creaking door noises, purring cat breaths, each of the inhabitants had suffered from a drought where there was no water, and they all died.

Whose white cat disease, which caused people to dry out and look like marble stone, and spit and vomit, their bones became like marble stone.

The white cat disease in addition to spitting balls of white fur, causing their skin to crack as if trapped, frozen and petrified, being unable to move, until they turn their organs and bones into frozen marble stones.

The disease was petrifying everyone around, everyone there, being incapable of being broken, it was the creaking stone cats of metal and stone, with cracked skin, which had spread to every country on the African continent.

In a space of 3 to 4 years in a row, the entire African race was extinguished, transformed into marble stone whose blood froze, dried and became like crystallized cat sand, in the midst of houses and the desert of stone and sand, which was known .

All the times that were times when more than 3,000 people died around all of Greece, 3,000 people a day, died all over Italy because of the snow, and the consequences and complications caused because of the effect of the snow.

All of this had a 4-year period with more than 3,000 deaths each month during the winter period in Europe and the African summer, which caused it to eliminate from the land the European race and the African race, which lasted the ice age in the Europe, and the winter of a drought on the African continent.

What remained, not to mention an American pandemic, a contagious and virulent disease, little by little between coughs.

Called black cat disease, which leaves a person with sores, ulcers, black pustules, black cat disease, which left people with gangrenous hands and feet.

White cat disease calls that left everyone petrified as dry and like marble petrified and dead, frozen.

Whose extremities turn black, capable of being unable to breathe, needing to be amputated arms and legs, with the breath of cat purrs.

Everyone was vomiting black slime vomiting pieces of molten organs, with balls of blood and black pus, cat scratching noises, door creaking.

Black cat disease causing more than 4 million victims, whose disease evolved into the Persian cat version, with pustules, and created 12 variants, 12 combinations, 12 mutations, 12 strains, in each US state, died after 12 days contaminated.

The same thing happened with the white cat disease, but it created 13 combinations, 13 mutations, 13 strains, and 13 variants, whose hairball caused them to die within 13 days of becoming infected.

Spreading and contaminating all states of the United States of America, the disease began to cause mutations and strains, in the middle of the American ice age, people suffered accidents, causing eight feet of snow, and killed 3,000 people a day.

The same was true of the fact that millions of people in every country on the African continent died until their definitive extinction, extinguishing the African race.

It arose around four countries such as New Zealand, United Kingdom, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Germany to which each of these countries emerged 12 variants, 12 combinations, 12 strains and 12 mutations that created cat variations of the Persian cat disease.

In Israel, appearing in a space of 3 weeks to a month in the month of February to May appeared more than 12 variants, 12 combinations, 12 strains and 12 mutations, of variants of bald cat diseases.

What made people lose their body hair, and keep vomiting and a mixture of the white cat and the black cat;

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