Strongest Immortal Emperor in City/C20 Reinforcements Have Arrived
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Strongest Immortal Emperor in City/C20 Reinforcements Have Arrived
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C20 Reinforcements Have Arrived

Shen Mengyue ran her hand through the strands of her hair. As soon as she heard about the incident with the Cheng Family, she immediately thought of Ye Chen.

Even the major families from Yanjing had to give the Cheng Family some face.

Ye Chen was either courageous or an idiot. How could he be this arrogant?

However, she couldn't just ignore this matter. From what she had gotten out of the people who had left, Ye Chen was able to kill three of the great guardians of the Cheng Family in an instant!

Maybe the future of the Shen Family was in his hands after all.

"What did you say? I can't hear you clearly."

Shen Mengyue was silent for a while before saying, "Mr. Ye, I know of your abilities, but you've never come into contact with the men from the Sunan Province. Maybe you don't know what kind of person Cheng Potian is."

"He is the grandson of Cheng Boxuan himself. The three guardians of the Cheng Family couldn't even lift a pinky finger against him. While you are powerful, you are still young. You're no match for him."

"Are you done?"

Ye Chen wasn't listening to her at all.

He must be too busy celebrating. With a sigh, she shook her head. "Forget it. I'll send someone over right now. We'll try our best to sneak you out unharmed," she said. "Please don't act recklessly."

"Don't meddle in my affairs." Ye Chen scowled.

He didn't even give her a chance to speak as he hung up the phone.

Suddenly, the elevator doors opened and a group of people came rushing in.

Cheng Hongguang glanced over to see that they were the security guards from the Golden Leaf Club. These men were no match for his opponent.

"Young Master, we're late!"

Twenty-eight of his burly guards bowed their heads. They all had wild looks in their eyes as if they were ready to jump him.

"This is none of your business." He waved his hand. "Go down."

What? What was their boss trying to say?

Cheng Hongguang narrowed his eyes. "What are you all standing here for? Go down."

The burly guards all shared a look. While they didn't understand what was going on, they all left one after the other.

Ye Chen took a sip from his glass and smiled. He had to give Cheng Hongguang some credit there. If these people were to go against him now, they'd all just be knocking on death's door.

"Kid," he finally said. "I'm curious as to how you plan to end this. Do you really think you're untouchable?"

"Did I ask you to speak?"

Cheng Hongguang was stunned for a moment before he chuckled. "I'm not sure if you understand the gravity of the situation," he said. "I'm concerned for you. There are so many more powerful people in the world. Their strength is unimaginable."

He continued, "My great-grandfather is one of those people. He could be the only one standing on the battlefield against 10,000 men and he still won!"

Ye Chen didn't answer him. Instead, he stood up and slowly walked toward the suited man. "Cheng Hongguang, let me ask you a question."

"Ask away."

"Cheng Potian. Is he coming?"


How did he know? Has someone tipped him off?

However, even if there was someone who had tipped him off, there was nothing to worry about. With a huge commotion such as this, it was only understandable that everyone knew of the news. His broad smile widened.

Was he scared now that he had known his Third Uncle was coming for him?

"He's coming." His eyes sparkled. "Why? Are you having second thoughts?"

"Would you say he's strong?"

Cheng Hongguang burst into laughter. "Listen, kid, he's ranked third in the Cheng Family—second to my uncle and great-grandfather. Even then, facing you is considered child's play." He raised his hand. "Just one hand of his could kill you on the spot."

While his father wasn't as good at martial arts due to his business specialization, his uncle was. Even his great-grandfather had praised his potential.

"One hand?" Ye Chen shrugged. "Can he give it his all?"

"What did you say?"

Cheng Hongguang smiled. "Trust me. You wouldn't want to see what he's truly capable of. Third Uncle, having no wife and son, treats me like his own kid. There was once one expert who was so much stronger than you who had tried to kidnap me. Uncle crushed his bones to pieces."


Ye Chen tilted his head. "So, you must be very important to him."

"Of course I am! I'm the future heir of the Cheng Family." He crossed his arms. Even then, he couldn't deny the weird feeling in his stomach. "If you dare touch me, the entire—"


A shrill scream echoed across the hallway. Everyone watched in horror as Ye Chen pulled the older man up. With a flick of his hand, Cheng Hongguang's legs broke.

Blood pooled underneath him as the man fell onto the floor.

"Then maybe he'd be able to use his strength now."


The entire building was silent. Only Cheng Hongguang's miserable cries filled the air. All the influential officials began to tremble.

While they were all cruel, most of them achieved their goals by playing in the dark. None of them dared attack a member of the Cheng Family directly!

Now that this man had broken the legs of the Young Master of the Cheng Family, it was like everything else was fair game.

It was a pot-bellied man who had broken the tension. Screaming, he ran toward the elevator and disappeared from everyone's sight.

So many more people followed him one after the other. However, as soon as the elevator doors opened, they were stunned into silence.

A group of men in black walked out of the elevator. The one in the lead had a cold expression as he held a bloody head in his hand.

It was the head of the man who had just run out.

The Cheng Family had come.

Now, they must clear the place and eliminate anyone here!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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