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C6 Chapter 6


(Crescent Moon's Pack)

Asher's point of view

I walked out from the Witches’ quarters. I just concluded my usual training exercise with Aunt Neela and Uncle Benjamin had left with Aunt Rhona for the Circle's meeting in Nevada. Once I reached my room, I showered and got dressed in casual jeans and a black tee shirt that displayed part of my tattoo on my arms and neck. It was evening already. I walked to the Packhouse.

"Hey Asher!" Amy hopped to me, linking her arms to mine. She was finely dressed in a short lavender single-strap dress. She had makeup on and looked like a doll on display. "Ooh. Stop drooling. You are giving me the butterflies"

She fake-slapped my hard rock chest, jokingly. Then Eric, Enzo, Carl, and Louis came up to us. They were smartly dressed. I raised my brows. Was I missing something?

Their confusion was etched on their faces as well.

"Am I missing something?" I asked, confused.

"What are you wearing man?!" Daryl came up behind us. He was perfectly dressed as well and what was that scent? I blinked at him.

"You're wearing a cologne?"

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, sheepishly. "You never know when I'll find my mate. I gotta be prepared when that happens" He shrugged coolly.

Everyone laughed at his silliness. But his remark caused nausea in my guts. At the mention of the spoken word 'mate'. I felt something in me stretch, a devious snickering erupting at the back of my mind. A deathly pain zapped through my head and I felt my darkness fight for control. His conviction was strong. I closed my eyes concentrating, drawing in calming breaths to keep him locked up. I didn't know the strength in my body was crushing poor Amy in my arms.

"Fuck it. You're crushing me, Asher!" Her breathless yell snapped me back to reality and everyone had their eyes on me.

"Asher----Are you alright?" Daryl calmly strode to my side. I knew my eyes now fluttered between its usual emerald green eyes and bright cognac brown eyes. It belonged to my demon. I pull myself in control. Sighing deeply. I met everyone's concerned gazes. A cool smile played on my lips and I kept my demeanor neutral and expressionless.

"I'm fine guys" I turned to Amy, pulling her closer to me. "Are you alright?"

She nodded with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"So are you wearing that to the party?" Louis pointed out flatly. I furrowed my eyes, remembering Malia's birthday party at the club.

"Dang it! He forgot" Enzo said.

"Give me a second to change." Pinching the skin on my forehead, I headed back to the mansion

"We'll be at the Pack's bar" I heard Eric yell behind me.

Quickly I changed into proper clothes and grabbed a leather black jacket to go with it. I met them at the bar.

"And the birthday girl?" I asked, noting Malia, Karla, and Shirley's absence.

"The girls are prepping her up," Daryl replied. We ordered some drinks and chugged it down.

In perfect timing, Malia walked in with Shirley and Kayla. Everyone fell into a deep silence as she walked to our usual spot in the bar. I gulped down the remaining drink in my mouth. I had never imagined Malia could look this feminine, beautiful, and hot. I don't think any of us thought so.

"Holy fucking hell! Where's Malia and what did you do to her?" Louis was the first to speak.

Malia rolled her eyes, moving her perfect black lashes. Shirley and Kayla did one hell of a job. She wore black skinny jeans that gripped her legs, trailing her perfect curve. She often hides under baggy pants and workout clothes. It was paired with a single-strap cropped top that tugged at her full chest. Her shoulder-length brown hair was transformed as well into perfect curls.

"Malia!" Amy couldn't hide her elation. "My sweetheart is all grown up" She reached Malia for a hug. But stopped halfway at Malia's deathly stare.

"Touch me and you die!" She ordered a drink and took a swig from it. Everyone still stared at her. "Seriously guys! Enough with the stares. Are we going to this dumb party or not?"

"With you looking as hot as fuck, yeah we will!" Eric was up on his feet. We strolled out of the bar when suddenly, Uncle Mitch and Uncle Sam ambled to us. They both wore a sour expression.

I felt an uneasiness within me. A bad feeling. It worsened when Uncle Mitch leveled his gaze on me.

"Is something wrong?" Theo queried, with similar concern in his voice.

"We've got some bad news" Uncle Mitch never moved his eyes from me. I held my breath awaiting his next words.

"It's from home, Asher" My eyes shot up instantly. What must have happened?

"Alpha Luca is sick. He's dying"


I had always imagined coming back home for the first time in twelve years. It had played over and over in my mind. But frankly, I never imagined coming back with the news that the Alpha was dying. Uncle Mitch didn't share much insight on that. I had a lot of questions grazing my mind. But for now, I focused on the bright glow that radiated in the air. It began to grow like a wildfire when Aunt Neela began muttering some chants. She was using her magic to transport us instantly to the Black Blood Pack in Beaverton, Oregon.

I held my breath and watched intently as Aunt Neela wriggled her fingers through the crispy shuddering air. The bright light encamped my vision and it felt like the ground beneath my feet trembled. Slowly, my surroundings began to flicker, almost as if it was dissipating. Before I knew it, my sight fell on the familiar building that stood a few miles away. It was exactly like I remembered, but the outlook of the Packhouse had been remodeled. It looked pretty decent and modern.

Thudding steps approached us. I recognized Uncle Hendrick, the Alpha's ever-capable Beta. He wore a large smile that exposed his set of white clean teeth.

I turned to Aunt Neela's warm touch on my shoulder. "Take care Asher" She sent out a warm smile, giving me an embrace.

In a puff, she disappeared. Leaving me with Uncle Hendrick and a group of the Pack's warriors flocking behind him. I didn't recognize any of them.

They halted before me. Uncle Hendrick's smile was flourishing. The group of warriors tailing behind him dropped their heads down in a respectful bow.

"Asher!" He gave me a shoulder-arm hug. It was warm and honestly, I craved one desperately. "It's good to have you back son"

I gave a chin-to-chin smile. "It's good to be back"

As we moved closer to the Pack's mansion it was strictly for the Alpha family and high-ranking officials. A sharp shrill pierced through my ears. Suddenly, a figure raced out from the mansion doors, running towards me. It took a while to identify the figure.

"Lyra?" I scrunched my brows up in wonder and amazement. Stefan, Wren, and Dorian whom I recognized tailed behind her.

When she was an inch close to me. She leaped in the air and landed instantly in my arms.

I wrapped her in my arms, swinging her from side to side. Fuck as shit! When did she get this big?

"Asher!" Her hands tightened around my neck and we stood in a comforting silence. I ignored the subtle growls emitting from a very over-possessive Stefan. He was Lyra's mate. They only realized they were each other's mates a few months ago when they turned eighteen. Well, everyone kind of knew that already. Before I was sent to New Orleans, Stefan had always been protective of Lyra, even with me. They grew up being close, especially during the years I was absent.

When Lyra and I pulled apart, I took the liberty to explore her beautiful features. My baby sister was all grown up. Technically, we were of the same age. I was only a few months older than her, but I'd still like to think of her as my baby sister. She was the best gift my father gave to me by adopting her years ago after her parents passed away. She was only three then.

"Fuck Lyra when did you get so big?" I teased her, earning a punch from her. The last time I saw her was three years ago, she had visited me with Stefan and Uncle Hendrick in New Orleans at the Crescent Moon's Pack.

She rolls her eyes. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ever still taunting Asher." She joked. I looked at the guys. Pulling them in for a hug.

"I missed you guys!" I hugged Stefan. He was my future beta. Next in line to his father, Uncle Hendrick. Dorian was my future delta and Wren was just like me. Or at least, I was half of what he was. He was a demon from Luna Lucia's side. His family moved into the Pack around the time Mum became the Luna of our Pack.

Lyra pulled my attention back to her. "You look different Asher. I guess more manly. What's up with the tattoos though?"

I shook my head, noting her sudden pausing. "It's good to have you back brother" Her words were low. It came out in a whisper. I stared into her chocolate deep eyes and it had already welled up in tears. The sight broke my heart. I pulled her into a warm embrace. Burying my head into her soft and smooth brown hair.

"He's dying, Asher. Dad is dying. His wolf has died and the Pack's doctor said he'll barely last a month." She hiccupped the words, sniffling into my black, halfway button-down shirt.

"I know" was all I could say. I hadn't yet come to terms with that horrible truth. "It'll be alright Ly." I gently rubbed her back in a small circle.

She got hold of her emotions, and her eyes stared back into my emerald green stones. "He's been missing you for years, Asher. Dad just can't say it but he really did miss you and loves you" I understood why she was saying this. But honestly, I didn't believe that.

I simply nodded to her. We made our way inside the pack house.

Calmly, I headed to the top floor of the mansion. Lyra left me when we reached the hallway of the Alpha's room. She sent an encouraging smile at me before leaving.

I walked up to his room. My hand resting on the doorknob. I inhaled deeply. I didn't know what I was doing at all. I didn't even know what I'd say to the man who was my father. Our relationship had always been estranged all my life. Now coming back didn't exactly feel right. I sighed, resting my head on the door.

"Do you just plan on standing there?" The voice startled me. I recognized it sharply. It belonged to Alpha Luca, my father. I summoned the strength to go inside. The room was as dark as night itself. I looked around trying to make out the inside when a torch flickered on at a corner where his bed stood.

"Sorry about that. I just prefer the darkness that's all" I moved closer to his bedside. Unsure why he was apologizing and what I was supposed to utter in response. So I chose to say nothing instead.

I roved over to the edge of the bed. The flickering light from the torch illuminated his large bulky body on the bed. Involuntary, I halted in my tracks. That was not the man I knew as my father. The bulky and domineering Alpha of the Black Blood Pack. That wasn't him. I didn't know my true emotions had betrayed me.

Dad chuckled. At least he tried to. But instead, it turned into a killer series of coughs. "I'm guessing my appearance is quite shocking to you"

I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a joke or a statement.

I walked closer. My deep emerald green eyes took in every piece of him. Dad had lost some weight over the last twelve years. His skin was now a palish white. His face was smeared with scattered beards that gave him a shabby look. Had he been living in a fucking cave these last years? I felt enraged that the Alpha of the Pack looked like this. What in the goddess’ name have the servants been doing? His jet-black hair looked like it hadn't been combed for ages. Finally, my green eyes locked with a pair of familiar green eyes I inherited from him. He seemed to be observing me as well.

I collapsed on the bed. "What happened to you?" I held back the biting tears that ran to the surface of my emotions. I didn't expect that to be the first thing I said. But the sight was unappealing.

His weary smile broke me. "I ask myself every single day" He spoke as though his thoughts had wandered away.

Suddenly, his emerald green eyes locked with mine again. And for the briefest seconds, it felt like we were having a silent communication that had never happened in my life.

His facial features soften more. "You grew up well. Is that all you or the Alpha have been working you up in the gym" Sluggishly, he pointed at my broad shoulders and all those muscles.

I released a bitter short laughter. "This is all me" Dad released a series of laughter too. And I found myself laughing at the rhythm as well. Surprisingly, I felt relieved. Like the pain and rage I had always harbored against this man had dissipated into nothingness. The serenity was soothing, even though it only lasted for a short sweet second. Because everything was back the second after. My expression became hardened. And so did he.

We stared at each other blankly in silence. He then leaned forward.

"The past few months haven't been easy for me…" He paused as if thinking hard. "No. Longer than that….." He gulped some air. And the usual guilt rode over me. "My life fell into shambles the day I lost Lucia." He breathed deeply. I knew it was a failed attempt to quell the shimmering waters that enveloped his eyes. "When I lost her. I lost a part of me…" He didn't bother to wipe off the tears cascading down his crumpled cheekbones. "I lost the man I used to be, son. But I knew what I did was wrong. I swear I didn't mean to, but I guess my actions seemed like I blamed you for Lucia's death…."

I caged the shimmering waters in my eyes, withstanding its hotness that burned my sockets. I listened to him, nonetheless.

"..... I'm sorry. I'm sorry son…" Dad rubbed his scattered beards, avoiding eye contact. "It took me twelve years to say this. I'm sorry. Lucia would hate me completely. But I didn't know how to deal with your mother's death. I didn't know how to be the father you deserved and the father she wanted me to be. That's why I thought you'd do better at the Crescent Moon's Pack. I'm sorry for making you believe all these years that I hated you"

I could see the pain embedded in his orbs. I had longed for those words for almost all my life. Hearing them now lifted a huge burden off my shoulders. But the burden of guilt remained. And the truth was I killed my mother. The darkness in me did. And I knew that much and wouldn't kid myself. For years at the Crescent Moon Pack, Uncle Benjamin had taught me control over my inner demon. But that was something I could never really accomplish. The darkness in me was way more powerful. It screamed death and craved blood. It killed my mother that night. Its darkness was more powerful than hers, so it ended up consuming her and killing her.

Through my glassy vision, I saw Dad's rough hands clasp mine. "I'm sorry son"

I nodded to him. Holding back my tears. "I'm sorry too Dad," I told him. I'm sorry for killing the woman who meant everything to you. More than ever I wished I never found my destined mate. It would be for the best if I never met her.

For her sake. At the thought of my destined mate, I felt the demon that stretched from the deepest cave in my soul. A dark menacing chuckle echoed. And his loud whispers sent a threatening chill down my spine.

'I want her blood!'

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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