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C13 New Landlord

Sun Caan proudly stroked his beard. "If you're smart enough to let go of my nephew and hand over the girl behind you, I might even help you beg for mercy. Maybe the Lord Fifth will spare you."

"Hong Wu?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. "The old man wouldn't do anything to me."

"You!" Sun Caan flushed with fury. "You really are arrogant! Let's see how long you'd stay like this when his guards come in."

As soon as the words slipped past his lips, three burly men came rushing over. "Who dares to pretend as if he's someone from the Shen Family?"

His gaze lit up. "Brother Scar!" Sun Caan clapped his hands together excitedly. "He's the one! He even spoke against the Fifth Master! Don't let him get away with it."

"Who? Who dares insult him?"

"That's him!" Sun Caan pointed at the man in front of him. "He even calls himself the owner of this mansion. Don't you think he's going too far? If someone like—"

His words echoed across the street, but even then, no one noticed the way the burly men shivered. Even the aggressive Scar couldn't help but bow his head as if he were some sort of primary school student.

"Come on. Cripple this guy—"

"Are you crazy?"

Scar's roar was the last thing Sun Caan heard before he was thrown to the ground. His fake tooth came flying as his cheek reddened from the impact.

Before he could say anything, one of the burly men pressed his heel against his chest. "You really don't know what you're talking about," he spat. "How dare you disrespect Mr. Ye?"

Last night, he had almost been beaten to death by Ye Chen. He even heard the way his boss had talked with the Young Madame. Scar had been looking for a way to apologize for the miscommunication, and this bastard was going to drag him into another fight with him?

Sun Caan froze. "What?"

"This man is the distinguished guest of the Shen Family!" Scar emphasized, gritting his teeth. "It was my boss who personally gave this villa to him, and you dared to pit us against each other?"

Sun Caan felt his entire chest tightening. "I...I didn't know!" He coughed out. But Ye Chen just appeared so...ordinary? There was no way this man would be rich! How—

"Old man, you really are tired of living!" Scar didn't hold back as he kicked the old man over and over again. "Mr. Ye, what should we do to these idiots?"

Ye Chen didn't even spare them a second glance. "Break their legs, and send them away."

He retreated back to his home where Liu Bingyao came racing after. "You will live here from now on," he said. "No one will go against you."


Hearing his declaration, Liu Bingyao lowered her head. The corners of her lips inched upwards.

However, before either of them could say a word, Ye Chen's phone rang out once again. He slowly picked up his phone, and Bai Xiaoxuan's voice sounded from the other end of the line.

"Ye Chen, have you forgotten to come over?"

"I forgot. I'll be there in a while." He hung up right after.

Bai Xiaoxuan gritted her teeth.

"How dare he hang up on you?" Bi Hongjing scowled. "After what happened in the engagement banquet, he even had the face to come through that door! How dare he? He couldn't even compare to the Lee Family!"

Bai Shuhe frowned. "Don't say that anymore."

Although he said this, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. It was no secret that he and Ye Nian were blood brothers, but even then, having connections with the Lee Family was something he didn't like to lose. They controlled several of the big hotels in Haicheng!

He had thought about revoking the marriage, especially after seeing Ye Chen last night. Now, the impulse was even greater.

If they were related to the Lee Family, they would be able to fly like phoenixes. Off to a greater path!

So many thoughts lingered in his mind, but he still sighed. "Ye Chen isn't that bad," he comforted his wife. "If he works hard, he may be as powerful as Lee Yueze someday."

"You think that person would become like the son of the Lee Family?"

"I don't believe it!"

"Let's just observe," Bai Shuhe said. "Ye Chen has just arrived, and you're already clamoring to cancel the engagement. Do you want me to save face or not? What would his father think of me?"

"Is he really that important?"

"You know how he saved my life back then."

Bai Xiaoxuan sighed. She and Ye Chen had grown up together since they were young. However, no matter how she looked at it, Lee Yueze was still a hundred times better than him.

She remembered how Ye Chen sent over a wooden sculpture he had personally carved himself. She had excitedly shown it off to her friends, only for them to laugh at her.

Now, all she knew were branded bags and perfumes. They were all the gifts that Lee Yueze had given her, and he had even taken her to the best hotel to celebrate her birthday.

Ye Chen's carefully carved sculpture was thrown straight into the bin. He was no longer the same person she had idolized over. Not anymore.


Ye Chen did not know that Bi Jinghong had completely blamed him for ruining the engagement banquet. He drove the Rolls-Royce given by the Shen Family to Bai Xiaoxuan's residential area.

Just as he parked the car, he saw a brand new Audi driving toward him.

The car stopped.

The car opened and Chen Fang stepped out of the car. "You know, a dog shouldn't stand in the way of its owner." He sneered. "If I hadn't reacted fast enough, I would've killed you."

"By what? Your Audi?"

"This car is worth more than a million yuan. It's nothing to me, but to someone like you—bet you never drove anything like this before."

In fact, Chen Feng was still suffering from a headache over the loan he made of more than two million yuan. His parents wouldn't give him the money to buy another one.

This A8 was newly bought by a friend of his. He only borrowed it to save face.

"Aren't you afraid it would burn again?"

Chen Feng scowled. "You better not be cursing me, you asshole!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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