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C6 Young Master Lee

Bai Xiaoxuan anxiously pushed the door open and rushed out. On the other side, Lee Jinwei was also frightened by the blazing fire in front of her and she pushed the door open to escape.

However, Chen Feng was still sitting in the car and looking at the front of the burning car with a face full of shock. He felt very uncomfortable. This was a newly bought car! Why did it combust out of nowhere?!

Not only did he spend a million for down payment, but he also carried a loan of more than two million yuan with interest for it!

After regaining his senses, Chen Feng panicked and immediately jumped out of the car before he moved frantically to the car trunk, in search for a fire extinguisher. Taking ahold of the fire extinguisher in his hand, he rushed to the front of the car to extinguish the raging fire.

However, how could a small fire extinguisher stop the burning power of a whole tank of gasoline?

Even after Chen Feng sprayed the entire bottle of extinguisher, the flame was not affected at all.

At the sight of the fire spreading and burning into the cockpit, Chen Feng broke down completely. He knelt on the ground and wailed loudly, "My car! My car! My insurance doesn't take effect until midnight! What should I do!"

Lee Jinwei hurriedly went up to pull him and persuaded him, "Brother Feng, the car is destroyed and we can’t do anything. We can still buy another one again. Let's go further away first. It will be dangerous if the car explodes!"

In a fit of despair and anger, Chen Feng pushed her to the ground and scolded angrily, "You don't understand! I borrowed nearly two million yuan for this car. I need to pay 2.5 million yuan with interest! 2.5 million!"

Hearing this, Lee Jinwei subconsciously asked, "Didn't you say that this car was bought with full money..."

Chen Feng had already broken down at this moment. He did not care about the exposed truth behind his lie anymore as he knelt in front of the car and cried. He was very upset in his heart.

Why did he have to buy such an expensive car?!

Why did he have to buy a car and come to Lee Jinwei?

Now that the car was burned down and the insurance did not take effect, it was equivalent to him owing more than 2 million yuan for absolutely nothing! Wasn't this the same as taking his life? If his parents found out about this, wouldn't they break his legs?

Ye Chen looked at Chen Feng's broken appearance and sneered in his heart,

‘Chen Feng, what would you do if you can't even endure such a small thing? This was only the beginning!’

Thinking of this, he released another wave of Spiritual Qi.

Immediately after, the Mercedes-Benz exploded with a loud bang. A large ball of fire burst out from it and the flame shot towards Chen Feng who was still kneeling near. In an instant, his hair and eyebrows were burned. The clothes on his body also adhered to his skin and his body was blown backwards by the erupting force, causing him to roll on the ground in pain.

His miserable state scared Bai Xiaoxuan and Lee Jinwei.

Lee Jinwei hurriedly took out her phone and called 120 while Bai Xiaoxuan stood there at a loss of what to do. She looked at Ye Chen, only to find that Ye Chen's face was indifferent as if he did not care nor was bothered by this kind of accident at all.

She did not understand how Ye Chen could be so cold and calm. A living person had been burned so badly and he did not even frown.

At this time, Ye Chen spoke up, "Bai Xiaoxuan, we are going to be late for our engagement banquet if we do not set out right now."

Bai Xiaoxuan pointed at Chen Feng on the ground and said, not knowing what to do, "But he..."

Ye Chen only said expressionlessly, "You don't want your parents to wait too long, do you?"

Then, he looked at Lee Jinwei and said, "Stay here with your boyfriend. We'll take a taxi to the hotel."

Lee Jinwei’s expression was in disbelief as she blurted out, "Why are you so heartless? At least, you have to send brother Feng to the hospital first!"

With a cold chuckle, Ye Chen said, "He is not my boyfriend. Why should I send him to the hospital? Besides, it's just a light burn. He won't die from it."

He stopped a taxi and asked Bai Xiaoxuan, "Are you going or not?"

Bai Xiaoxuan helplessly sighed and turned to Lee Jinwei. "Jinwei, my family and friends are waiting at the hotel. I cannot delay any longer. If you need help, just call me, okay?"

Lee Jinwei could only nod her head. "Alright, then. You go first. I will wait for the ambulance to come and take brother Feng to the hospital. Then, I will come there to find you as soon as possible."

Seeing Bai Xiaoxuan get into the car, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth slightly curled up.

He had just started to collect the debt, but it felt good to collect the interest first!

On the way, Ye Chen did not speak to Bai Xiaoxuan at all as he looked out of the window. The atmosphere in the car was a little awkward for Bai Xiaoxuan, but to Ye Chen, it was pretty good since Bai Xiaoxuan didn’t make any noise.

The taxi arrived at the destination very quickly. Outside, there were the neon lights, shining with five dazzling big words - Glorious Hotel.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed. This was the place where he had lost everything in his previous life.

However, this was also the beginning of his happy revenge in this life!

As one of the rare five-star hotels in Haicheng, the decoration of the Glorious Hotel could naturally be said to be extremely luxurious. Those who were invited to the top floor were all rich and powerful people.

On the top floor, the person, who was the center of attention, was naturally the young master of the Lee family, Lee Yueze.

Because the Glorious Hotel was the property of the Lee family,

Bai Xiaoxuan even chose to hold the engagement banquet at Lee Yueze's hotel. This had to be said that it was a blatant irony.

As soon as the two of them came upstairs, Lee Yueze walked towards them.

The moment Bai Xiaoxuan saw him, she immediately left Ye Chen behind and quickly walked up to him with a smile, "Yueze, I'm back."

Lee Yueze's gaze had always been focused on Ye Chen with a hint of animosity in his eyes. Clearly, he had recognized Ye Chen as Bai Xiaoxuan's fiancé.

His eyes were filled with provocation and threat, as if he was announcing to Ye Chen that Bai Xiaoxuan was his woman.

Ye Chen ignored him and walked straight into the hall to greet a middle-aged man who looked calm and dignified.

"Uncle Bai, I'm here."

This man was Bai Xiaoxuan's father, Bai Shuhe.

In his previous life, Bai Shuhe's attitude towards him was not bad at all though he did not care a bit about the impoverished and miserable him after everything that had happened. However, he and Ye Chen's father were old friends. So, he did not want to treat him coldly for his father's sake.

"Good, good. It's good that you're here." Bai Shuhe smiled when he saw him. He looked at Ye Chen with a kind of loving gaze which one had towards his own son.

At this stage, it could be said that he still had a good impression of his future son-in-law.

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