C3 1.3

There were descendants of families of kings and courts deposed by so many ministers who usurped power, ministers and envious kings, who sought to rise in power, subjugating their people and oppressed by some rulers. attorneys.

There were those who opposed their executioners and royal and political opponents, and looked for alliances that could support them against other forces, in defenses that took away arguments, and internal conspiracies of royal courts.

That sometimes abusing political capital, in addition to antagonists and corrupt policies, without predictable and stable policy management.

They were in mind, that by questioning the governance of each one of them, being that the whole wave of aliens who were deposed and who wanted to usurp power because they believed they would do better, yes, all these races and aliens were looking for their support.

Oppressed peoples, resistance leaders, administrative councils, ministers and priests, were there for practically a week of negotiations, among countless potential allies, who took advantage of their weaknesses and wanted some of them to usurp power.

When they were being financed and supported, towards a coup d'état, and not happy with the way they ruled, some of them were directly involved.

They knew that, directly with the discovery of the lack of food and sources of progress, they were covering up that their planets were dying, a consequence of the overexploitation of natural resources.

In the end, in just over a year, all of them, in some respects, would be dying, they were running out of natural resources, without a source of farming or life.

Selenian went to probe each of these worlds in turn, would not have anyone who would not deny the influence of the priests, with the visit of the priest, recruiting the new allies.

The race of Gordanians, in addition to the Garpadus, was a great civilization located southeast of Jardanius, a continent on the planet Karnatus, coming from the Vega system.

Using that lack of resources, his former glory, he didn't always seem willing to accept his own casualties.

It was then, that they agreed to bargain, accepting Selenian's requests, seeing as the meetings progressed, that there were not many choices regarding Selenian's choices and requests, who dedicated his time, making his requests and charging for alliances.

The planet Karnatus, which was colonized just over 4,000 years ago, after the end of a war, as much as it did in a previous war, when they migrated to other planets in the midst of a war of hunger and disease.

At first when they colonized the planet Karnatus, not even the planet Thalarandus, didn't even exist yet, what would the priests do, besides the promise made by Selenian, which left everyone there with doubt as to what he would do to bring them back, beyond of a formation earth?

Taking advantage of the mistrust and discontent of various races in relation to their rulers, there were many questions about the economy and unhappiness arising from ideas and decisions not favorable to their planets, with that Selenian took advantage of this, and demanded his own conquests and advice.

This alliance, not only because of the lack of food, was gathering interested in an alliance among the priests of Um-Mu who kept themselves exiled for ages on the planets of Zarathanis.

During years of war and slavery that brought the near extinction of each of the nearby galaxies, among the exiles of the priests who recently sent an ally in one of the cycles of the so-called 200-year blood moons.

Each of the planets is facing an unprecedented drought, the ones left over from the former Sunamoon empire, who were former allies of the Gorda.

Even though several planets face similar problems.

If they do not resolve this, for a short time, in addition to hunger, there would be war, in addition to war, there would be invasions and slavery, so that in the end, extinction.

Their culture grew up among the captured slaves, but they hadn't had that thought since the beginning, as each of the planets was spread across the planets of the Vega system.

The Drew-Dex system was practically formed from rocks of what were once planets with life and prosperity, and later used for exploration and mining, until all its resources were exhausted.

This planet was not only explored by the Gordanians, but everyone in the Vega system explored the planets of the Drew-Dex system, which was fertile, numerous natural strongholds, and abundant water sources.

Just over 5,000 years ago those 33 planets that were used as sources of natural resources until they dried up.

Of course, in addition to resources, there were many other races, and an abundance of prosperity, animals, feuds of some dominant races, green, and flora, in addition to an abundant thriving fauna, which were depleted, and due to exploitation without control.

In the end, they came to an end, with that, many races spread to other planets, many reached their extinction, but not before causing an interplanetary war, between various systems, between famine, pestilence and disease, came the invasions. , but nothing prevented its extinction

When it was reported to Selenian of his colleague Tandur, who learned that those 33 planets were used and explored until dry, it was the creation of a deity.

They were left behind in exile and left at the gates of famine, it was a paradise each of those planets among the planets, but it came to an end, yes there were some survivors of each of those races, which were scattered across other solar systems .

Chapter 03

Many joined other races, exiled themselves in the Dianuras galaxies, which formed a clustered galaxy of 14 planets of exiles and refugees, some as many survivors across the distant planets of the Darunazin galaxies.

There were many wartime exiles from the former Republic from a planet called Faking, their former glory forgotten.

The so-called planet Delura that was originally from Gordanians, and from the first generation of kings before reaching its extinction, between a war that reached the end of the planet's life and the migration to the Vega system.

That galaxy was formed by 33 planets whose countless resources, ores, stones and gems, that appeared and were mined, all that, until it was reduced to a rock that was close to the planet of Terramorha.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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